Birthday 1990-08-08 Gender
Male Location Sitting in front of a computer Member Since 2005-03-08 Occupation student Real Name Eddie
Achievements Making such great friends that i love and care about.........*98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy & paste this into your profile.* Anime Fan Since ever Favorite Anime Tales of Symphonia, Inu-yasha, Mew mew power, One piece, Get Backers, Love Hina, Fire Emblem.... just about any.... Goals To meet all my friends on myotaku and to become a great poet Hobbies squash, TV, video games, ANIME ^_^ Talents Poetry, making great friends... i dunno... Lloyd Irving4
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Worlds Greatest Friends
Everytime I love someone it ends up in tradgety
It's just like a flower, by dying slowly and wither
But going through all this made me realise that friends should be loved aswell
I think about my two greatest friends saying "I just want to be with her"
The first is a bit cheeky but is funny and makes me laugh
She's one of the people to make me happy after the years I have been sad
She's a loving personand fun to be around because she is hyper
She even makes me laugh just by thinking about her which makes me really glad
The second actually lives far away but lives close to my heart
I often worry about her because she is important to me
But if I lost her I'd be dead on the inside and full of misery
Because she's just so great and she lives life so freely
You're probably eager to know who these people are
Because they are just so great to me but expect me to be telling
They are the greatest friend a guy could ever have
I love them as much as anything, and there names are Yazmin and Ellen Comments (2) |
Sunday, September 4, 2005
I was alone, yet had people near me
They all hated me and tried to stay far away
They all feared me because i was different
At often times, i wish i wouldnt stay
It was the first time we met and you didnt cower
You didnt think before accepting me as a friend
I tried to hide and keep things from you
I dont know why you chased me until a dead end
But im glad you did because id still be sad
So I thank you for what youve chosen to do
Because i would still be alone if you hadnt
And thats why i can never leave you.
although it mite be a slight rip off, off of, but there are a few ppl who have made this true... Comments (1) |
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Life is but a puzzle
To feel the soft nuzzle
Why are we all here? why do we all exist?
I start to wonder if there is something i have missed
What is the true meaning of the word friend?
Is it really someone who loves you to the end?
Because it really hurts when someone has lied
About being someone who would rather you hadn't died
Love is the hardest one to work out
It's hard to figure what the true meaning is about
Many people have differnt theories
But I have one important query
Am i right about my thoughts on love?
Is it like fitting like a glove?
I say love can be also with your friends
Loving forever far past the end
But all it is is probably an illusion
For my life, is full of confusion Comments (2) |
Monday, August 22, 2005
Change of mood
As some of you might know,
I was feeling really down
Being angry at everyone
And keeping a nasty frown.
As the wind begins to blow
And then begins to rain
The beautiful feeling
I forget about the pain.
At night as the sky is lit up
Where i just happen to look
The sky is filled with beauty
As it reminds me of Brooke.
Sitting outside on a nice sunny day
With the wind blowing in my face
The nice calm sensation
My heart fills with grace.
There is more than one person
To make the sadness end
It is something that is special
Which is the love from your friends. Comments (2) |
Monday, August 15, 2005
Love poem
When your in love
You feel your heart flutter
Your legs begin to weaken
And act like a total nutter
You feel this way
When you see the one
Your life brings meaning
So you throw down the gun
As soon as you see that person
You know thats the one for you
If you want that person
Then you know what to do
I've found the one for me
Which I've been lonely for a while
She makes me so happy
Everytime I see her smile
As I'm sitting there alone
And people begin to look
All i can think about
Is you, Brooke Comments (3) |
Tuesday, August 2, 2005
This is more a song than a poem.
Verse 1:
When you’re hurt and think about what you are worth
You think you've been a problem ever since your birth
You’re thinking that you’re lower than pollution
And then believe that there’s only one solution
But why end now you’re still young
There are so many things that can be done
Just because you feel hurt
And the people treat you like dirt
You’re always putting yourself down
Your facial expression a frown
Don't go splitting your wrist
Just because people made you pissed
And all your friends that lied
There's something better, than suicide
Verse 2:
There’s someone out there for everyone
To make you forget about the things you’ve done
To protect you and care about you
To love you no matter what you do
Someone to not throw you away
The one who loves you day after day
Just because you feel hurt
And the people treat you like dirt
You’re always putting yourself down
Your facial expression a frown
Don't go splitting your wrist
Just because people made you pissed
And all your friends that lied
There's something better, than suicide
Verse 3:
To be with you forever even until you die
Someone you can trust who will never lie
The one who is always holding on after they let go
The one is by your side and never says “no”
The one who will miss you when you’re in the next room
The one who is there to never make you gloom
Just because you feel hurt
And the people treat you like dirt
You’re always putting yourself down
Your facial expression a frown
Don't go splitting your wrist
Just because people made you pissed
And all your friends that lied
There's something better, than suicide
New girl i like...
There's a new girl that i like,
It's something I must say,
We are so close together,
Yet so far away.
We have so much in common,
And get along quite well,
I would catch and hold her in my arms,
If she tripped and fell.
She's sweet and kind and very pretty,
Although she doesn't think the same,
It's not like I've known her for years,
which you might think is pretty lame.
I just wished she lived closer,
So I can see that face up close,
And if looking at her was a drug,
I'd always have to overdose.
I've felt less lonely and rejected,
Since the first time that we met,
I've also lost fear and cruelty,
I now avoid every threat.
So that's the girl i like,
For this i have no shame,
I know that I will love her,
I'm not gonna share her name. Comments (5) |
Monday, July 25, 2005
You may think she's pretty harmful
But she's as harmless as a bug
Other than my family
She's the first to give me a hug
You may think differently
But that's something i don't mind
She's stuck up for me once
Which was actually really kind
She's done so many things
That no-ones done before
But as this poem goes
There's still a little more
She's sweet and nice and kind
She's one of my closest friends
I hope we remain this way
Far beyond our ends
So that's a little on Jess
We'll be friends beyond this day
I love her with all my heart
But in a friendly way
alrite i admit, i offered this time... but... but... SHHH!! Comments (1) |
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
She's very kind and very sweet
I'm sure you've heard of her before
Her name is Erinn
But wait there's more
She's a great friend
You don't expect to see her that often
But when i talk to her
My worries begin to soften
She's extremely nice
I trust her alot
She's not like those fools
Or those lying twots
She's nice to be around
Just take my advice
She makes you feel
Like you wanna live twice
That's some stuff about Erinn
That's all I have to say
I love her with all my heart
You know, in a friendly way
this is another weird person who wanted a poem made about them.... they r seriously whacked if they like the poems Comments (1) |