Well! Happy I am today! I am Happy today,Today I am Happy!
^_^ I'm strangley more hyper than usual.Wonder why? God made me specail I guess.
Mike:*Smirks* She's happy because she got back at her
evil Sister.
Liliy:That too! Moving on then!....I might dance with triplets...How awsome is that...0.o? You heard me?! ^^; Anyways...
Strangest thing:I ran into my mother's Mother! At the
Toy Store...
Strange Indeed! She might be working for the A.A.S.! (Adults Are Spys)....
Who knows? THE MIRROR KNOWS!....^^ Okay..Enough hyperness....Must go to sites...No time to lose! Come Little Linda!
Linda:I'm older than her...I'm a side kick,And my name is Little Linda...What a life! -_-
"What Was Once A Dream,Is Now A Memory."

Quote by Sir-Punk