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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
HI! *Hugs* So long! OH! I WON C.B.'S CAPTION CONTEST!!!!!! WHOO!
Cool eh? Thanks Cuddle Bunney!!!!
Oh,how's everythang been????? WELL????? Normal.....without MEH! HyPeR!!!!
Cuz I'M BACK! Well...Might be hurr tomorrow...might now....we''ll see my...grades!!!!!!!!! 0_o?? MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!
WTF???? *Lol*
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Monday, October 25, 2004
YAY! I got 1,415 VISITS! And 208 GB Signings.... You must really like me ;_;....
*Sniff* Thanks.ANYWAYS! You must of noticed,I don't have an obssesion right now,I wont have another one in a while,just plain ol anime Fan now.^^ Okey Dokes.
How do you like the post background? NICH EH?! ^^; Mike's ieda.
MIke:^^ I desverve credit...
Whatever! Moving on....:My first day at YMCA was great! Quiet...yet GREAT!
Mike:It was a zoo...Liliy out on a movie of Sailor Moon,and they all seemd to be enjoying to much to do noise...
DON'T TELL THE SECRET! Its praivate...*Watch beeps loudly* Oops,I must go,and do the HW the German Gave us.
Todays piccy:Ranma 1/2 Chibis.
Note: Anime Chibis will rule the world and all of its un-chibiness! Thanks you for your time.
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Friday, October 22, 2004
Oh dear ^_^
Well,as far as dinner went last night,I'm never touching the stove again....^^;
It started when mom was oon a meeting.She was going to be awarded "Best PTA Memeber" at my school.All of us (eleven kids;me,my brother's friend Tyler,and my dog,Muffin) were straving.My sister came to me and siad she was about to die for foodI simply nodded and went in the kicthen,no problem.
I was going to make Pizza,and bread sticks.I put the bread in the oven,and the pizza in the 2 oven.(We have two).I was tired soI fell asleep.When I woke up,the fire alarm kept going,"BEEP BEEP BEEP" I rushed to the kitchen,the pasta was burned up,and when I checked the oven,smoke filled the kitchen.My mom was about to be home in 30 minutes."Oh god!" I was sweating.Everybody seemed to be gone,all except Muffin,who was sleeping.The kids came running inside,they saw the smoke and smiled,and giggled.They mearly got the rags and sponges and cleaned the mess.I was saved.
Mom came home,pretty happy,with the Blue award in her hands."Wadya guys eat?" SHe asked,putting the award away."Pizza." I said,grinning at the pizza hut deleivery box.
What a day.Hope it wont happen again.^^ Oh well,I'm going to play Lazer Tag with kids.Bye!
Today's Piccy:
Sailor Moon Chibis! They're cute! =^-^=
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Raggle Fraggle!!!
Feelin' weird today...
^___^ NORMAL.Don't mind the men in white coats behind me.
Man:We're claimers of the "Pysco Destroyers Facilty".We've come to take you-
Liliy:^^ HA! *Whispers* They think there taking me away..Pff...
BreakFast at school:The choice was:Jelly with Toast,or Blueberry muffin.Your choice or Apple Juice,Orange Juice,or...Cranbery juice..? ANyways...I wanted the toast."Could I have the toast with Jelly?" I asked.The woman who was serving said:"Its not jelly and toast,dear child,its jam and toast." Jam?! Who says "jam" Anymore?!
Other news...I got a job at the...
YMCA!!!!!! ITS FUN TO-^^; Whoops...Kids Korner assiant.I won't be seen much.But ig you see a girl with Blue red-green stripped sneakers...^^ THATS ME!
I'd love to stay and chat some more,but,There a piece of toast with jam with my name on it.Bye! =^___^=
Todays Piccys:
Trigun! ^^ Look at Meril! ^__^
And a new one I read
Chobits! She's pretty *_*
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
I'm Back.^^
I'M BACK!!! *hugs* Did you miss me???
The wedding took place at a Huge Ballroom.It was atleast 18 feet tall.0.0 I was surprised...How could a wedding take place There?
Oh yes,the young groom was Justin Blake.This guy...
My sister's dress:

I wish I was pretty.....;_;
Anyways,I must go,and MOW THE YARD!
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Thank you all for those comments! Yes...I got back at my sister...The Event is Classified....But! ^^ I'm glad you to see she's angry and threatning me again.*Smiles*
Well...In other news....My Older sister Julia is getting married!

Isn't she pretty?????.....
I'm excited!!! The first one in the family to get married!!! ^___^ I was hyper the time when he proposed to Julia.*Sighs* Men are confusing...First They spend the time of your lufe with you...Ten years later...You have a sponge on one hand and they baby on the other,While youe husband watches The Super Bowl....
^______^;.....Lets forget that subject...Hmmm....Seem's all....
Oh well....My head is outta of ideas....I will see you again you beautiful presons you! ^^
A pic I did...I drew...Mike colored...Witch took me...18 papers to draw it right...17 days to get it right.^^ Hard Work pays!

BOY! Haven't seen that in a while...^^
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
HELLO! ^______^
Well! Happy I am today! I am Happy today,Today I am Happy!
^_^ I'm strangley more hyper than usual.Wonder why? God made me specail I guess.
Mike:*Smirks* She's happy because she got back at her evil Sister.
Liliy:That too! Moving on then!....I might dance with triplets...How awsome is that...0.o? You heard me?! ^^; Anyways...
Strangest thing:I ran into my mother's Mother! At the Toy Store... Strange Indeed! She might be working for the A.A.S.! (Adults Are Spys)....
Who knows? THE MIRROR KNOWS!....^^ Okay..Enough hyperness....Must go to sites...No time to lose! Come Little Linda!
Linda:I'm older than her...I'm a side kick,And my name is Little Linda...What a life! -_-
"What Was Once A Dream,Is Now A Memory."
 Quote by Sir-Punk
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Thursday, October 7, 2004
Well,having a good day? I sure am! Kulelani's gonna sleep over! *Starts jumping up & down*
I won the Soda Drking Contest,Dose it show?! ^^ School was great.Turns out there's a Dance in a few days.Simething funney happened:I was asked by a blonde dude and I said yes,He came again.I said Yes. Again! I said,"YES! ALREADY!!!!" Turns out they were triplets...I felt so embarrassed....
Hmm,that seems all,for now I suppose...Orevwa! Oh! Todays Pic! Conan! ^__^
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
My Birthday!
Yay! Thanks every one for the Birthday wishes.I've never felt so Old! *Lol* Kidding...
Wow,the tallest in my family,yet,not the oldest...^_^ What a weird family...
I wanna thank Hisui! I love it,Thank you very much!

Ask for presents....
Mother-Holes (The book)
Father-The Movie Holes ^^;...
Mike:A Game Cube(Wow)
My dear Aunt:A Fitness Center.(A gym,My own little Gym! Yay!)
Jock:Fench Dress.(Quite beautiful)
My Beautiful,Great,Wonderful, Unbeleivable Sister Judy:The Card Captors Movie,and The Inuyasha movie.*Faints*
I feel loved! ^___^ Yes,If you are,mabey confused....My twin sister and I have diffrent bithdays,Mother of ours said we could.I have my own day,she has her's as well.But ouer Real Birthday is togeather.^^

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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Oh wow,what a day.Thanks for the help you guys,teacher gave me extra credit.*smiles* Kulelani,however,got Hawaiian,Chinese,Spainsh,English,French,German,Italian and Philipino.^^ Jelous? Me? No!....Ok,mabey a bit....
The party was great,Kulelani's twins were adorable.One was name LayLani,and the other Ethan.(Ethan's the father's name too)
Well,tommrow I'm turning 14! Yay! Nope,I'm not like some women That go crazy for their age,Nope,that ain't me.
Well,I suppose I'm going to have a Good Day tommorow.Hpefully.^^
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