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myOtaku.com: Little Trigun

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Sorceress Kirara (06/30/04)

Hiya ^^

Thx for the sig in my guestbook ^^ I didnt know it was there til my friend went into my account and was like "dude...people actually went to your site" ^^;; Anyways, thx again, adding you as friend too ^^ And yep Miroku fan ^^;; But Inuyasha rocks nonetheless ^^
~SK ^^

Jenova Project (06/26/04)

Hello! Thanks for stopping by my site!! I hope to "see" you around. I have no face!!! or picture depending on how you want to look at it. Ok, that was kind of random...Anyways thank you :)
See you in the Cyber

thinkanti (06/24/04)

Thanks for signing my gb! ^_^ Here's a quote for you "Never let a man get the upper hand-you don't know where he might put it." hehehehehehe! Funny. ^_^ Why don't you add some posts? That way I can stop in randomly and leave stupid comments! ^_^ Yippy! I'm adding you as a friend.

KuramasGirl (06/24/04)

Hi...not to be rude or anything, but your site's empty. Real empty. Add some quizzes and music and stuff like that.
Anywho, hope to see you around!

aikyo19 (06/23/04)

If u don't mind Im going 2 add u as a friend! I luv the Kagura x Sess pairing. Plus, *spoiler* they cover 4 eachother later on! It's so cute!

Liessa Schwarz (06/23/04)

Thanks for the comment. Which SM character do you like? I have six all together. I'll add you as a friend too! ^^ Talk to you later!

KamiyaUsagi (06/22/04)

oh hi thanks for coming to my site! ^_^ i'll add u as a frined too and to tell you i like Hiei and Yusuke too! ^_^'

Youko Kurama (06/22/04)

I am gonna warn you... I am a lil INSANE!!!!!!!!!! but since you are new to me I will not make my radioactive squirrels attack you! ^_^


shippo gal (06/22/04)

Hi! I clicked on Random member and you showed up ^_^. I like you website check out mine and sign my guestbook! Add me as a friend if you'de like ^_^

Tepocoora (06/22/04)

Hi there^.^um...Tandy?
thanks for signing my GB and adding me as ya friend.I can tell ya still a newbe to myotaku if ya need any help or advice don't hesitate to come to me for anything^.^ So I'm guessing(by ya age) ya going into 8th grade? It's great to be the oldest in the school for a year I hope ya have fun^.~

You're always welcome at my site^.^I'm gonna add ya as my friend too...K?
STAY IN TOUCH!!::::::waves bye:::::::

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