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• Litamiko
• 1981-02-26
• Arizona
Member Since
• 2004-09-06
• Archaeologist/Environmental Planner
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• This is my real name to people on the net!
• Have over 100 anime series. Finished my BA degree in 4 years. Oh ya, killed many bad guys in RPGing!
Anime Fan Since
• 1994 and still going strong
Favorite Anime
• Fushigi Yuugi, Escaflowne, X, Vampire Hunter D, All Studio Ghibli, Hana-Kimi, The Twelve Kingdoms, Fruits Basket, Ranma1/2 and many more
• Working in a museum as a curator
• RPGing, Drawing, Painting, Collecting Keychains
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
22 people in guestbook!!
YAYAYAYA. I'm finally in the twenties for my guestbook. Here's my new goal, 30 people by the end of January! I can do it.
Well, I've been busy still. Yesterday, I worked on my paper a little bit then spent most of the day playing Spryo on my gameboy. I've almost beaten the game which is fun. I'm hoping to get more Spryo because I like it and it's easy. I seem to go for the easy games. Though, I'm going to be playing Lord of the Rings Return of the King more now.
Well that's about it. I have to eat lunch and get ready for my sister to get back. I have to help unpack. I'll look at everyone's sites later.
Here's my pic, it's from Tekkaman! I use to watch the show on UPN. It's also know as Technoman!
Ja Ne
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I love taking quizzes. I just need to figure out how to make one!
 Your Anime Personality is Lonely
What type of Anime Personality do you have? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
 Dark magician. You love the dark because of it's beauty and just the life that no-one else sees. Mysterious, calm, quiet... But that doesn't mean you're not friendly!
Please rate ^^
What kind of dark person are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Thanks for LiLMaMa89 for having these.
Here's my pic. It's from 3x3 Eyes and interesting series from the 80's. I'm a oldie fan!!
Ja Ne
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Monday, January 10, 2005
Well, I've had an insane holiday and it's not even over. I really didn't get on the internet that much. Part of that was because I didn't want to find out my grades. But I got an A in one class and the incomplete, with a C from my hell class. Which means I passed and don't have to take it again YAYAYAYAYAYA
Then I decided to continue taking a break from school and didn't work on my paper that's due when I get back. Plus, I didn't do any research for my final paper. So I'm going to have a busy year.
Then, on Wednesday of this week, a family emergency happen. I can't really say what is going on but it involves my sister. I'm suppose to go up to where she is at tomorrow but I really don't want to. It's insane. I have so much to get done and don't really want to do anything.
I did see some really good movies and read lots of books though. *lol*
Well that's about it. Right now, I'm buying Anime CD's and gifts for my friends. That's about it.
Here's my pic. It's from Chobits, I like the background pic. Here eyes look real!
Ja Ne
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Just Had to Post
 Sha Gojyo
Okay, we all know he's a pervert and he won't stick around with anyone for long. But when you're with him, expect a lot of laughs and some hot nights ^_~
Which Saiyuki Bishi is for you? (girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
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Back Again
Hey Everyone,
I'm back. I hope that everyone had a great last two weeks. I'm planning on reading past posts of everyones sites.
Well, let's see. My finals went ok. I think I got a C on one final and not sure how I did in that class. I'll either get a B or an A. The class I had a hard time with all semester is finally over. I just had to turn in my final to pass the class with a C. I'm hoping that I might get a B but not counting on it. I'm planning to check my grades either tomorrow or on the 30th.
I'm home right now and making cookies. I love Christmas cookies. We are making Kiffings, Magic Cookie Bars, Pecan Tassies, and maybe Sprits if theirs enough flour. My mom is making 4 cakes tonight for X-mas even and X-mas.
I finally have all my shopping done and just need to wrap everything, which is going to take a while.
Oh, my friends for Christmas got together and got me the box set of Fruits Basket. I've already watched it twice.
Well, that's about it.
I've decided to put up a Fruits Basket pic, pretty!!

Everyone have a Happy Christmas if I don't get on again. We don't have alot of internet time here. It's a bummer.
Ja Ne
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
Hey everyone,
I've been so busy this week I haven't been able to check or even write post. And it's not over. I pretty much will be busy until Wednesday. I have a Final on Monday at 6:30 and a take home final from hell due Wednesday. So, I won't be able to check or leave messages. Sorry. I plan on checking on Wednesday and saying hi to everyone. I wish anyone taking test next week the best of luck! That's about it. No picture today. Just wanted to leave a quick message so everyone knows I'm still here just going insane. Ja Ne
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
Cannot Think of anything to say!
Well today is going good. I have a meet in 10 minutes with my horrible professor to figure out the last paper. Then I need to get home so I can be ready to take the call from the lady helping me with my project. I did get my incomplete formed filled out. So I now have until March 7 to get this project done. But I hope to get it done sooner!
Well, I was able to visit everyone's site today and I'm glad that everyone is doing ok. That's about it.
Here's my pic. It's from Irresponsible Captain Tyler a funny series.

Ja Ne
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Hey everyone!
Well, I've been busy with school and last week I was away from the internet. I first want to thank everyone for the words of wisdom and hope. Ok.
My Thanksgiving was great. I went home on Tuesday and basically relaxed the whole week. I even read all of Harry Potter again, which was good. Dinner was great and I got to spend time with my family. I even bowled 118 for one game. My family had Thanksgiving dinner in a bowling alley. It's interesting and fun. The day after Thanksgiving was fun. I spent about $120 on presents and got some really good deals. My mom did even better. Well that's about it for that week.
This week is going ok. Today, I talked with one of my professors and he decided that me taking an incomplete for the class is going to be the best option. Which basically removes some of the pressure off my back for homework. YA!!
I'm going tomorrow to talk with my hardest teacher to figure out the last paper, which I hope to do good on. I'm behind in my reading but don't really care. That's about it for school.
I decorated my apartment for Christmas yesterday and it looks good. I might go and get a few more decoration depending on the weather. It's geting cold!
Well that's about it.
Here's my pic for the day. I just bought the box set of this series, Sorcerer Hunters or Bakuretsu Hunters. It's interesting and fun.

Marron is my favorite character in this series. Hottie!!!
Ja Ne
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Friday, November 19, 2004
Well this week has sucked. I was able to relax on Tuesday and Wednesday, but that made for a lot of work on Thursday. I was able to get everything done though by Friday. So, I'm finished with papers for one class and only have four more papers to go.
Ok. So, I'm annoyed today because I got my third and fourth paper back from Theory. The Third paper was graded 85% which was a shocked. I was excited for about 2 seconds. Then I looked at the fourth paper and found I got a 69%. But that isn't what annoyed me. He basically said he wouldn't accept a rewrite without me going to the Writing Center, which I don't have time to do and that I would need to rewrite the paper about 4 times!!!!
Ok. My writing is not the best. But I went in and talked to him for a half an hour about this paper and he seemed to hate everything! I changed my whole writing style for him and he hated more! Urgh!!!
Then, I'm suppose to go on another fieldtrip tomorrow about haven't heard about a ride from anyone. I could try and get a taxi to get to the meeting place but I really don't feel like it. Plus, I have so much work to do know because of this rewrite that I don't want to go. I'm not sure if the field trip is mandory, but I just can't seem to care.
Also, today I talked to one of my classmates about doing a different project for my ethnography class, and he said he had one but it sounds really completed. I still have no clue what I'm going to do about that class. It's so annoying trying to figure out what to write about. Please, I'm getting anything positive about my writing from any of my professors so it makes writing hard.
Well that's about it. I'm hoping to check everyone sites later today or tomorrow if I don't go on the field trip.
Here's my pic for the day. It's from Ronin Warriors or Samurai Troopers. This was on of the first Anime I saw on TV, it was on UPN.

Ja Ne
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Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Well, today is going ok. I was suppose to get up early and work on my paper but decided to take a little break, which is turning out to be a good thing. I've been working for a while now and found some interesting facts on Australian origin stories. Most are really cool.
Well that's about it for homework. I was able to look at everyone sites today and leave posts, which is amazing for me during the week. Everyone seems to be doing well.
Thanks to everyone for leaving the posts and keeping my hopes up for getting my papers done.
The CD pic that didn't show was for Please Save My Earth, Part one. It has Ren with wings on it. I'm going to see if I can find another pic, or I might scan it in.
I have a questions today.
If you could write one book, what genre would it be and why?
Ok, here's the pic for the day. It's from Maze, an insane series and OVA.

Ja Ne
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