I wanna thank all you guys for helping me with this site! Espically hiei master23,he showed me how the code works.I wanna thank MOONSTAR & Inuyashaiscool and also Inuyashalkagome,mirokulsango,and my brother(even if he is a pain)Koga boy.You too Winged Yoki!*points* And he rest of my friends,^_^...I'm gonna cry now...*CRIES* Hiei:And I thought you were a TOMBOY? Me:*Slaps Hiei* Yusuke:We're gonna break up the fight here,in the mean time,check around Liliy's site.
My tpye of girl. You're the tough chick or the tom
boy or game boy. You're more of the fighter. A
person that like to pertect. You have a tough
personality and aren't afraid of anything or
what people think of you.
What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^UPDATED!!! brought to you by Quizilla![Yusuke](http://images.quizilla.com/P/pristinedemon/1040544990_siteyusuke.jpg)
You're Yusuke. The leader of the pack. You've
always gotta have your friends around to back
you up. But then again, you can always take
someone out with your bad ass Spirit Gun if
they're not around.
What Yu Yu Hakusho character are you? brought to you by QuizillaYeah! Close those legs fuu!
I think in he's in sailor moon?
Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that
Liliy and Hiei Jaganshi
Were united in Marriage
on the 23rd day of June 2004
![](dance_hiei.jpg) MYFC
This was so cute!
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