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Archaeologist/Environmental Planner
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Have over 100 anime series. Finished my BA degree in 4 years. Oh ya, killed many bad guys in RPGing!
Anime Fan Since
1994 and still going strong
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Fushigi Yuugi, Escaflowne, X, Vampire Hunter D, All Studio Ghibli, Hana-Kimi, The Twelve Kingdoms, Fruits Basket, Ranma1/2 and many more
Working in a museum as a curator
RPGing, Drawing, Painting, Collecting Keychains
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Hey everyone!
I just wanted to say thank you for all your support with my papers and telling me to keep up my chin up.
Oh, I made a new name log to add to all my wallpapers and greetcards. Hope you like.
Ok. Let's get on with this week. So far it's been pretty easy. It's the first week that I've had to relax a little. I've been reading a new romance novel and it's been really good. I've also been doing homework too.
Tomorrow, I have a colloquium to run which is going to be interesting. I'm hoping to change my possion in the club because I don't want to be incharge of everything. I hope that people will so tomorrow.
Let's see. I might be going home this weekend. The field trip got canceled and changed to next week. I'm a little bummed that it moved to Halloween weekend but luckily it's not on Halloween.
To Chickenburger: Yes, I like chickens!^-^
Here's my pic for the day. Fushigi Yuugi was my first favorite series.

Ja Ne
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Another Good Weekend!!
Hey everyone!
Well, my weekend went good again. My class on Friday was really good and I actually learned something instead of just walking away confused. I'm rewriting my second paper today and hopefully will get an 80% on the rewrite. Ok, enough talk about my class.
My fieldtrip this past weekend was fun. I took lots of pictures and saw some interesting archaic sites. I was a little bummed to miss Friday's trip to Zuni but the rest of the trip was fun. The only problem was that I did not like the mattress I had to sleep on. The first night was ok because the ground was really sandy. But the second night I slept on rocks! I felt like the princess and the pea. 
One good thing was that it wasn't that cold. I was prepared for a really cold weekend and it was just really windy on Sunday at Chaco. Otherwise it was not warm but cool and I was warm as long as I keep on my sweater and sweatshirt. Let's see. I bought a beautiful little pot from Acoma. They are know of their pottery, mainly black on white, which is what I bought. Plus, the artists are using the same techniques and methods used thousands of years ago.
Well that's about it. This week is going to be slow for me and I'm excited about it. I'm hoping to go home on Friday but I'm not sure. Talk with everyone later.
Oh, here's my pic for the day.

Also, feel free to ask me questions. I'm willing to answer almost anything!
Ja Ne
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
I'm still here
Well, I've been so busy this week that I haven't be able to get on and tell everyone about my weekend. Plus, I have so much work to do before this weekend trip that it's insane. I'm beginning to wonder if I put to much on my plate. Well, let's talk about my weekend first.
This past weekend was great. I enjoyed visiting this interesting archaeological sites and looking at the geology of the sites. I took lots of pictures and plan to put them on the site once I get them devoloped.
My tent worked really well for 3 people. The box says it fits 5 but I have no clue how! It was cold!!! 
I have a blow up matress pad and it started up really firm in the beginning of the night, but as the night wore on it started to deflat. I was almosting touching the ground the second day. Luckily someone is bringing me a matress pad for this weekend.
The only bad thing that happening over the weekend, was burning my hand. I was pouring hot water into my cup for tea and missed the cup and hit my hand. It's getting better but it's hard to keep it covered. Let's see. That's about for my weekend.
On Monday of this week, I went in to see my theory teacher to get my papers back and found out I got a 68% on the second paper. Apparently everyone did bad on the paper and some classmates want to go and talk to the Chair. I'm not really sure what is happening. Right now, I'm trying to write the third paper and look over the second so I can give him my rewrite next week. It's hell! I'm so behind readings it's horrible. I'm not sure what's going to happening with this class but it doesn't look good.
Well that's about it. Here's my pic for the day if not week. I played around with it in photoshop!

Ja Ne
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Thursday, October 7, 2004
I just checked my e-mail and found a Writing better e-mail from one of my professors. That just tells me that he really hated my last paper. I'm so hating that class. Hopefully, I will be able to rewrite it and get the other one done in time too. But who knows! Well, I can just hope for the best and work a little harding. Writing is not my strong suit!
Let's see. I recorded my presentation yesterday and it looks pretty good. I have a green dot in the corner of the video because I forgot to move the mouse off to the side. I'm going to see if I can record some more because it was fun. That's about it. I will write Sunday or Monday about my field trip. Everyone have a good weekend!
Here's my pics for the day.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
I have an account!!
So I was finally able to get an account at Photobucket. Apparently their's a time limit when you can get a free account. I'm hoping to add my own mood pictures that I found from some other sites. They're really cute. Does anyone know how to make moods that move? I haven't figure that out. I probably don't have the right program. Well that's about it. So here's my first picture from my own album.

Ja Ne
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Well, I was able to get my presentation done in time. I even got it ok by my professor, so I'm almost ready to go to practice tonight. I just need to get out what I'm going to say. So far it's going pretty well. I hope to be done soon. Right now it's just fun working with a fast internet connection. I hate my dial-up. It's free from my college but it's so slow. Most downloads take 3 hours and that's time I can't use the phone. Well that's about it.
Here's my pic for the day.

Oh, also I get all of my mood picks from
An great site! Thanks Mimisk8!
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I'm Plain
 Your beauty is plain but you completely make up for it in a pleasant personality. You may not be the supermodel in the magazine or the woman with unusual hair, but you have a great way of making people feel at home and comfortable. Because of the normality of your looks, people feel like they can talk to you easier or ask for help without feeling as embarassed. Your personality is easy going and can be represented by a warm smile. People like how undemanding you are and your great at keeping secrets. (If you can't see tje pics, go to my homepage and look near the bottom and find your result)
What kind of Beauty should you have? (girl) (PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
Thanks to chickenburger for putting up this quiz! Take it yourself!
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Monday, October 4, 2004
Another Day
So, I turned in my paper today. I didn't even check it to make sure everything sounded out. I really can't seem to care about this class. We also had class today and I was totally confused. I'm glad to be missing class this week but it's not going to help with the paper that is due next.
Let's see. I have to make a powerpoint tonight and write up what I'm going to say with it. I hope to finish it before midnight but who knows. I can't seem to fall asleep past 2 pm so I'm getting enough time to do my work. Tomorrow is going to be spent on reading articles for class and my field trip. What fun. Well that's about it. Here's a cool pic I found.

Ja Ne
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I'm LAZY!!
So my weekend was pretty good. I wanted to sleep the whole time. I was suppose to get my paper done by Sunday but I didn't start it until Sunday. Saturday was a lazy day and I really needed it. This next weekend I'm going to Colorado so I won't get any homework done which is not good. Hopefully it won't be to much.
Let's see. Here's a picture of how I feel right now. Way to much and I just want to faint.

Hopefully it works. Well that's about it. I need to finish my paper either tonight or tomorrow morning, which means getting up early. What fun. Hope everyone has a great week. I'm not sure if I will, way to much homework! Ja Ne
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Friday, October 1, 2004

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