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working out, sleeping, TaeKwonDo
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It starts with a B. ^_^" I decided to take off my name . Who knows whos out there! <.< .....>.>
none so far, but I will soon HA! HA! HA!!
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Naruto which I'm into at the moment, Pokemon.... I don't watch anime like I used to. But dont worry I watch others. Those two are my favorites.
to go to college some other stuff I have to make happen
drawing, which takes a thousand hours for me to do
um.....TaeKwonDo.....but I'm not that good yet.~_~
| LittleFunnyThing
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 02/13/07:
Result Posted on 02/13/07:
What the heck!!O_O
Result Posted on 01/31/07:
Whatever man.
Result Posted on 01/31/07:
What do the Naruto boyz think of u? (The best one you'll take!! ) (Gallz only!)
You're laid back, you like to take your time, you're smart, and calm. Naruto: She's okaySasuke: She's niceShikamaru: She's not troublesome. I like her. Couji: She's really nice! ^_^Shino: She's coolKiba and Akamaru: She's too boreing!Lee: She is verry smart, I admire that in her!Neji: She's okayGaara: as long as she stays out of my wayKankuro: She's not my typeMe: you're just jelouse that she's beter than yoU!Kankuro: you're annoyingMe: So?Your most likely BF: Shikamaru or Neji, or maybe even SasukeYour BFFs: Hinata or maybe SakuraYour sensai: Azuma (sp?)Your village: Leafk, hope u liked it! Pleez rate! >_< Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/31/07:
Yay! it fits me ^_^
What type of fantasy creature are you? beautiful pics!
 You are a unicorn! You feel quite ordinary, but there is one thing about you that others love and that one thing makes you, you. You like being with others of your kind, but hide from things that are new or strange to you. You are very peaceful and calm and often lose track of time. You daydream a lot. You like a lot of cheerful colors. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/31/07:
What Do The Naruto Charaters Say And Think About You? (For Girls)
 Your guy: Gaara of the Desert/SandWhy he likes you: Because you are strong, inside and out.What Sasuke says: "She is every strong."What Sasuke thinks: *She will be one of the most tough competition*What Naruto says: "Everyone thinks she's stronger then me!"What Naruto thinks: *She is pretty cool and strong, but stronger then me??What Neji says: "She is very powerful."What Neji thinks: *She will be unbeatable when she gets older.*What Kiba says: "She's pretty and strong."What Kiba thinks: *She's hot man! Why's she with Gaara ?*What Shikamaru says: "She's strong."What Shikamaru thinks: "She's strong."What Rock Lee says: "She's pretty!"What Rock Lee thinks: *I haven't even tried to ask her out. I'm afraid she might throw me or something.*What Gaara says: "She's...interesting."What Gaara thinks: *I finally found someone I can fully trust.*What Kakashi says: "She has the most potential. Well, besides Naruto, but that's because he's the worst."What Kakashi thinks: *She should come to the Bakini Bash!*What Choji says: "Sjkdjfakdf ad fja el rjai jf adjfaire hjfaizdjva eir ntaoij."(Translation: Do you want some strawberries?? Cookies?? lol, jk!! She is really really strong. She's got the power, and faith in herself.)What Choji thinks: *She scares me.*What Kankuro says: "She is definatly going to be a challenge."What Kankuro thinks: *Really strong. In Sasuke's league.*What Kabuto says: "She is really bright."What Kabuto thinks: *The very best to work for Orochimaru. With her at his side, he is totally unbeatable.*-Girls-What Sakura says: "She's really cool!"What Sakura thinks: *Why is she so much stronger then me??*What Ino says: "She's got it all..."What Ino thinks: *How did she get it all??*What Hinata says: "She really is nice."What Hinata thinks: *She's so powerful...*What Temari says: "She is very strong. A hard one for me to fight."What Temari thinks: *I wonder if she'll teach me some taijutsu moves...*What Tenten says: "My weapons are nothing against her."What Tenten thinks: *How does she do it??* Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/31/07:
Naruto compatiblity by horoscopes
 GEMINI:You should get along with Libra and Aquarius.Which are (libra) Naruto, Ino, and Asuma...or (aquarius) Shino, Sarutobi, Yondaime, Tayuya, and ObitoStay away from Virgo and Pisces Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/30/07:
He he thats funny
How to make a LittleFunnyThing |
3 parts pride
3 parts ambition
1 part joy |
Method: Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of caring |
Result Posted on 01/30/07:
I got a Neji. What do you know
Result Posted on 01/24/07:
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