• heys yalls feel lyk beating up an 4th grader lols im so cruel >=D
neways 1st perios we started laughin at some funny song 2nd period more hard work dat i dont understand....3rd period test it was freakin hard!! 4th period this dude got punched in the eye ahahaha good fer hims toos! 5th talked about internet safety 6th period talked about test scores 7th period did the rest of the 2nd 6th wk test. wells dats all for nows laters!
Virgin! You are pure and innocent... You look into
the world with wide open, curious eyes. You
love to giggle and play with your friends. If
you are honsest, you don't really care about
boys. There are more intersting and cooler
thinst than the complicatet mens, right? Fact:
You're a free spirt!
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