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myOtaku.com: littlenaru

Saturday, July 23, 2005

knives is spared
knives begged for mercy......

but he still got the crap beat out of him by the hinta girls + keitaro and mari.....

knives:*has a full body cast on* it's true.......

and now for today's post.....


mari:*asleep on the couch*

b: *trying to wake her up* mommy!!!!!! wake up!!!!

knives:*walks into the room* leave her alone b.....she was out late last night.........

b:*tears up* she never goes to the park with me anymore!!!!!!

knives: well then.....*smiles* lets wake her up!!!

knives and b:*blow fog horns*

mari:eeeek!!!*falls off the couch*

b: mommy..can you take me to the park?

mari:*rubs eyes* sure, go get your shoes on.......


mari:*in the shower*

b:*asleep on the couch*

knives:*sneaks into mari's bathroom*

mari:*singing something*

(yes, sadly i do really sing in the shower)*^^*

knives:*opens shower curtain*

mari:*smiles* you thought you got me...*wearing swimsuit*

knives:*looks dissappointed* figures.....


dj and mari:*making out on mari's bed*

knives,miroku, and vash(he come and goes):*staring through the key hole*(i thought i put gum in that...)O.O

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