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working out, sleeping, TaeKwonDo
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It starts with a B. ^_^" I decided to take off my name . Who knows whos out there! <.< .....>.>
none so far, but I will soon HA! HA! HA!!
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Naruto which I'm into at the moment, Pokemon.... I don't watch anime like I used to. But dont worry I watch others. Those two are my favorites.
to go to college some other stuff I have to make happen
drawing, which takes a thousand hours for me to do
um.....TaeKwonDo.....but I'm not that good yet.~_~
| LittleFunnyThing
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Summer is here ^-^
Yeah Summer vacation officially started like yesterday o.O .... ^_^ yepi! But it still feels like I got to do something you know. Like I was so used to the pressure at school that now that there isnt any I feel like Im wasting time sitting here. Like there is still school work to do... see this is what school does to you... freaky O.o. Well my b-day is like tomorrow so yeah thats about it.
Oh and I want to support my peep casceta. Its about a kitty who was drowned by a person in a video called "Hypocrite". It was a scene in the movie were somebody drowned a cat in the bath tub. I think they said it was supposedly for artistic expression and that a real cat was used for the shot. but if there was some pleasure in killing the cat then thats just messed up. So if you want to sign the petition go to her sight. Her sight is called casceta. So yeah thats all I got to say. till next post I guess ^_^. Well I guess I'll go play some Wii now
here is the pic of the day ^_^

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
T.T (*~sniff sniff~*)
You guyz know what happened.... My little fishy died on Sunday T0T. It was so sad. Cuz all of a sudden he didnt want to eat anymore. He lasted like 5 days like that. Then his breathing got hard then he was gone. My poor little fish. He was so cute and so blue and so pretty. when I took him out of the tank it was my only chance to pet him. he felt so smooth and scaly and a bit slimy but it was because of the water.Yeah I always wanted to pet my little fishy. Yep then I made a little burial for my fishy in the backyard. I dont know if I should get a new one. I might not. I dont want to replace my fishy T T. Yep that is what happened peeps O.O. Bummer. Other than that I had a good three day weekend. I played my gamecube. It was fun but I forgot to do my HW over the weekend. I beeter go do that ^^. Till next post my peeps
Here is the pic of the day ^_^
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Sunday, May 27, 2007
I am so GAGSYDFJFLLLOOOBBBooooo ...... DEAD!!!!!!!!! beebbeebebeeeeeebbbbbbbbbbbb!..... ugh? I dont know. Im having a nervous breakdown. I am so exhausted. I had to do this stupid interview thing were I had to do this thing were I was supposedly getting interviewed for a job at target. I would rather be at a real job interview than be in front of the whole class criticizing you and the teacher asking you questions +_+. Im beat but Im glad I got that over with on friday. I just feel sorry for the people who got to present on tuesday. They got to spend the three day weekend with that in the back of their heads. OH YEAH!!! three day weekend. phew!!! ^_^
Here is the pic of the day ^_^

Poor Naruto has to do HW XP.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
No Summer For Me -__-'
Well nothing going on I just wanted to say I put up a fanart so if you want to see it, like, go ahead. Yeah I really have nothin to say,oh! except that I signed up for summer classes at RCC(community college) cuz I failed in intermediate algebra during the fall semester T_T now I got to take it again during my precious summer. Yeah and classes are long during the summer. I got to go there from 10:00 to 1:45 O.O. I didnt fail the class on purpose the teacher was boring!!! And he had a hindu accent so I didnt understand him at first. I tried staying awake too but I always fell asleep! Bummer >.<. Math is not my subject. Well thats it! till next post my peeps ^_^
Here is the pic of the day

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Thursday, May 10, 2007
Im Back My Peep's
Sorry I havent been on. My CPU broke. Yeah thats what it is called. I never knew that O.o. So we got a new one, but we couldnt get the info out of the old one because whenever we turned on the computer it never went to the start page.So every single song, picture, and document is gone. It sucks. but my pics are in potobucket. Yep that is what happened. Oh guess this, I went to the taekwondo tournament and won a gold in forms and silver in sparring. Yeah Im pretty satisfied ^_^. But I feel like I dont deserve them, because not many people went, so there wasn't much competition. Yeah so till next time peeps ^_^
Here is the pic of the day ^_^

THE TORTURE!!!!!! THE HORROR!!!!!! THE PERVYNESSS!!!!!! This pic is funny. Iruka looks funny. Looks like hes going... AHHHHHH_______LALALALALALALALA!!! I better go to ya'll sights now... hee hee ya'll @w@
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
The shivers >_
Ugh!!! I had to present on friday in my english class. Im glad I got it over with. What a relief. If I had to go the whole weekend thinking about it I would have been totally stressed +_+. It was no big deal until I got up there and blanked out. I cant believe I am still nervous when I go up in front of the class to present something. But the wierd thing is that in spanish class I can present and I wont be nervous. Its only in those up tight classes were I get nervous. Like in U.S history or english. Spanish is fun and the people in there are fun. My other classes are like filled with the mean people. Yep I'm bake in school peeps so yeah I wont come on a lot. I might but I shouldn't cuz I get easliy distracted from work. Yeah i got nothin to talk about. Im gonna go now peeps ^_^
Here is the pic of the day ^_^

The ninja pika is back Woooo!!!
I'm still thinking if I should go to the TaeKwonDo tournament. I want to but I don't know my form to perfection so I have my doubts. If I do go I'm aiming for a gold medal in sparring ^_^. What else could I say. Oh I gots a question what do you hate about school. I hate essays and staying after when I just want to go home! T0T
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Sunday, April 8, 2007
Its Easter ^_^
Yep its Easter Sunday. To tell the truth Im not very religious, but I wish I were. I like learning about religion with my mom, but we hardly go to church anymore because my mom and dad both work. Oh No Tommarrow I go back to school!!! NOOO!!! My dayz of being lazy are ovA!!! Bummer -_-'. Aww man I didn't finish my outside reading book. I finished that dumb book the death of a salesman, but not the other book. Hopefully my crazy teacher makes us do assignments on the book I read, not the book I didn't read O.o. Im not so worried about that. Oh this day is also the day when little children seek out and unmercifully devour and murder poor innocent peeps. NNNOOOO!!! ARE YOU INSANE!!! hee hee I actually don't like peeps, they really don't taste that good. I would still eat them cuz, hey cant let food go to waste. But I dont mind eating them. Just like I don't mind eating vegetables. Really asparaguses and broccoli taste better than a peep! And I love veggies. Its just that peeps look so cute. Those beady little eyes and cute little noses. And there fat and cute. They are so cute I always hesitate and play, and look at the peeps cuteness before I rip there little cute heads off and gorge on there marshmallowy innards O.o!!! hee hee funny. I'll let you go now peeps take care and buh-bye!
Here is the pic of the day ^_^

I like this pic ^_^. Anyways my name is Barbara. Yes thats my name for those who don't know. And I got this name book for babies. Those things are fun. You know what my name means? It means STRANGE or THE STRANGER! Hee hee Thats kind of funny cuz sometimes my parents sometimes say in spanish "que barbara" or "que barbaro" and it means how strange. Oh and I finally know how much I weigh! I weigh 120 pounds. I always wanted to know that. Yeah thats personal info but hey I'm not embarrassed by it. So If you know do you know what your name means just for the fun of it ^_^
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
I hate titles. Cant think of one
I never have nothin to talk about. Cuz I dont remember nothin. Ok lets see. I should have bought more clothe when I went shopping! I mean there was a lot of cool clothe. And you know what I hate. When your walking in the dark and you hit your mini toe on a book or somthin. Its funny cuz you could take a bonk on the head or arm, but its those tiny things that hurt the most, like when you hit your nose. Cuz yesterday I was brushing my teeth and I hit my gums with the toothbrush! DONT YOU HATE THAT @.@! It still hurts. I got pissed so when I did that I just kept brushing the spot furiously!! No stupid little hurt gum was gonna stop me!!! So thats why it hurts a little right now, but my teeth are nice and clean( makes a big smile with busted bloody teeth) Heh heh yeah Im over exaggerating. Yeah Im a red belt at taekwondo, and the form were doing is hard. with all the hand movements I got to do. Yea thats it. Till the next post my peeps.
Here is the pic of the day ^_^

yes Hayate succumbed to the killer tooth brush and stubbing his toe in the darkness of night @w@. The pic is cute huh. Yep whats more fun than poking a dead guy. Narutos got the right idea. Hayates probably gonna whack him when he regains conscienceness. Yep Im going now ^_^.
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Hey peeps. yep ^_^. My computer was going stupid on us with viruses and stuff, so my brother spent the whole day yesterday fixing it and downloading things. Now my other bro is screaming like a big dumb fat IDIOT!!! Jeez he annoys me so much. So far this break is pretty crapy cuz Im thinking about that dumb book I have to read. The Death Of A Salesman. Yeah dont that sound boring. Ugh I just want to draw. Spring break is the perfect time to draw but i got to read these dumb books! It takes long for me to draw so eh. If I dont get the book I dont give a freak! Well Im outta here peeps. ^_^.
here is the pic of the day

Goten!!! I forgot all about DBZ. But I remembered about it cuz my bro bought a video game of DBZ on the Wii. Yep that was like the second anime I watched. Yeah I remember. ^_^
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Friday, March 23, 2007
Hey guys when you come to my site is there no bg. I dont know why its doing this. Im on it and its not poping out. So if there is no backgroung when you come here please tell me. I havent noticed that its been doing this. Like barley now I'v just noticed, cuz there is supposed to be a background. I only go on my site for a few min, so I dont let everything load on my page when Im on it, and I guess I leave the site without knowing. Sometimes its there and then its not there anymore. In other news at TaeKwonDo I think I broke a butt cheek. It was painfull. Its not broken it just hurts +_+. SPRING BREAK IS FINALLY HERE!!!!! Oh thank the heavens! I better go shopping but I doubt it. I Got no money Im broke T_T. Well thats it my peeps nothin goin on here.
Here is the pic of the day

Yes I can finally sleep in! Whoooo! Oh but Why Why!!! I have reading over the break! Nooo! But the good thing is after my TKD test on saterday no TKD for the whole spring break Whoo-Hoo no more busted butt cheeks what are you guyz gonna do O.o..... ^_^
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