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Saturday, September 30, 2006
Man Im posting like crazy. Its WILD!
Iruka & Kakashi are still #1 peeps! Iruka looks like he wants to kick Kakashis ass. Man I wanna see them fight! I'll keep the new theme up for now, but Im gonna change it back to my old one.

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Mmmmm...... sweet.
What flavor do you like? You can only pic one. And no seconds.

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O.O I see.
I finally found a pic of Kakashi without his mask that I like! All the other ones are like blah.

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Who likes SSBM ? This pic is so cute. I had it for a long time. Someone named chibi rinku had it but her site doesnt exist anymore. I love the legend of zelda. Cant wait till the Twilght Princess comes out! But its gona come out on the nintendo wii first T.T Anybody like video games?

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Monday, September 18, 2006
I think Im gonna stop posting for awhile. A lot of bad things happened last week & Im so exausted. I need to consantrate more on my homework now. Well I might break my promise about not posting but I'll still be on the Otaku sometimes to talk. Tell me if you guyz like the pic. Man I always fall asleep when I do my HW. I wish I was you Iruka ...well not the HW part but the sleeping part.

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Saturday, September 9, 2006
Just felt like posting peeps
Yes, Whos playing pranks on who now! Poor Naruto. I was so angry yesterday cuz my mom picked me up an hour after class was over! & it was hot & I was sweating so bad! it was like a waterfall! Then at Taekwondo I hit the people to hard. Well its not like I never do that but it got my stress out.

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Sunday, September 3, 2006
Save Them Big Fat Funky Whales. LOL!!!
At the Konoha aquarium......
Iruka: Poor little guy stuck in that tank all day.
Kakashi: I didnt know you were a tree hugger u ..u stupid tree hugger.
Iruka: thats a dolphin not a tree bozo!
Kakashi: Oh?
Iruka: come on kakashi we cant let an injustice like this go by!
Kakashi: Yeah!!!
Iruka: You gonna help me or what!
Iruka: all right!! were bailing him out tonight!!
Kakashi: Im behind you one hundred % of the way fish hugger.
And That night......
Kakashi: Faster Iruka Faster!!! This is fun! We should do this more often!

LOL!! I just thought of this at the last moment. Kakashi your so cool!!! Poor Iruka doing all the work. LOL!!
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Yeah, I Still Like Pokemon
Well I only like the games, the show is totally crapy.One of my fav. pokemon is Lugia. Well this is a dark lugia But they drew it relly cool.

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I like this pic so I got it. He really needs to shave that fro!

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Sunday, August 27, 2006
My Favorite Characters
Kakashi and Iruka are my favorite characters. My sister makes up storeis about the naruto gang doing stupid and crazy things. Iruka is always calling Kakashi stupid and Kakashi annoys him in his wierd ways. But thats just our imagination. Yeah were pretty wierd and not right in the head.

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