I'm going to miss her so...
Well I'm officaly in school again!!! -_- Pee-chy!!!!!
Finnaly,My wittle story...
"I want....You to revive her!" He said,with a serious look." "
Kim? Yes well,you think this is an easy task for me to do? Just because my mother was famous for reviving people makes you think I can do it??? WELL?" I said to him,in his sweaty face."Ummm...Yes?...." He said as if not understanding what I said...I paused for a moment..."Dose your mother lift weights?" I said getting my lazy self off the couch and into the kitchen."No,Why?" He asked. "How else could she raise a dumbell like you?!" I said washing my hands."HEY!" He screamed.H efollwed me until we reached my backyard.I had four dogs.2 puppys,1 old dog that hardly moved,and 1 energetic little collie. "Why are-" He paused and saw something he had never seen before,and probably,never would...
Yes! I'm proud...Very proud..
I'm going to miss Nicole.