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Archaeologist/Environmental Planner
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This is my real name to people on the net!
Have over 100 anime series. Finished my BA degree in 4 years. Oh ya, killed many bad guys in RPGing!
Anime Fan Since
1994 and still going strong
Favorite Anime
Fushigi Yuugi, Escaflowne, X, Vampire Hunter D, All Studio Ghibli, Hana-Kimi, The Twelve Kingdoms, Fruits Basket, Ranma1/2 and many more
Working in a museum as a curator
RPGing, Drawing, Painting, Collecting Keychains
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Monday, June 6, 2005
A little sad
Hey everyone, if anyone actually comes to my page. :-(
Well life has been heck in my house. I moved back home and have been doing ok. Decided to take another week off before starting the horrible paper and that was a bad idea. Because the past week has been a little relaxing until Thursday.
Thursday, I went to Laflin to gamble and have fun, but instead helped my sister move away from her horrible husband, and now she's getting a divorce which is good, but she is going to live at home. WITH the 10 month only baby. Can we say crying, crying, crying!!!!
My life also changed with my getting rid of a lot of old material objects. My mom decided to have a garage sale and I'm going to adding a lot of stuff. I'm hoping for 100 to 200 dollars. However, my mom just wants to get rid of stuff and is going to be saling some stuff for 25 cents, 50 cents and 1 dollar. Oh-well, everything should work out.
Hopefully someone will leave a response this time. I'm hoping to be able to leave responses too but I have limited time on the internet again, until I can see if my wireless is able to pick up someone elses in the neighborhood. Please let it get something!
Well, today's picture is from Kiki's Delivery Service. Another goodie from Studio Ghibli. Don't forget June 10 is the release for the Howling Castle!

Ja Ne
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Friday, May 27, 2005
Happy Memorial Day
Hey Everyone,
I hope that you have a great weekend and get lots of sun!!! I'm planning to go and see my grandparents on Sunday and go swimming.

Well, my move down to home was easy and I got a good work out. The only problem was that I got a really bad sunburn, but it should turn into a nice tan. I'm so going to have skin problems when I get older.
Today, I finally saw Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. It was awsome! I loved the fight scenes and the music forshadowing was great. I won't tell anything in great detail for the people who haven't seen it. However, my questions today does involve the movie. What was your favorite scene? Mine was Yoda's fight! It was sweet! I just wish it would of lasted longer!

Well, that's about it.
Continuing with my Studio Ghibli pictures here's one from Heisei Tanuki Gassen Ponpoko (Pom Poko). It's a weird movie. I've only seen it all the way through once and that was enough for me. Basically, the racoons are able to transforms into humans and mainly use their 'balls' to do it.

Ja Ne
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Hey Everyone,
Well, I'm done with classes. Now all that's left is writing the internship paper, which should take the summer. Hopefully, it will go smoothly.
Right now, I'm packing everything for my move home this Wednesday. Hopefully, everything will be packed before my parents get here, but at the moment I'm not really that movitatived to pack. I really only have two rooms left but their's a lot of stuff to pack in those two rooms: kitchen and bathroom.
I'm hoping to get free internet when I get home. I'm going to try my wireless systems and see if someone close to my house has a wireless system that I can hack into. But, I'm not sure. If I do get free internet it should be fast and I should be able to be on more.
Let's see. What else has been happening in my life.
I'm getting into creating cells again. And I should be selling some of my anime stuff on ebay soon, maybe. I've bought stuff from ebay but never sold anything. Has anyone sold stuff from ebay? Was your experience good?
That's about it. I will look at everyone pages soon. Ja Ne
The picture's from Hayao Miyazaki new film The Howling Castle coming out June 10 in Arizona! YAYAYAYA

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Sunday, April 3, 2005
Hey everyone,
Well, I've been going insane in order to graduate this year. Right now, I'm spending most of my time trying to get my major thesis paper done on time. It doesn't look good. I had a few breakdowns and was close to quieting. But everything is moving a little better now. Still having problems getting motatived to write and tired of school.
I just wanted to let everyone know what's going on in my life and that I will be away for the next few months. I should be back by June and able to particapate more. Good luck to everyone.
And talk with you later.
Please don't forget me!
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005

Which Saiyuki character would sleep with you?
Take the quiz: "What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)"
 Brown You have brown eyes. Brown is the color of the earth. Your eyes symbolize your comforting and fostering nature. You are stable, grounding, sophisticated, considerate, conventional and orderly. People may consider you to be cozy or warm. People feel safe when they are with you. Some words to describe you: reliability, elegance, security, healing, homely, grounding, foundation, and earthly.
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Friday, March 4, 2005
Going more Insane
Hey everyone!
Sorry for not writing in a really long time. I've been so busy with school haven't had a chance to do anything but read and do homework. Right now I'm trying to get my first draft finished, which is do on Monday and I only have half of it done. I'm going insane and my back is starting to really hurt from typing so much. Well enough about complaining about my homework.
Last weekend was my birthday and I went home It was fun. I went to the Ren. Fair and spent 80 on stuff, then went to Fry's Elteronics and got the box set of Blue Seed! Haven't watched it yet because I've been to busy writing.
Well that's about it. Haven't had a chance to make any more wallpapers but I started on of Anubis that I hope to have done soon.
My pic today is also from Hayao Miyazaki, Whisper of the Heart(Mimi wo Sumaseba). This is an interesting one that has a translated verison of Country Road.

Ja Ne
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
I just thought everyone could use a little pick me up. Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day.
I'm going insane with school work and I just lost one of my jobs because I was doing what my employer wanted fast enough. O-well. Didn't really like the job anyways.

Ja Ne
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Need more time in the day!!
Well, school is going ok. I changed my topic, kind of. It's going to run smoothly more this way than my orginal way.
So, I've basically be doing homework and trying to figure out what is going on with my computer. It doesn't want to wake from sleep mode. One of my friends told me that the new updates for Xp is having problems. I can't figure out how to check if everything is working with mine. If someone knows how to fix this problem let me know? Thanks ahead of time.
So, I just spent a lot of money on research books that I hope get here by this weekend. I so need to start my research for my paper that is now due in one month! It's insane.
Well that's about it. Oh, question: What was the best gift you got for Valentines's Day?
The pic this week is from Laputa: Castle in The Sky. I'm going to do a Studio Ghibli theme this month, so all my pictures will be from him. I might even do a new wallpaper of all his works.

Oh, I found this cool website on Studio Ghibli wallpapers.
If I new how to link I would link this.
Ja Ne
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
Going Insane
Well, the first two weeks of classes have been interesting. Last week I found out that I only have a month to write my whole internship paper. Which would be ok, if I had any idea about what I'm going to write. It's insane! Plus, I need to first get it ok by my committee before I can do any writing.
Then, I'm working for a new professor, and the class seems to be confused with the way he is setting up the class. Plus, it's a little more work that what I thought I was going to have to do.
Now, I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to get everything done and still have a life. It's unknown at this time but I'm surviving.
I'm hoping to get back to writing more but it's going to depend on my research and stuff. Well that's about it. I've visited about half of everyone's sites and plan to visit the rest later tonight.
My pic today is from Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, and orginal picture not the animation. I just watched it again last night and love the anime. If you haven't seen it, rent it. It's great!!

Ja Ne
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Back to School
Well, I'm back up in college and it's interesting. So far, I went to an aerobics class and I hurt. I was suppose to have another class today but it was canceled, which is really weird because it's only the first week. I went to go buy my books and they are sold out everywhere. Then I went to order them online and they won't be here till February. Right, like I'm not already in class for two weeks before they get here. It's wrong. I'm hoping to check the last book store and find my books. Then I won't have to worry. Let's see.
I've spent a lot of time with my friends this past weekend. I played Scene it yesterday and it was alot of fun. It's more fun with 4 people but it was ok with two.
Well that's about it. I'm going to check everyone's pages tomorrow. I know have a steady internet so I will be able to visit more often.
Here's my pic. It's from the series Hakkenden or The Dog Warriors. It's a weird anime but I like it.

Ja Ne
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