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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/29/07:
Are you Naughty or Nice?
NEITHER:Like most of us, you've got the best intentions but you struggle with doing the right thing somtimes. Your friends greatly influence your behavior so, if you want to be nice, hang with nice people. Simple! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/29/07:
How shy are you?
Shy one:You are very shy. You find it easy to go into a shell and not let social interaction worry you. You probably have one or two friends whom you can confide in. You find it difficult to open up to people.Please take my NEW shy poll! : ) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/29/07:
What does your inner self crave?
Happiness.You're usually a bit miserable, for one reason or another. You can't really help it. No matter what you do, you just don't get enjoyment out of it. You often find yourself thinking depressing thoughts, and you don't like to put yourself out alot. You don't see the point in anything. Your aim is to be happier, and carefree. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/27/07:
Result Posted on 10/17/07:
Very In-Depth Personality Test
You are calm, and very content and comfortable to be who are. You are compassionate and caring, without inhibitance. You probably have a good amount of people that call you friend, and you them, and it is hard to tell who your best friends are. You probably also have people that pick on you because you're so nice., but you don't let them get to you, because you understand that they are really just jealous of your upbeat attitude, or may just not understand why you have it. Your life may have been easy or hard as you grew up and you either moved through the rough spots without regret or grudges, or you just never had any rough spots to deal with. Your view on life is not one held by many and you move through life as easily as a knife sliding through butter. Many great things lie in store for you. You do not let fear inhibit you, and you move through life as if you travel uninhibited by and restraints. Others are drawn to you and you have a possibility of being famous, you have such charisma. All in all, I wish I had known you, and maybe I do. The important part is to keep your positive outlook on life, to give when you can, and take what is needed. May your life be good. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/14/07:
What is your Nauto life? (includes: story, charater, rep, picures , your boyfriend, future, and what they think! )
You are.... Aliya Itoe (me)  border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">Story: Aliya Itoe was born in the sound village - The sound ninjas protect her. She moved to the leaf village to train. She ended up staying there and making alot of friends.Reputation - You are nice and sweet, but you can stand up for your self. You have crushes on- Neji, Kankuro, Sauske, and Yondaime (even though he is older than you)Sauske: She's great to train withNaruto: She is so cool! She buys me ramen all the time!Sakura: How come all the boys like her?Kiba: She loves to play with akamaru!Shino: She is a Sweet girlChoji: She cooks for me alot!Tenten: She is very nice! I like her alotNeji: She's okay....Kakashi: A hard working student I am proud of herGaara: She gave me a stuffed animal....She taught me how to love..Temari: Sweet girl, with spunkKankuro: Me, Gaara and Temari treat her like a lil sis Your Boyfriend: YondaimeFuture: You were sad Yondaime was gone on a misson. You were walking down a street and suddenly were attacked by sound ninja - of course you put up a fight. You found that you were out numbered but managed to take them out. You were so wounded you passed out.  You slowly woke up..Yondaime? I must be dreaming...Aliya? Are you okay?Yes, now that you are here. I love you Yondaime...I had a feeling something was wrong so I came back...*you cryed (you were so happy) as he held you* ^-^ so cute!^-^ Please Rate Good It took me along time to make this! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/14/07:
What do u look like in animeness???? girls unless ur just bored
Result Posted on 10/14/07:
Result Posted on 10/14/07:
Result Posted on 10/14/07:
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