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| littlestar0555
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/07/07:
Who are you from Fushigi Yugi? ( Anime pics, everyone. )
 You are Chiriko! Chiriko was the last of the seishi to be found, and whose power is extreme intelligence. The thing that is forgotten most often about Chiriko is that he is a kid. It's the seishi symbol (when lit) that makes him smart, without it he is just a scared, little child. "Knowledgeable Child"Star Pattern: HydraSeishi Name : ChirikoPronunciation: chi-lee-koReal Name : Oh Do-kunBirthdate : 3/19Age : 13Height : 148cm ~4'10"Hair Color : Chestnut brownEye Color : Bluish-greyBlood Type : ASeishi Power: Extreme IntelligenceCharacter : "cho" - StretchingLocation of Character: Left footInterests : Reading and studyingFlaws : Looks like a little girl (really 16 ), and useless in the anime Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/07/07:
Which Inuyasha Guy Would Be Right For You?
Result Posted on 03/07/07:
Which Shaman King guy are you most compatible with?
 You got Ren! Cold and calculating, but Horohoro seems to set off his temper. He used to mistreat spirits, but Yoh showed him the error of his ways. Bason is his spirit compainion, a fearsome warlord from ancient China. He has an older sister, Jun. He would admire your fighting spirit, and top notch skills. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/07/07:
Which Naruto character is your dream date?
Result Posted on 03/05/07:
How Do You Feel Inside???(with ANIME pictures)
 You feel lonely.You dont see your friends much and you really miss them. Normally you would hate school but you dont mind it because at least you can talk to other kids. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/01/07:
would you rather date naruto or sasuke?
 you would date sasuke!you like him cause your the kind that likes cool and collected guys that are strong and that cares about himself and the vengence of his brother why.and he goes to the dark side(sorry ppl who havent come to this part yet)to become evil with orichmaru.sad sad ssad.pssh hope you still like him.and hes also strong but he wasnt as strong as naruto thats prbably why he wanted power.yeah.. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/01/07:
there is someone in life i must kill
Who Are You More Like...Sasuke,Sakura or Naruto(or my surprise character)?
 You are Sasuke! You are quiet and mysterious,most likely the reason for all the adoring followers! Your goal in life is to find and kill a certain someone....that someone is your brother. You are very secretive most likely because of your tianted past. So ya! You are Sasuke! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/01/07:
What Season Best Fits You? (anime pics)
 You are a winter. a moment of harshness and slumber in the cycle of the seasons. All is trapped in the timeless glaze of this season, air grows cold and the sun shys away from the bitterness of the cold. Soft flecks of snow gently dance upon the wind, only to turn into an anguishing flurry of blinding whiteness. It is unforgiving in its ruthless manner, and yet at the same time its a soft stillness evoking an odd sense of comfort. What it means about you: this may mean a few different things about you, keep in mind that not all of them are going to necessarily apply to you. Winter may mean that youre the type of person that feels awkward around others, and uncomfortable around people. You like to distance yourself from social things, youd rather stay at home and watch o movie or read a book than have to go out and do something, sometimes. You are also possibly a bitter person, you tend to have a lot of anger built up and try to hide it. You may be shy at first but once you get to know people you can talk a little easier, but are still hesitant to share your true self with anyone. You might also have bouts of laziness where you simply want to sit and stare at nothing.
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Result Posted on 02/26/07:
How much do you love?
 You hate not to love but you hate to fall in love. You can't help but sigh when you see to people kiss in the park and all. You don't like to go over board and believe in a small steady relationship at first so that it can grow. You also like to think that you can have that kiss that puts you into a portal and you can't get back until he/she stops. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/26/07:
>>>>What girl or Angel girl are you?<<<<
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