Thank you all for those comments! Yes...I got back at my sister...The Event is
Classified....But! ^^ I'm glad you to see she's angry and threatning me again.*Smiles*
Well...In other news....My Older sister Julia is getting married!

Isn't she pretty?????.....
I'm excited!!! The first one in the family to get married!!! ^___^ I was hyper the time when he proposed to Julia.*Sighs* Men are confusing...First They spend the time of your lufe with you...Ten years later...You have a sponge on one hand and they baby on the other,While youe husband watches The Super Bowl....
^______^;.....Lets forget that subject...Hmmm....Seem's all....
Oh well....My head is outta of ideas....I will see you again you beautiful presons you! ^^
A pic I did...I drew...Mike colored...Witch took me...18 papers to draw it right...17 days to get it right.^^ Hard Work pays!

BOY! Haven't seen that in a while...^^