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working out, sleeping, TaeKwonDo
Real Name
It starts with a B. ^_^" I decided to take off my name . Who knows whos out there! <.< .....>.>
none so far, but I will soon HA! HA! HA!!
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Naruto which I'm into at the moment, Pokemon.... I don't watch anime like I used to. But dont worry I watch others. Those two are my favorites.
to go to college some other stuff I have to make happen
drawing, which takes a thousand hours for me to do
um.....TaeKwonDo.....but I'm not that good yet.~_~
| LittleFunnyThing
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Its Easter ^_^
Yep its Easter Sunday. To tell the truth Im not very religious, but I wish I were. I like learning about religion with my mom, but we hardly go to church anymore because my mom and dad both work. Oh No Tommarrow I go back to school!!! NOOO!!! My dayz of being lazy are ovA!!! Bummer -_-'. Aww man I didn't finish my outside reading book. I finished that dumb book the death of a salesman, but not the other book. Hopefully my crazy teacher makes us do assignments on the book I read, not the book I didn't read O.o. Im not so worried about that. Oh this day is also the day when little children seek out and unmercifully devour and murder poor innocent peeps. NNNOOOO!!! ARE YOU INSANE!!! hee hee I actually don't like peeps, they really don't taste that good. I would still eat them cuz, hey cant let food go to waste. But I dont mind eating them. Just like I don't mind eating vegetables. Really asparaguses and broccoli taste better than a peep! And I love veggies. Its just that peeps look so cute. Those beady little eyes and cute little noses. And there fat and cute. They are so cute I always hesitate and play, and look at the peeps cuteness before I rip there little cute heads off and gorge on there marshmallowy innards O.o!!! hee hee funny. I'll let you go now peeps take care and buh-bye!
Here is the pic of the day ^_^

I like this pic ^_^. Anyways my name is Barbara. Yes thats my name for those who don't know. And I got this name book for babies. Those things are fun. You know what my name means? It means STRANGE or THE STRANGER! Hee hee Thats kind of funny cuz sometimes my parents sometimes say in spanish "que barbara" or "que barbaro" and it means how strange. Oh and I finally know how much I weigh! I weigh 120 pounds. I always wanted to know that. Yeah thats personal info but hey I'm not embarrassed by it. So If you know do you know what your name means just for the fun of it ^_^
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