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myOtaku.com: Llandra

Friday, May 12, 2006

Beth- ERRRRR It's like one in the morning, I am playing Kingdom Hearts 2, just to keep my mind off things. Actually stopped playing because my hands are numb from holding the contorller. Well have you ever had one of those days it started out bad, and ended even worse...Well times that 10 and you have my day.

Llandra- Now come on it wasn't that bad, you got to Cassie and Mommeh, and even big brother.

Beth- BAH, will you be quiet your worse than my sister trying to tell what good parts there are in a day. -Folds arms across her chest.- Anyways, with early events is why I am awake, it seems that life has gotten worse. Besides the fact that I am moving, it seems I will be moving near a place called Bland, yes an even smaller town than Caddo. I will be back out in the country once again, I am rejoicing. - Sarcasim seeping through.- Although I will be away from a whore of a neighbor...

Llandra- HERE HERE!! -Holds up a fist.-

Beth- -Perks a brow.- Anyways, I get to live in the....Dum dum dum...Garage. Yes thats right the garage, which has no heating unit or cooling one at that. So when its cold, I want it hot, and when its hot I want it cold, YEAH RIGHT!! Oh and to put the cherry on top of the cake, heh, I get to share this lovely new room with my sister. -Sighs.- Hopefully they will find somewhere with oh I don't know MORE ROOMS!!

Llandra- You are pissed, and besides why are you still awake, you have packing to do remember.

Beth- -Eye twitches.- I fully aware of that Ms. Smarty Pants -Mumbles under breath.- Heh I'm having so much fun, actually trying to figure out what is keeping me up. Lots of things are but so little time to tell them. Oi I have been meaning to put cosplay pictures up from A-kon these past years, just haven't gotten the chance to sort through them. So good night/morning which ever one you want to hear from me.

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