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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I actually finally cleaned my ROOM!!! Taa-Daaa!! Yeah thats stupid but I havent cleaned it since... I dont remember, and that means it was long. I used to be such a neat freak and get real good grades, but now I'v just gotten real lazy and I dont care much for school like I used to, but Im passing. Well I went to the buffet that Sunday I said I wanted to. Mmmm delicious ^_^.... great Im gonna be a red belt in TaeKwonDo. Im scared @.@ cuz after that Im a black belt >.< that would be cool but I dont know man. I miss Matt and Calvin who sat next to me in spanish. They craked me up. They were mean but they were funny. Now I sit next to these girls who talk about boys and other stuff. There fun to but once they start talking about boys Im like, Ugh. Well anyways now that my room is clean I concentrate better on my HW. Yay! Im all cought up with my work and reading! And Im gonna keep it that way. Well thats it bye ^_^.
Here is the pic of the day

Eh? Im tired. Oh hey Whats a Knark? I think Its spelled like that.
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
I am posting to tell my friend somethin.... ITS ON NOW HELLO KITTY FREAK!!!! I will eat your soul!!!! O.o hee hee hee ^_^. Yeah Im bored so I hope somthin happens. Its Sunday and stuff happens on Sunday!!! Not really I'm just being a loser in my house all day. Outside to bright! I'm gonna spontaneously combust! ^_^ just kidding. I would go for a walk but I got no buddy to go with. You see this is why dogs are useful.(sigh) I still haven't paid my damn fee for college and I got to buy the book for the class. Hmmm I need a job but I wont like it. Nothing I cant handle ^___^. Once I'm out of high school I better go find one... Man I wish I was cooler!!! If I could go back in time too were I was 5 I would be the evilest little punk!!! I would have done whatever man. But I wouldn't want to hurt no one. I just wish I was more outgoing and had more fun being a kid. Cuz back then you could get in a fight and nothing would happen. Oh Yeah a refferal is so scary oh and a call to your parents O.o!!! Now I wish I could just deck some people in the face especially if their being jerks to another person or me, but you cant cuz you could get a record and get banned from colleges and other stuff... Well I would... Huh I guess I am a goody goody after all because Why would I care. So lets make this interesting. How many of you peeps have got in a fight... I mean a real beating the crap out of the other guy kind of fight, or wanted to, or was about to get in one, or yelled at someone at school. Just curious cuz I really got nothing else to say. Well I'll let you go now my peeps. Till the next post ^_^
The pic of the day

LOL ^_^!!!They scare me too Kakashi they scare me too. Really they do O_O. Heh well I guess Im a fangirl of naruto. But I avoid extreme fangirl craziness as much as possible. But thats hard to do cuz its everywhere especially that gay stuff. I cant look at fanart of my favorite characters without running in to that stuff. But hey Im tolerant so proceed and dont mind me... Blah I need to go too a buffet! I dont know that came out of the blue but I really do. I just want some seaweed tofu soup Mmmmmm!!! ^_^ It sends my taste buds on a journey!!!! You guys tasted it before cuz I dont know what the green leaves are in that soup but it tastes good to me!!! ok now I'll let you go ^_^.
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Whats Happening... You Know... Yeah
Well Im back from school now. I was put on the spot yet again by some news reporter people. I hope they dont show me on T.V. cuz sometimes news people dont use all their takes... I think? (Sigh) kind of depressing and sad because some kid got shot outside the school I go to. I didnt think he died but people are saying he died this morning. A boy in my class started crying cuz it was one of his best friends. I feel sorry for him. He just has to let it all out. Yep. I realized I dont live in a friendly town. My sis's school also had problems with people trying to go on campus with guns. And my bro had a gun pointed at him I think last year when he was coming home from football practice. And I had this one incedent of some stalker following me when I went to go on my walk with my dog Teddy. He was asking me questions about my dog and stuff and I just wanted him to get the heck away from me. I yelled at him and then he didnt bother me anymore. Jeez dang thats a lot! Heh ^_^ um well Im posting now cuz tomorrow is Valentines and I wont get to post tomorrow cuz I go to college classes tomorrow and Im tired and yeah. Hmm not like I had anything to say about Valentines I just wanted to post the pic!!!XD. well till next post my peeps.^_^
Here is the pic of the day

Yay! go Linky go Linky! Hmm after what I just said up their This pic is like ok you were talking about guns and stalkers and then you post a pic about valentines AAGGHHHHH!! well the pic is just.. well the pic of the day!!!XD sqeeee!!!!!
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Sunday, February 11, 2007
Hi Hi Hi Hi!!! Well its raining over here and nothin is HAPPENING. Damn you dial up. Everyone I know who watches Naruto sees the new episodes on youtube! T_T. Oh the pain the agony the bunnion the woe the woo and the you know who!!!! Well I could tell sparring weeks tomorrow at taekwondo. Or probably competition week. Ehh nothing I cant handle. Oh Im letting my brother play the twilight princess. I think he wants to find all the heart pieces before me. Its my game I should do it first!! EEEEEE! Im done with the game but I still love playing it. I think people steal pics on my site that I got off the interweb. Maybe thats why a lot of people dont comment. Or Im just boring. I dont mind. I guess I shouldn't. The pics aren't mine anyways. Ramble Ramble Ramble. Great my college classes start tomorrow T.T. So thats it. ^_^
here is the pic of the day

I am afraid of sharks! I dont know just somthing to talk about. Im afraid of a lot of things. But that is the #1 thing. Basically the ocean. I love swimming but you never know what could be down there!!! I used to be afraid of watching them on t.v or even seeing pics of them!! But even though Im afraid I love watching nature shows about them or other ocean animals. I actually learn a lot about them that way. ^_^. So what are you guyz afraid of O.o.... Yeah Kick His Ass Iruka!!! Poor Kisame ^_^
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Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Funny Comic
This comic is hilarious!! well in my opinion. I had to post it! ^_^
here is the comic of the day

Well? was it funny or disturbing O.o... Maybe both. ^_^
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AH HA!!! Somethi Did Happen Today!
Hmmm I think I remembered what happened today !!! I just remembered somethin. It was nerd day at school and people came dressed up as nerds and stuff. I didn't dress up. I wore my white long sleeved under shirt with a blue shirt with peeps over my white shirt, and grey pants. YEp I am so detailed.^_^ I wear glasses unfortunately and my teacher thought I wore them for the schools activity. DO I LOOK LIKE A NERD! I wear glasses everyday. I gave him a "what the hell" kind of look. He realized and then he felt stupid and everyone starts laughing. I don't like being the center of attention >.<". I was like hey no big deal until everyone started laughing, I thought it was funny too but someone felt pity for me, cuz I was supposedly called a nerd, that made me feel like "WHAT!?" O_O. Yeah after school I don't do much, I just go home. Being social is not my thing I'll hang out with friend when I feel like it. ^_^
here is the pic of the day

Gotta love them pink little dinos!!!
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The pink
Nothing is happening as usual. So Im going to sing a song for you. Here it goes...
Deeno, Dino, dum da do da do your a sweet little dinosaur,
Deeno, Dino dum da do da do your a pink little dinosaur
Deeno, Dino won't you play with me,
Im your friend and you know you'll always be,
mine forever we could be as one,
laughing playing always having fun,
you love candy + you like to play hide and seek all day,
I'm so happy just to be with you, hope that you feel it too!
Deeno, Dino, dum da do da do your a sweet little dinosaur,
Deeno, Dino dum da do da do your a pink little dinosaur.
Deeno, Dino baby dinosaur,
your my toy and the one that I adore,
you can smile, your eyes are oh so blue,
tell me dino do you like me too,
you love candy + you like to play hide and seek all day,
I'm so happy just to be with you, hope that you feel it too!
Deeno, Dino, dum da do da do your a sweet little dinosaur,
Deeno, Dino dum da do da do your a pink little dinosaur!!!
^_^ long huh. You guyz heard of this song? Its like in my head
here is the pic of the day

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Monday, January 15, 2007
gangsta iruka and kakashi
pics of the day.

Heres the original one.

I love these pics XD!!!
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I really really dont want to go back to school! I got to go tommorrow T_T. At least I only have three classes. Untill my RCC classes start... What a pain in the..... foot! ^_^ you thought I was gonna say ass... Oh no O.o. At least I went shopping with my friend on saterday. Kind of like a last day on break thing. I spent most of all my money! Im satisfied but I really dont want to go back. Oh and it snowed like on friday and I forgot to post about it >.<. That was the first time I saw snow. I wanted to draw some art over the break but then again I was distracted.
here is the pic of the day.

Now burn it Kakashi! Burn the HW! LOL this pic is the best. ^_^ Kakashis butt is pretty big so it must be like torture or somthin under their.LOL ^_^
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
The whole break I been playing video games! EEEEEE XD! I will probably never get to do this again! Have to play as much as I can utill I go back to school ToT! But then my mom always has to kill me with the history of washing the dishes or mopping etc. She always says that when she sees Im not doing anything but playing vg... uh anywayz I been playing naruto clash of ninja 2 and Zelda the twilight princess. Well I guess thats it peeps I dont want to bore you.
Well here are the pics of the day ^_^

One of those is not a gamecube controler but what the hell. Wait thier all GC controlers. @.@
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