It's me!*and the one above in my intro box*
Hey everyone YAY it's Friday and i'm finished my Mid-Terms! WHOOT! I'm so glad that was over + i'm glad about this week being over i missed all my friends and it was horrible!
How is everyone?
I hope well and i heard some of yaz are not too well and i'm sorry to hear about that and i hope everthing turns out okay soon!
I'm okay well lets say i'm in a better mood and things are okay right now with me and my parents, so i'm glad about that!
Um... there isn't much to talk about cuz nothing really happens around here...
It did Snow in Delaware finally but it's all gone today from the rain and my little snow angle disappeared with it! *CRYS "boo hoo!" O well it's okay, even tho it was only the second time it snow this whole winter season.
But thinking about the snow brings back lots of memories for me! And it's alots of fun thinking about it. Going back playing in the snow,eating it, and playing snow game with my bestest friends!
It was all fun and games for me when i was younger!
Now well it's a boo-ie life lol!
Well i'm going to end this post since it's not that exciting and i must be boring you guys right now and sawwie about that!
Um... i hope everyone is okay and are living there lives and getting though tough timez, and well just be happy!
And i'll catch all of you guys l8ter!