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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 02/14/07:
Result Posted on 02/14/07:
Which anime caracter are you most alike?Anime pics (only girls, sorry dudes T.T)
 Tomoyo DaijobiShe's a kind, friendly, gentle, generous, and warm hearted girl, she dearly loves every one of her friends, ans would do anything she could possibly do to help them. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/14/07:
Result Posted on 02/13/07:
Which eye are you? ~~GREAT PICTURES~~
 You are the tearful eye. You have been hurt really bad in some way and you don't know how to fix it. You would most likely do anything just to feel happy again...but you don't know where to start. You are more than welcome to message me for advise. I am very good at giving advise when needed. Or even just to talk. I've been in the boat that your in, and I was able to jump out and start anew. If I can, so can you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/13/07:
What's your inner power? (Girls only sorry. Beautiful anime pictures, lengthy results)
 Understanding- Your inner power is Understanding! Lifes many mysteries have become your ultimate goal to work out. You are neither a good or bad person, just very neutral, very stable. You look down on nothing or anyone, merely observe their point of view and make no judgments. You can be seen as very shadowy and uncertain in what you believe in to an outsider, but this isnt always true. You simply dont flaunt your views around. You have a few, close friends who rely on you, and love you for the way your never scorn for the way they live their lives. You are very caring and would make a great mother, seeing you always try to help those who come to you for your aid. You are extremely hard to anger, and yet when you are, your forgiveness is hard to gain. You are loyal, secretive, very quiet and often impassive, with few able to break around the wall that you built to protect yourself. Not everyone acknowledges you even exist, but you dont really care. As long as you have your close friends by your side, you are right to go. Although they might not voice it, many people long to have your ability to accept change as well as what cant be changed. Dont ever let others bring you down, because you are truly special, and those who have the courage to venture passed your walls of silence will only regret not having tried to befriend you sooner.
Boy/Girl who will sweep you off your feet: The mysterious boy/girl. The one who no one knows much about. You are attracted to him/her by the secrecy around him/her, and he/she loves how stable and unjudging you are.
Your stone/jewel: Sapphire Your power: Life. The ability to bring those who have died back to life, as well as bring life back into those who have lost all hope.
Your element: Lunar
A quote that applies to you: "Do not be 'against' anything. Being 'against' weakens you. Be 'for' what you want. Being 'for' empowers you." Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/13/07:
WHAT do THE naruto GUYS think OF u??? (long answers)
sasuke: omg i love her she is an awsome fighter and she can even beat me. i would never tell her that of course. garaa: shes strong she made me bleed and i'll kill her for it(o.O) kakashi: nice girl and im postive sasuke likes her. she should be in the next ichi ichi paradise book ^/. orochimaru: she could bring sasuke to me, then i could find some other *uses* for her *evil grin* naruto: OMG I LOVE HER she always comes and eats ramen with me i think i want to ask her out but im not sure... kiba: GORGEOUS!!! kabuto: i do what orichimaru tells me 2. neji: shes nicee... i guess...rock lee: GORGEOUS!!! girls: y can't i be her?!?!?! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/13/07:
~What is your Hearts Greatest Desire?~
 Your Greatest Desire is Succes. Your intelligence and very helpful to those in need. You have trouble sticking to your goals, because mostly something in life seems to disorientate you. A great day for you is a day where you can rest, and putting effort towards something you are working for. You can be lazy, and standing up for yourself is something you admire in others. It isn't quite like you do not wish to share your opinion, just no one seems to hear you. If you can have one thing that would be to know you won't turn into the kind of person you dislike, and will grow up to be a perfect adult and rolemodel. Sometimes too much is expected from you, so feel free to make your own decisions and mistakes in your life.Love Life: Someone kind and generous has already fallen in love with you. But as you age farther you will find that what you look for in someone now will change over time. You will have a happy marriage in the end.Occupation: The average paying job and a very close family. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/04/07:
What color are you? (Anime Pictures)
Result Posted on 02/01/07:
What Do the Characters From Naruto Think of You?? girls only
 Naruto-Thinks you smell cause you got Sasuke, but secretly loves you.
Sasuke-Gets all mushy and squishy around you, cause he likes you.
Neji-Trys to be all emotionless and junk, but is jelous of Sasuke, cause you're foxxy.
Gaara-Same as Neji.
Kiba-thinks your hot.
Akamaru- Bark bark growel (doody head!!)
Rock Lee-Is your stalker. He has a shrine under his bed for you and worships it daily.
Shikamaru-Thinks your hot like Ino.
Shino-Would gladly give up bugs to be told "Hello Shino-chan" by you.
Sakura-Pretends to be your friend, but Inner Sakura thinks it's time for you to die, bitch.
Ino-Agrees with Sakura, and plots to kill you.
TenTen-Couldn't care less.
Temari-Is your BFF cause you are nice to Gaara.
Hinata-Is kinda jelous cause Naruto loves you, but is your other BFF.
Kakashi-Thinks you should spend more time with sasuke so sasuke isn't so lonely.
Might Guy-Thinks you should be with Rock Lee.
Jiraiya-Wants you to pose for his next book.....and you decline.
Itachi-Shall kill you for getting together with Sasuke
Orochimaru-Don't know who you are.
Iruka-Thinks you should hook up with Naruto
Asuma-Don't care
Kurenai-Don't care
Kabuto-Don't know who you are.
Personality-Cold and kept to yourself
BFFs-Temari and Hinata
Village-Hidden Leaf Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/01/07:
What's your Element? (anime pics)
 You are water. You are laid back. You are friendly and very fun to be around because you listen. You do what others usually do and don't really mind but when you know it's something wrong you usually just don't. You aren't the most social person but you aren't a mean person either. All in all your a nice generous person and you are liked. Take this quiz!
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