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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/24/06:
What type of spirit are you? (AWSOME anime pix!!!!! 11 RESULTS!)
 You are the spirit of Water.You love water. You play in it. You swim in it. You float in it. And you wish you could live and breath in it. You love sea life and all the differant things down there. The ocean mesmorizes you. There are o many things you can't see from the top, but if you just look deep enough, you can see a little peice of it. The ocean is kind of like you. Most of the time your calm, and kind. But sometimes you can become rough and really mad. You have a core group of friends that you love, maybie even more then the ocean.You are the spirit that bonds people and the ocean together. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/24/06:
What kinda girl are you? (girls only, anime pix)
 You are quiet.You are very quiet and shy. You don't like to be around new people, and you have a small group of close friends. Some people may not know it, but your really nice, and caring. Try and open up a little to people. You'll be surprised by how kind and understaning they can be. Especially if you were really hurt at some time in your life. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/24/06:
What are your wings made out of? (AWSOME ANIME PIX!!!!!)
 Your wings are made out silk.You are quiet and shy. You don't like to be around new people, and don't have many friends. You've probobly been hurt pretty bad in the past so, just like silk, your very delecate. You don't want to be hurt again, so you don't trust people easily, or show your emmotions. But, for people who get through your hard shell, they know that your a kind, caring person, who just doesn't want to get hurt. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/24/06:
what element is your soul?(anime pics)
 your element is water you are calm and people rely on you are probaly good at swimming and patient with littler kids. you can be calm like flowing water at one momemt but angry like a Tsunami at the next.your are secretive and deadly at times. Even though you sound dark you are a social butterfly and can be a party animal! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/24/06:
very me!
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