Do you really think this is too much HTML? Is it really... I never thought it would be
too much... Just...Perfect really.
I used to be a sap, I couldn't even put quizes on my site. Didn't even have a avatar. I hardly posted,-
And now I'm a big shot. So why stop here?
Anyways My softBall team's gonna be on the Mercury News, so you get tp see me. ^0^
Not that you probably care...But...yeah..
And! Slip & slide tommorow, really..Are you ever old enough to NOT have a slip and slide?
Oh well, while you ponder that question I'll be on my way to your sites, and stuff...
Oh yeah, and...Are any of you...Religieous? I am, Catholic...
Oh and Sharingan Itchi? I seem to not be able to comment your site, I can't find the comment link...Just letting you know..