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| littlestar0555
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 01/12/08:
Result Posted on 01/10/08:
Result Posted on 01/10/08:
Result Posted on 01/09/08:
which character from Full Moon wo Sagashite are you?
 your mitsuki!!! your a passionate dream chaser and will do anyhting to make a friedn happy. BACKGROUND: mmk. for starts your dream is to become a great singer because you promised your frist love that you would both try your best to reach your dreams, right before he left the orphanage to America. you move in with your grandmother who HATES music because she beleives it has taken everything from her. you also learn that you have throst cancer and cant reach you dream. you only opipion is to have surgry to remove your vocal cords, until 2 shinigami (death gods) come and tell you have 1 more year to live. they are able to turn your unhealthy 12 year old body into a heathly 16 year olds (a.k.a. Full Moon). you become a famous singer and a friends to takuto and mereko, the shinigami. *quizmaker* There is more to this stroy but im too lazy to keep typing and i its easier to tell you to just watch the show. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/09/08:
Which HONEY AND CLOVER Guy's Heart will fall for you? [Contains Spoilers] [For Girls Only] [Includes Pics]
 Shinobu MoritaYou've won Morita-San's Heart!About him: Morita-San retook his college years many times that he eventually became a 7th Year Student. He is unable to graduate because he never wakes up in time to go to classes, this is due to his mysterious job he has. Although he'd always bring back a lot of money, he rarely ever uses it and does not want to spend it. Instead, locked out of his room, he sometimes ends up sleeping at Takemoto-kun's room. He had a happy childhood and gets his strange, random, crazy characteristics and talents from his father. Morita-san depises his own talents as it seems to make others upset including his brother. His brother wants to bring back the company that their dad's friend sold, Morita-san agrees to help and therefore he ends up taking many long endless jobs.Why?: Morita-san is a very very random person. He has the looks and the brains too. He gets his crazy random characteristics and talents from his father. However, he depises his own talents because it seems to make other upset like his brother. He likes you because you have something different that you stand out of the crowd just like him. Morita-san expresses his love for you by teasing, this can seem very childish. It would either make you laugh or cry! Although he may seem ignorant: disappearing without a word or he doesn't seem like he has paid any attention to what you have said. He actually takes account of it deep within him, he tries to cover this up by joking around a lot. He is always thinking of you, even though he may not seem like it. He's a Prince Charming or... A Knight(?) :), he'll come back for you when you're in desperate need. He can get very serious at rare occasions and you're probably the only girl who ever saw his lonely side. He is not the type of guy to confess to you, but rather kiss you! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/09/08:
Which YOTSUBA& Charictor are you?
 YOU ARE YOTSUBA!! Playful, cheerful, and energetic to all those around you! I'd like to meet you, you sound like my kind of person. Anyways, your a great friend, even though you take somethings to personal. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/09/08:
Azumanga Daioh Quiz ( which character are you?) girls only
 Your Sakaki. Your silent, shy, and harsh looking. However inside your a animal lover, and you love cute things ( cats, rabbit, etc.). Everyone is always calling you cool, you wish you could be as cute as Chiyo chan. All cats have something against you guess they're afraid of you, and you are constantly getting bitten by the biteing cat. Koarin has a secret crush on you... gross ( I hate Koarin so creepy...). Your cat is an Iromote wild cat named Maya a cat who actually likes you! I think your character is awesome! She reminds me of my friend Amber ( both extremely shy). Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/09/08:
What Are Your Chances To Get Into Ouran High School? [Include Pics]
 [Your Chances of Getting into Ouran High School is 60%-80%]You're almost there, but something is grabbing you back the boundary! You just need to work on what you are doing now! And keep at it! You'll eventually reach your goal! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/09/08:
Which Tsubasa Character Are You
 You are Sakura! (apologies to any guy that gets this!) The very soft hearted and caring girl of Tsubasa. You are very innocent and can barely do anything wrong (goody two shoes!XP)Kurogane: Shes a burden...(Me:Shut it Nii-chan XP)Sayoran: I LOVE HER!!!Fai: Shes very sweetMokona: YAY!!!! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/02/08:
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