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Archaeologist/Environmental Planner
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Have over 100 anime series. Finished my BA degree in 4 years. Oh ya, killed many bad guys in RPGing!
Anime Fan Since
1994 and still going strong
Favorite Anime
Fushigi Yuugi, Escaflowne, X, Vampire Hunter D, All Studio Ghibli, Hana-Kimi, The Twelve Kingdoms, Fruits Basket, Ranma1/2 and many more
Working in a museum as a curator
RPGing, Drawing, Painting, Collecting Keychains
Friday, November 19, 2004
Well this week has sucked. I was able to relax on Tuesday and Wednesday, but that made for a lot of work on Thursday. I was able to get everything done though by Friday. So, I'm finished with papers for one class and only have four more papers to go.
Ok. So, I'm annoyed today because I got my third and fourth paper back from Theory. The Third paper was graded 85% which was a shocked. I was excited for about 2 seconds. Then I looked at the fourth paper and found I got a 69%. But that isn't what annoyed me. He basically said he wouldn't accept a rewrite without me going to the Writing Center, which I don't have time to do and that I would need to rewrite the paper about 4 times!!!!
Ok. My writing is not the best. But I went in and talked to him for a half an hour about this paper and he seemed to hate everything! I changed my whole writing style for him and he hated more! Urgh!!!
Then, I'm suppose to go on another fieldtrip tomorrow about haven't heard about a ride from anyone. I could try and get a taxi to get to the meeting place but I really don't feel like it. Plus, I have so much work to do know because of this rewrite that I don't want to go. I'm not sure if the field trip is mandory, but I just can't seem to care.
Also, today I talked to one of my classmates about doing a different project for my ethnography class, and he said he had one but it sounds really completed. I still have no clue what I'm going to do about that class. It's so annoying trying to figure out what to write about. Please, I'm getting anything positive about my writing from any of my professors so it makes writing hard.
Well that's about it. I'm hoping to check everyone sites later today or tomorrow if I don't go on the field trip.
Here's my pic for the day. It's from Ronin Warriors or Samurai Troopers. This was on of the first Anime I saw on TV, it was on UPN.

Ja Ne
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