Current Mood:Happy/Dry
Current Music:"Sugar, we're going down."-FOB
There's your naruto! ^^;; Okay, Soooo, I lied, its actually an Sasuke theme. But its cool, right? =3 And the music? The music is awsome too, eh?
Pigged out at the Buffet again,(Oink Oink XP), and after that we went to get some paint. There going to move the computer and put it into the office. Or, the small living room. Whatever, it'll soon be the future office.=3 Yeah, let's go with that.
Then, I wnet home and here I am now,. ^_^ *stares at Ipod shuffle and wishes she knew how to use it.* Stope mocking you, you little-
Ah well! To the sites!~
Celso:Hey hide,
Celso:You know that sayn about kising your sister?
Hide:That its worng or something, yeah.
Celso:Well, they were WRONG! Cuz kissin' your sister is tottaly hot!