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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/26/06:
What's your ideal pet? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
 CAT! Meow... Elegant,with an own will. Cats are cool and they are independent. When they want to cuddle they come and if you want to, and the kitty won't, it will show you her claws. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/26/06:
What Type Of Schoolgirl Are You?(Anime pic)
Result Posted on 12/26/06:
What Spirit Do You Represent?(Anime Pics)
 Mysterious. people often wonder who you really are. You always seems so cold and mean, but deep inside you have a very tragic past, you're really a nice person, but for the fact of your past, your cold,mysterious and expressionless...hey, cheer up, the past is the past. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/26/06:
What dark feeling do you guard? (For gals) (Anime pictures and detailed answers)
 Loneliness. Long ago there was a wise queen who ruled a large kingdom. Everyone in the kingdom loved the queen. One day an evil magician came to the kingdom. He tried to sell his magic goods to the people but the queen had made a law against strangers selling goods. The magician grew very mad and cast a spell on everyone in the kingdom to believe he was king. The queen was sent away and forced to live alone in the jungle. The queen had a daughter who wasnt affected by the spell and couldnt understand what was happening; eventually she went mad (crazy). Years later the queen returned, but everyone was gone, they were driven away by the magician. The daughter was the only one who remained, but she didnt recognize her mother.You guard loneliness. You are a loner but not by choice. People dont really know you or they know a part of you that is a mask. A few people know the real you and like it. You dont have many friends, but want to. You are really shy around boys that you dont know well. Song: Hotel California by EaglesCause of De,ath: lonelinessName: Jenny Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/26/06:
What color is your Spirit? (girls only) ANIME PICS
 Red. Your spirit is red. You are often stressed out, and you always hurry to get things done. You are very smart, and you also love athletics. You are pretty strong, and do lots of work outside of what you do at school. You dont really show off your knowledge, or flaunt your talents, but you do well in lots of activities, but try not to be a big show off.Number: 19Spirit: rushed, not always thereQuote: If you want everything, you'll end up with nothing -Lulu (Final Fantasy X) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/26/06:
What are you the Guardian of? (Girls only) (Anime PICS)
 Guardian of Shadows.A people don't really know you, and you like it that way. You stay out of peoples way, and don't talk often. You are just there, but a few people know you. At school or work, you are always there and are hiding something.Power: able to blend in with surroundingsHome: cityFav. Color: blackName: EmberWhat else you rule: Darkness, night, mystery, intelligence, and cunning Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/26/06:
What is your life rated? NOW WITH PICS!
Result Posted on 12/26/06:
Why do people admire you?
 Coolness! You are a peacemaker. You are able to smooth every fight. You are neutral and you don't see just black and white.Nothing worries you, you're always cool and calm. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/26/06:
What Anime Cat-girl are you?
 Your a sweet catgirl.Shugary sweet and always trying to do the right thing, helping out the needy and and smiling sweety are what you do best. But your never going to brag, thats why people love you so much. Except..when your driving us insane with your over amout of kindness. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/26/06:
Yet another personality test ^-^ (nice anime pics!) NEW outcome!!
 You are a LONER. Tho u like being with other people, it's nice to have some time for yourself too. And sometimes people are it's better to be alone and do whatever you like. So yeah...go away! Take this quiz!
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