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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/25/07:
Result Posted on 03/24/07:
*MySpAcE SuRvEy* | --THE BASICS-- | [name]: | marissa j | [birthdate]: | november 11 | [sex]: | female | [relationship status]: | single | [shoe size]: | 10 | [parents still together]: | no | [siblings]: | 3 | [pets]: | 0 | --FAVORITES-- | [color]: | clear | [number]: | 11 | [time of year]: | spring | [type of weather]: | rainy and warm | [food/drink]: | pink jelly beans and mountain dew | --DO YOU-- | [twirl your hair]: | if im really bored | [have any tattoos]: | not yet | [cheat on tests]: | no | [like scary movies]: | some | [like cleaning]: | when im bored | [know how to drive a standard]: | yes | [own a cell phone]: | yes | [collect anything]: | drumsticks | --HAVE YOU EVER-- | [been in a fist fight]: | yes | [considered a life of crime]: | no, i want to be a cop | [considered being a hooker]: | no | [been in love]: | yes | [made out with just a friend]: | yes | [hurt someone you love]: | yes | [kicked someone in the nuts]: | yes | --CURRENT-- | [clothing]: | jeans and a tank top | [hair]: | up- very messy | [song you are in love with]: | hawthorne heights - ohio is for lovers | [cd in your stereo]: | a random mix of everything from hip hop to scremo | [mood]: | just kinda of blah | [thing you ought to be doing]: | running | --LOVE-- | [first crush]: | a british drummer in a not very known in the US band | [first kiss]: | real one? age 16- paul | [first love]: | that same english drummer i fell for | [do you believe in love at first sight]: | yes | [do you believe in "the one"]: | yes | [are you a tease]: | i can be at times | [would you ever commit yourself to someone 100%]: | yes | --ARE YOU-- | [honest]: | the majority of the time | [sarcastic]: | very | [a daydreamer]: | *spacing off* huh? what did you say? | [up tight or laid back]: | laid back around friends, uptight in large groups of people i dont know | [messy or organized]: | an orginized mess | [shy our outgoing]: | outgoing | --RANDOM-- | [nervous habits]: | bouncing my leg up and down or tapping my fingers | [are you double jointed]: | no such thing | [can you roll your tongue]: | yes | [do you make your bed daily]: | no | [which shoe goes on first]: | either | --IN THE PAST MONTH HAVE YOU-- | [bought something]: | yes | [been sick]: | yes | [sang]: | yes | [missed someone]: | yes | [gotten drunk]: | no | [gotten a haircut]: | no | [watched cartoons]: | yes | [been kissed]: | yes | [lied]: | yes | --LAST PERSON THAT-- | [you spent the night with]: | never have | [spent the night with you]: | never has happened | [saw you cry]: | my dad | [made you cry]: | my ex | [you said "i love you" to]: | my ex | [told you they loved you]: | my ex | --WHAT IS-- | [the best feeling in the world]: | getting a hug from someone you care about alot | [the worst feeling in the world]: | knowing that someone you care about hate's your guts | [your greatest fear]: | this is going to sound juvenile, but, the boogyman | [the thing you want most in life]: | to succeed, to acomplish my goals | Take this survey | Find more surveys | MySpace Surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site | |
Result Posted on 02/01/07:
What animal would you turn into?
 You'd turn into a Snowleopard! Like a snowleopard you are quiet, shy and not seen much and find it hard to talk to people, but dont really mind being by yourself. However once you have gotten over your shyness and are relaxed you are so different it can be scary! You have a few close friends who can grasp your strange ways. You are generally laid back but when you get angry you get angry and can be very vicious and a force to be recond with, though few people ever see this. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/07/06:
*MySpAcE SuRvEy* | --THE BASICS-- | [name]: | marissa s | [birthdate]: | 11/11/89 | [sex]: | female | [relationship status]: | taken | [shoe size]: | 10 | [parents still together]: | no | [siblings]: | 2 brothers and a sister | [pets]: | a phsychotic yellow lab | --FAVORITES-- | [color]: | brown and pink | [number]: | 23 | [time of year]: | winter | [type of weather]: | cold and snowy | [food/drink]: | mt.dew and crab ragoon | --DO YOU-- | [twirl your hair]: | yes | [have any tattoos]: | no | [cheat on tests]: | no | [like scary movies]: | some yes.. | [like cleaning]: | sometimes | [know how to drive a standard]: | automatic, yes | [own a cell phone]: | yes | [collect anything]: | kinda | --HAVE YOU EVER-- | [been in a fist fight]: | yes | [considered a life of crime]: | no | [considered being a hooker]: | no | [been in love]: | yes | [made out with just a friend]: | yes | [hurt someone you love]: | uh huh.... | [kicked someone in the nuts]: | yep | --CURRENT-- | [clothing]: | jeans,t-shirt | [hair]: | usually up and its brown | [song you are in love with]: | killing lights, love like winter,miss murder...-afi | [cd in your stereo]: | afi-decemberunderground | [mood]: | kinda sad kinda happy | [thing you ought to be doing]: | writting my english paper | --LOVE-- | [first crush]: | phillip | [first kiss]: | phillip | [first love]: | dj or paul | [do you believe in love at first sight]: | yes i do | [do you believe in "the one"]: | yeah | [are you a tease]: | sometimes..ok, most of the time | [would you ever commit yourself to someone 100%]: | yes | --ARE YOU-- | [honest]: | most of the time | [sarcastic]: | yeah | [a daydreamer]: | yep | [up tight or laid back]: | laidback | [messy or organized]: | my room is messy my locker is orginized | [shy our outgoing]: | shy around people i dont know, out going around everyone else | --RANDOM-- | [nervous habits]: | biting my nails,shaking my leg... | [are you double jointed]: | no, there is no such thing... | [can you roll your tongue]: | you bet!! | [do you make your bed daily]: | heck no.. | [which shoe goes on first]: | left | --IN THE PAST MONTH HAVE YOU-- | [bought something]: | yes | [been sick]: | yes | [sang]: | yes | [missed someone]: | you bet | [gotten drunk]: | nope | [gotten a haircut]: | nope | [watched cartoons]: | yep | [been kissed]: | yes | [lied]: | yes | --LAST PERSON THAT-- | [you spent the night with]: | no one | [spent the night with you]: | no one | [saw you cry]: | i cry alone | [made you cry]: | i dont remember | [you said "i love you" to]: | paul | [told you they loved you]: | paul | --WHAT IS-- | [the best feeling in the world]: | knowing that you did something right | [the worst feeling in the world]: | knowing that you've dissapointed someone you care about | [your greatest fear]: | being alone in the dark | [the thing you want most in life]: | to make a difference | Take this survey | Find more surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site | |
Result Posted on 08/27/06:
Result Posted on 07/28/06:
Result Posted on 12/31/05:
Result Posted on 12/29/05:
Result Posted on 12/26/05:
Take the quiz: What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)
 Eden You have eden eyes. Eden is the color of water. Your eyes symbolize your great flexibility. You are a creative person. You can think of many good ways to get your point across to people as you have very good communication abilities. When someone feels down or is hurt, you have the remarkable ability to help them and heal them. If you have too little going on in your life, you may be withdrawn and depressed, timid, manipulative, unreliable, stubborn, or suspicious. Some words to describe you: peaceful, sincere, affectionate, tranquil, intuitive, trustworthy, pure, loyal, healing, and stable.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! |
Result Posted on 12/22/05:
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