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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Hello my friends!

Current Song:"Calafornication"
New theme, quick eh? ^^;;; I just got addicted to Kodocha. I barley read the first volume and I still got cramps in my hips.XD
It was normal today. I'm about 5 days from school. Ah, what pains. School:The ultimate sleep aid. Sometimes the teacher says something, and I end up waking up on a drooly desk. Eh! What can you do?
Is the theme nice to any of you? Or atleast the song? ^^;; Because I do. =3 Now if you don't see a comment on your site, I promise, you can call me anything you'd like and I'll tell you how old I am.XD
Boy, crazy mood. I just got back from shopping pointlessly.
Liliy:[Moans] Mom, its been forever! And you tried that dress on twice! It's even the same size!
Mom:[Giggle] Don't be silly! It's only been...[Looks at watch] My gosh! How time flies, its been four hours! Let's go!
Liliy:[Falls on floor] Drag me, will ya mom?
Yeech, I hate shopping. At clothing stores any way. ^_^ Off to your sites!
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Music:Vicky-Sama's BG music.XD
I am very sorry for not visiting your sites yesterday, I got so caught up in some graphic making, I tottaly forgot. *Sweat drop*
Really sorry, I am very clumsy. I can't even keep track of time, or do my home work, or enjoy the good things in life anymore as much as I did.
^_^ But if you guys forgive me, mabey things might brighten up, eh?
Like the new theme? Big Hakkai fan here.(All American Rejects too.=P) It's a bit messy but bare with me, I barley put it up. ^^;;
I read my book (Diary of a teenage girl:My life) in some shorts and a tang top. A tan top that my grandmother made. Ain't she a sweet thang? =P NO, she didn't knit it.
Grandma:LIliy Sweetums, I made you this "Top of the tangs".
Liliy:Granma! Its a tang top! And its cute, thank you.
Grandma:In my age, we didn't have such silly names. Infact we didn't care what we wore. Your grandaddy once went in his trousers, no one said a thing!
Yep, one sweet grandma.
Okay, (Not kidding), off to your sites.^_^ And yes, my father is very, very funny. Sometimes offesnive...^^; A bit.
Mom:Why do you think they put asain babies on the Pamper Commercials?
Liliy:Yeah, Dad, why?
Dad:Becuase if they didn't, they say :"You have disgraced my people, now we must battle in combat."
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Monday, August 15, 2005
Mood:Little Sad/Preppy none the less
Music:"Ride on a shooting star"-Pillows
I couldn't find the 4th volume of Ranma at the library.D=< Darn Ranman fans. Can't Liliy get a turn too? *LOL*
McDonalds, again.XD I'm kidding. Sizzler. Delicous really, I had fun eating because they had Clam Chowder. Mmmm, Clam Chowder.=D It was delicious, and they even had these wheat sticks with chocolate. Pookey? Pokers? Something like that, I just don't know what though.
Obsessive Compolsive Disorder.OCD. Yes, boys, girls, Men, Women, I have an OCD. Although if you can guess what, I'll respect you for the rest of my life, honor you with gifts, and even fly to where you live.
Ah, there's so much to choose from.D= Why even bother asking you guys. I'm afraid of Vomting, anything that's with my stomache, I dry up. And sorta ruin my mothers life.
Oh well, off now, toodles my dears.
Liliy:Dad, my stomache growls for no reason. Why?
Dad:Oh don't worry, its tottaly normal.
Liliy:^_^ Really?!
Dad:Ofcourse! SOoner or later you'll be talking to it, Like I do.
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Friday, August 12, 2005
~Yay fir the new theme.
Music:Same as yesterday. XP Sugar, we're going down.
Yes, I am happy with new theme as well.(For those who agreed.=3)
I like Sasuke best, being quiet and serious really grabs my attention. Dosen't look like Sakura has a chance at him though. Eh, what do I know? I've only read two volumes. XP
McDonalds again, I know I know, you probably thinking, "Jeeze Liliy! You Pig! I wouldn't be surprised if your keyboard had mud stains because of the piggy you ARE!". ^_^;; McChiken's are good though, plus the little kiddies had to do some exersize.
I got a book on Japanese/English translation. I've learned these so far:
Arigato-Thank You
Barley my A's, can you beleive what's left? XP
Oh well, off to the sites.
Private:Witch one's Will?!
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
~Has lied~
Current Mood:Happy/Dry
Current Music:"Sugar, we're going down."-FOB
There's your naruto! ^^;; Okay, Soooo, I lied, its actually an Sasuke theme. But its cool, right? =3 And the music? The music is awsome too, eh?
Pigged out at the Buffet again,(Oink Oink XP), and after that we went to get some paint. There going to move the computer and put it into the office. Or, the small living room. Whatever, it'll soon be the future office.=3 Yeah, let's go with that.
Then, I wnet home and here I am now,. ^_^ *stares at Ipod shuffle and wishes she knew how to use it.* Stope mocking you, you little-
Ah well! To the sites!~
Celso:Hey hide,
Celso:You know that sayn about kising your sister?
Hide:That its worng or something, yeah.
Celso:Well, they were WRONG! Cuz kissin' your sister is tottaly hot!
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Monday, August 8, 2005
|=~Feeling Special~=|
Music:"ADUTI"-Taking Back Sunday
Ahh, Monday.^_^ One of the "I oughtta smack myself with the coffe and shive the news paper up my eyes" day. For my father, anyways.XD
I'm keeping this theme, then Naruto.=D I love it, (not as much as Ranma), but I love it. Sasuke is really adorable.=P I think all Serious people are adorable.
Jin-Samurai Champloo
Kenshin(sorta XD)-Ruroni Kenshin
Ryoga-Ranma 1/2
Now, Sasuke! *Glomping Position* But there something that's werid...There's this guy that looks exactly like him,O.O;;;
Anyways, I went to a buffet and ate some great food, until I saw these two twin Mexican boys fighting.
Sergio:I'm telling you Josh, Naruto is a burnette.
Josh:Is not! You and I both only saw Black and white pics of him-
[I come in with my Comic Book in hand.]
Liliy:He's blonde.=3 [Shows piccy]
Sergio:I was alot closer.
Liliy:*rolls eyes*
It was so funny, they were like "WTF! A girl likes Naruto?" XD
Oh well, that's all. Off to the sites, my dear friends.=D
Liliy:Dad! I wanna go to LCPA and stuff! LCPA!
Dad:Keep talkin' and I'll send you to F-I-S-T!
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Friday, August 5, 2005
Last night I had a weird dream...It was anime too. I was being chased by this red spikey haired white skinned boy. He had some japanese letter on his forhead.He looked like he was from Naruto, he put his arms around me and then-
*crys* Speaking of that,I slept for an Hour at my mother's friends home. It was strange because...I have imsomnia.O.o
Mother:Liliy knows alot of this HTML or whatever, and-
Friend:Is that cooking?
Mother:Hmm, I dunno! Should I ask her? *gose to Liliy
[I'm on the floor drolling and snoring since the past hour.]
Mother:...You know what? I think it is cooking.
Yes, well, ahem. I'll be on Gaia for a little while, making sigs and stuffers.=3
But ofcourse, I'll visit your sites first.^_^ Toodles.
Fez:You know what'd be a great job for me? A gigolo. The love making is over, now pay up.=3
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Friday, July 29, 2005
Hello! *sweatdrop*


How do you guys like the new
"Ranma 1/2" Theme? It's a way to show that I'm smiling and happy again.=3
Do any of you like the song? I love it. It's one of my dear favorites, it was in a AMV with Ranma too.
I barley read Ranma a couple of days ago, =P Now I'm addicted. It is Officially my favorite Magna.
I went to with McDonalds, with Mom and Little Dulce, I ate frys...SMALL frys...=O I'd hate to get fat...I luv Subway alot.^^
Well, I am VERY sorry to not visit your sites...I was going to but something came up...^_^ I will today! *promises*
Welcome Back Hinaru! *^_^*
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Monday, July 25, 2005
Current song:Nothing
Current Mood:Preppy
^____^ I'm preppy once more! Thanks to all my wonderful friends....I thought I might as well give up Otaku for a moment in my depression...
*Looks at Sharingan Itachi* =^_^= Someone changed my mind.
New theme again! ^_^ Yeppers. Its back to Saiyuki, I'm just a little adorable rabid fangirl.=3
I think I might go back to Gaia, Its been forever.O^_^O
In other news,....
That's it I suppose...^^; Off to you sites then,
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Current Song:"By The way"- Red Hot chili Peppers
Mood:Depressed/Mixed up
Mostly Confused
The new theme is coming. And its going to be big.
Yes Kiddies, it will be big. Bigger and longer than the word itself. =3
I feel unhappy, most of my MyO friends are:
-At Work
-Lazy (Okay, mabey not...)
And most of all...Depressed. I get depressed too, it's like a little sickness I get when I go to them...Ah well...
Luu, please don't commit Suicide, I know that your pissed at the world and you think no one likes you, But I do. I care for you, Luu. I really do. Don't leave us, please. If it's what you want, go ahead. But you'll be crushing me, family, friends, and Jon Jon. You'll crush us all. With much Love, Liliy.
Nothing else to say, not much. Oh, I can't spell. D=

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