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myOtaku.com: littlenaru

Monday, October 31, 2005

HALLOWEEN!!!! yay!!!!
mari:*dressed in kitty costume at dj's party* whee!!! *drinking sake by the bottle*

dj, knives,vash,miroku and jake:*O.O*

jake:is she always like this at parties?


jake: do one of those three always try to take advanage of her? *points at knives, vash, and miroku who are all gropimg mari in variuous places*

dj: keep watching


mari:* kicks vash in the balls, slaps miroku, and punches knives and give him a blody nose..*

inuyasha and ed:*start laughing hystarically*

dj: see, she can take care of her self...

mari:* walks over to jake and dj* ello.....*passes out in their laps*

knives, vash. and miroku:*give them death glares*

dj:*takes out towel* dont even go there...

jake:*eyes flash red*

pervs:* go sulk in the corner*

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