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| littlestar0555
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/25/06:
What's The Girl Inside of You? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:. (UPDATED!)
 You are Intelligent
You have the ability to intimidate many people by your brilliance. You are logical, and the think-before-you-act person. If you set your mind on something you want, your determination will make you have it! If someone's going to be rich, that's most likely going to be you! You are very dependable. And during a group activity, you are most likely oing to be the leader! Ambitious and hardworking, you're going to be successful in life! But remember, there are many other things in life than good grades, and money. Enjoy the time with your friends and family, and when you ARE rich, enjoy some more!
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Result Posted on 12/25/06:
What [weather] Princess are you!? (Really pretty pictures)
Result Posted on 12/25/06:
Everyone has a secret ability. What is yours? (7 answers with pics)
 Elemental artistry is your specialty.You are a naturally artistic person. You can draw, dance, sing, play instruments, anything that pretains to art. Multi-talented is your middle name, or perhaps it is your first. You love being creative in everything you do. You are a very balanced person, and in tune with your surroundings. You love natural settings, and as a matter-of-fact, that is where you work best. You don't really like the raucous crowds of the city, and would rather be somewhere rural once in awhile. Whenever you become creative, the elements would be more than welcome to bend to you. You are one with the elements and they are one with you. Whenever you dance, the waters rise. Whenever you paint, nature rearranges herself into your best composition. It's still a mystery as to why nature cherishes you so, and perhaps that's what makes you so unique. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/25/06:
Which Mythical Being Resides In You?
Result Posted on 12/25/06:
Result Posted on 12/25/06:
Which Fruits Basket boy is for you? (Girls only)
 Hiro SohmaHe professed his love for Kisa Sohma to Akito (the head of the house) when he was young. Akito hit Kisa. He was too afraid to continue to show his affection to Kisa. So when kids at school picked on Kisa he was too scared to help her out. She ran away from home and met "Sissy" (Tohru Honda). Now he is constantly jealous of the attention Kisa gives to Tohru. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/25/06:
What animal are your? (with anime pics!!)
Result Posted on 12/25/06:
=^_^= What fuzzy animal are you? =^_^= {-With Pictures!-}
 Your a Panda:Cute, often hyper and naturally fluffy!Aww....your so cute!!!! -Hands you some bamboo- Your so lovable and adorable when people see you they want a hug. But your probably napping in a tree where they can't reach you. ^_^ Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/25/06:
What Different Kind of Angel are you...? ( Anime-ish pics )
 You are a Waiting angel. You stay inside your little world waiting for that special someone to come and take you away. You hope that the day that your love will come will be soon, and no one can pick on you for wanting to save yourself. On the other hand, your hopes decrease every day that you suffer. Try to hold on a bit longer... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/25/06:
What Is Your Element? (beautiful anime pics)
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