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| littlestar0555
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 01/09/07:
What Japanese Animal are you (anime Pics.)
Result Posted on 01/09/07:
Which Fushigi Yugi Guy is the one for you?
 Wow...AMIBOSHI is your perfect match!!! Now THAT'S lucky! You can't have him cuz he's mine!!! Well, anyway, he's a really gentle and caring guy who'll always listen to you and be there for you when you need him the most. He plays the flute (how cute is that???) and is a really calm and sweet guy...He seems to be his younger twin, Suboshi's conscience I guess... but beware...His brother is one scary dude. He might not want you to get too close to Amiboshi... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/09/07:
Cool I am Lost!!!
What is your anime personality?
Result Posted on 01/09/07:
What do you dream of? (anime pictures)
Result Posted on 01/06/07:
What Naruto Guy Loves You? Created by Ashe on Take this quiz now - it's easy!
Result Posted on 01/06/07:
What kind of anime eyes do you have? (picture results)
Result Posted on 01/06/07:
What's in your heart? (8 detailed answer + anime pics)
 Sorrow is in your heart. And it's not the best thing to have. It seems you've forgotten how to smile and laugh, and if you haven't then it's just a facade (fancy term for mask). You prefer you're own company and like to dwell on your dreams, and live on your tears, rather than your life. You always seem sad and longing for something more. Your Element: Water Your stone: Sapphire Your Past: You almost certainly would've had something bad in your past. You probably took a massive gamble on something, like love, and it turned out wrong. So now you just constantly go back to that. Maybe it wasn't a gamble, maybe it was something that wasn't your fault. What ever it was you need to learn to live on. Life goes on, and it will go on with out you if your not careful. Your Future: Your future looks bleak. You need to drink more water to replace all those wasted tears, or you'll shrivle up, dry out and blow away with the dust. But if that's what you want then be my guest. You might find someone who can cheer you up, maybe a lover maybe a good friend, but the chances don't look good unless you do something yourself. Take one last chance, it'll be cool. What you want out of life: Nothing. Maybe to change the past. Maybe to get a better life, to stop living off your dreams. Go out and try something new. Please rate and message. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/06/07:
what blood type are you like?girls only(with anime pics)
 *blood type A*you are like the blood type A.people of blood type A are sensitive,revengeful,careful and gets hurt easily,and you will take vengeance on them to get them back,and you will remember whoever was disgrace to you for quite a while.but deep in side,you still cares for the one you love. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/06/07:
what blood type are you like?girls only(with anime pics)
 *blood type b*you are like the blood type of b.people of blood type b are often shy,calm,clear-headed smart and have quite a few close friends,but it really takes time for you to make new friends or to get use to a new are the most responsible blood type,and you mostly make the right are also loving and caring.^^ Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/06/07:
What's your true color? (With anime pics!)
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