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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 01/04/07:
what do u look like in naruto
Result Posted on 01/04/07:
what do u look like in naruto
Result Posted on 01/04/07:
Fruits Basket - The Sohma's Thoughts and Feelings On You (Very Detailed Answers)
Result 1  Yuki: Thinks you're the most amazing girl he's ever met, and he loves how outgoing and down-to-earth you are. With you, there's no mask, and he can always relax. He obviously has feelings for you that he just can't deny, and is obviously competing against that damn cat which he can't stand, especially because of how he looks at you.
Kyo: Thinks he's falling for you, but is too stubborn and tough to admit it. He likes how you accept everyone and always think before you act, but he also finds it saucy that you can stand up for yourself. He feels like he can really be himself around you, and you won't judge him - although he's stubborn about not letting his feelings show, he'll never give you up for that stupid rat.
Shigure: Is absolutely mad about you, probably just as much as Tohru (if she was in this, I mean). He thinks you're a cool, smart girl with a hell of a lot going for her. He likes your bottom, too ^_~
Hatori: Thinks you're good for the boys. You're a sensible, genuine person - there aren't very many people like you, he feels, and he's glad that his boys are the ones to have found you.
Ayame: Thinks you're absolutely fabulous, just as Shigure does, and is dying to take you to his store to try on some of his outfits. He thinks your smile is to die for and is planning on getting closer to Yuki through you - not in a sly way, but because he knows Yuki trusts you so much, he thinks that if you give a good word in about him, then Yuki could change his mind.
Hatsuharu (Haru): Thinks you're ok. Of course, he's even more unreadable than Kyo, so you'll never know how what he really thinks of you, but he sort of admires how you keep your head high and aren't afraid to be your true self around anyone.
Momiji: Enjoys spending time with you because you play all kinds of games with him and treat him just like a little brother. He always giggles teasingly when you're with Yuki or Kyo because he can see just how they really feel about you. Funny, isn't it, how kids know things that older people don't.
Kagura: Is terribly jealous of the way Kyo is around you, and is very protective of him. She always acts cold and difficult around you just to make her point, but you always fight back regardless. This always amuses Yuki and the other boys, and they know you'd never go too far with it, unlike Kagura! Kisa: Was shy around you at first, but now, feels safe and happy around you and loves how you never ignore her or say 'one second'. You're always there in a flash, and knows you'll look out for her. She thinks you're very funny!
Hiro: Thinks you're cool. At first, he was difficult with you, but he eventually learnt to realise that you wanted to be his friend, but weren't going to take any crap from him in the mean time. He likes to joke around with you.
Ristu: Took advantage of your understanding and sympathetic spirit when he first met you, but soon came to realise that it was mean and selfish. He knew you were a genuine person and only wanted to help... so then, he only went on a new apologetic, attention-seeking wheel and put you through it all over again!
Akito: Hmm... what does Akito think of you? It doesn't take a genius to work that one out. He finds you a complete threat to the family he's got the power over, and he's absolutely jealous of how you're so outgoing and bright. Everyone loves you. No one loves him... Basically, he'd kill you if it wasn't for the whole prison thing. The last thing he'd want before he dies would be to accidentally drop the soap.
Sorry if you didn't like your result, but please appreciate the effort I put into this whole quiz.
Happy quizilling,
Goddess Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/04/07:
Is your Soul trying to tell you something? ( What if it is!? Do you really want to know?)
 nicer, Your soul is telling you to be nicer, Maybe you have been hurt in the past, and you just can't forget about the pain you experienced. But its time to more on from that, get on with life and dont be mean when people offer to do something for you, they simply might be telling you that they care or they life you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/04/07:
Result Posted on 01/03/07:
What Color Is Your Aura??? (7 breath-taking results!!!)
 You’re shy, have low-self esteem, and is a sad person deep inside. But you’re also extremely honest and loyal to people you love, (well…the people you let in your heart anyways) and is quite secretive about your own and other people’s feelings. You’re very good at keeping secrets. You’re afraid of people betraying your trust, which had probably happened before. This is why you’re so sad. Above that sadness, you put on a quiet and innocent smile which seems to fool everyone. Honestly, you’re just a bit too nave, or trusting. You cannot believe it when humans torture animals, and you hate it when people kill each other for stupid reasons. You’re a sweetheart, but just too shy and un-confident to share these great ideas. People see you as a nave person who’s kind and forgiving. Black and White mixed together gets grey, so you beware! You have a dark side too! When you’re dark side is revealed, you’re more confident but a bit harsh to others and stuck-up. Famous Grey-Aura: Draco Malfoy (from Harry Potter) though he’s on his dark side right now…Most Compatible With: Green-Aura, Blue-AuraLeast Compatible With: Orange-AuraQuote:“The question is not how we forgive, but when we forgive.” –gomicha11At Your Best: Sweet, forgiving and very lovingAt Your Worst: Harsh, distant and a little stuck-up Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/03/07:
~~What do the Naruto Teenagers think of You!?!?!~~(girlsonly)

Naruto thinks: You are a cool person and is glad Sasuke is off limits now. Sasuke thinks:You are cute and caring. Sakura thinks: That you should die. Shikimaru thinks: He would be better fitting for you. Chouji thinks: You are annoying. Ino thinks: You should die a VERY painful death. Neji thinks: You are a horrible ninja. Tenten thinks: You are nice. Rock Lee thinks: You are as beautiful as Sakura. Kiba thinks: You deserve better. Shino thinks: You should hangout more. Hinata thinks: You are intimidating. Gaara thinks: You are hot, and would fight Sasuke for you. Kankuro thinks: You are ugly. Temari thinks: You are pretty cool.
Your boyfriend is:Sasuke he saw something in you no one else did and eventually couldn't get you out of his mind. Your best friend is: Naruto Your rival is:Sakura, Ino, basically every female genin in the hidden leaf village... -_-' Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/03/07:
What Beautiful Colour Of Kimono Would You Have?(Girls)(Stunning Anime Pics)(3 questions)
Result Posted on 01/03/07:
What color school uniform would you wear? anime pics
 You would wear a yellow uniform! You are cheerful and careing! You are very outgoing and loves to take care of animals! You are always in a good mood and that's why people like to be with you! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/03/07:
what r u? (girlz) (anime pics)
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