Guys just love...how vulnerable you are!
What Do Guys Love About You? (with pics :3) brought to you by Quizilla

Air Angel.Like a gentle breeze, or a tornado. Your
always changing. Yet, your still always there,
especially for your friends.

Coolness! You are a peacemaker. You are able to
smooth every fight. You are neutral and you
don't see just black and white.Nothing worries
you, you're always cool and calm.
Why do people admire you? brought to you by Quizilla
What Element Angel Are You? brought to you by Quizilla I love this quiz!

Your a Guradien Angel! Guardien Angels are also
knows as Warrior Angels, because they are the
army of God. Not always meaning that they are
in war, simply that their job is to protect
unwary humans from dark dragons, or other evil
demons. Warrior Angels are not always friendly
with humans, but they will watch over them all
the time. Humans say that when a miracle
happens, thank your guradien angel.
What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures! brought to you by QuizillaInformationi |
Little Kagome is a restricted area. Authorised personel only |
Comments (3) |
Saturday, May 22, 2004
I finally know how to put pictures on my site!

You are the comforting friend. You like listening
your friends deals and advicing them...that's
really nice! You are caring and is always there
for the ones you like!
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
L | Legendary |
I | Influential |
T | Trustworthy |
T | Tough |
L | Lazy |
E | Exciting |
K | Keen |
A | Appealing |
G | Gloomy |
O | Odd |
M | Masculine |
E | Energetic |
Name Acronym GeneratorFrom

Animation from Gpetz.com
Comments (2) |
The code is to long!
When I try to put a code its wayyy to long to write down,isn't there a faster way?
Comments (1) |
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
This is a qeustion for all of u.
What would you do if your favroite anime came up to you and say '"hi"? Hard huh?

Animation from Gpetz.com Kurmama:I'd sure like to see the pretty young lady Sango!
Comments (7) |
Friday, May 14, 2004
Who's the best character? I think Hiei.....Hiei:Yes!

Animation from Gpetz.com
Comments (11) |
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Koga Boy
Would you guys mind if you went ova to his site and check out his poem? Koga boy:Its 4 Inuyashacutie Me:Okayyyy,Neways! Come by his site please he's new,he's my friend.

Animation from Gpetz.comKenshin:I'm on his site too!
Comments (3) |
Monday, May 10, 2004
No! This is just to horrible!
My friend at school died today in a car accident I'm still crying! I will never forget her,she was nice blonde had a few freckles,and the cutest smile.I wish this just never happened......Give me some advice.
Comments (11) |
Sunday, May 9, 2004
WOO HOO! I got 316 visits! jump back kiss my self! Yeah! *dose the dance for the ''yeah''song from Usher* Yes,I want to thank you guys for supporting me,you are all really sweet.
Comments (5) |
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Can somone please tell me what the words URL and HTML mean!? I try to get stuff on my site but I cant please help!
Comments (4) |
My art!