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Monday, December 13, 2004
Just to celebrate the birthday of a very good friend of ours...a perv we've all grown to know and love...

Happy Birthday, Broken Blade...
....Yeah...erm...I didn't really get ya anything...sorry, BB...would you believe me if I told you that I got you a birthday suit?
Guess not...
...Anyway, to the rest of you guys...what are you still doing here? Go to his site and wish him happy birthday or something...even if you don't know him...
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Friday, December 10, 2004
T.G.I.F indeed...

Umm...yeah. So, I have absolutely nothing planned for the weekend...I'll probably do some Christmas shopping, hang out with friends and such. As of today, school is closed, until 3rd January, so I have a few weeks of rest to catch up on...hopefully...
Oh, and my exam results...
English- 85%
Geography- 76%
Spanish- 82%
Math- 58%
Physics- 82%
Chemistry- 74%
Biology- 67%
AS Math- 70%
Which makes an average of about...74.25%...
*sighs* I don't know what happened in Biology...but I do know that most of the Math Class failed this exam...three quarters of the class got less than 10%...but not because it was hard or anything...just because we have a complete ass for a teacher...
I'm disappointed...I consider anything below 70% as a fail...thus is the life of a retired A-student... are you guys doing?
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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
...Nothing new.

Today was the birthday of a good friend of mine...namely Amanda...I bought her some jewellery...earings and know, the sort of things that girls usually like. It was fun, I guess. The group of, to be exact...want to go out this weekend to celebrate...but meh, I don't know...
I don't know what to do with my fanfic. See, I've come up with another idea for a fanfic... for now, I'll just call it 'La Diablesse: The makings of an urban legend.'(Sounds catchy for a title, eh?) But I absolutely hate the thought of leaving FF7: EG so incomplete...I want to finish it, but I don't know...what do you think?
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Monday, December 6, 2004
....Yet another day of school...

I didn't do much today, just went to school and chilled. Nothing too noteworthy. I curled up on a chair and fell asleep for about an hour or so. Unlike many other civilized countries, we have to wear school uniforms...pleated skirts are too breezy...thank goodness for shorts.
Anyway, Sakura01 lent me a couple CD's with anime music...and one with the video for Evolution by Ayumi Hamasaki. I'd highly recommend that you see it some time, or at least hear the song. The fast paced, techno beat of the song is infectious, and as a plus, there are a few fine bishounen in the video.
Well, that's enough of my ranting for now...
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
At long last, I have returned...

Miss me?
Guess not...
Anyway, nothing too eventful happened in my little corner of the universe...with the exception of an earthquake on Friday...and exams last week. Finally, it's over. So, I get my report back on Friday...and my dad made me a deal...if I get within a certain percentage range, I get $500. A damn good incentive, if you ask me. Do you know how much Pocky I could buy with five hundred dollars? But I'm not going to count my Chocobos before they hatch...I'll just have to wait and see...
I have a lot of catching up to do...forgive me if I don't get around to all of your sites. I'm just so tired, and I don't know why...anyway, I'm glad to be back, and damn, did I miss you guys.
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Friday, October 15, 2004
I'm afraid that this is least for now...
I'm not sure when next I'll be able to update on my site. I don't even know if you guys care anymore, but I hope you know that I never meant to neglect you.
Anyway, thanks to Darksoul, hinaru...heck, thanks to everyone I know, friends and flamers alike. There are a few people I'd like to say a special thanks...
To VileFantom and Sw33tZ...
Dany, never loose your optimism, and always remain just as kind and sweet as you've always been. And Dave, in addition to being one of MyO's greatest artists, you have a gift for making people laugh. I really appreciate having you both as friends. And always remember our mantra...Goosfraba...
To Chocobo Gene and D.Seph...
Two of my oldest friends...I miss the good ol' days of chatting on the chatterbox and battling D.Seph when BB never showed up for his battle. Honestly speaking, I miss that. I know we've drifted apart, and we're not as close as we used to be, but I still appreciate you guys for all that you've done for me. Thanks for all the kind words and wisdom.
And, last but not least, to Broken Blade...
Heh...thanks to you, I fall into random fits of angst when I hear 'Broken' on the radio. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. You selflessly gave up so much of your time, for me...I'll never know why you did...but nevertheless, I'm extremely grateful. Thanks again...and remember, I got your back...and I'll always be here for you...I promise. I'm at a loss for what to say...
It's said that truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget. If this is so, I will never forget you all.
Anyway, I should be online more often during the Christmas vacation. I may not be able to update my site, but I will try to visit your sites and leave comments on my chatterbox...please feel free to do the same...
Ki o tsukete...
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Friday, September 17, 2004
And now...the much overdue Chapter fifteen...
(First off, I apologize sincerely for my absence...trying my best to cope with my schoolwork this year...anyway, this chapter isn't very long, so please bear with me.)
Upper Junon was a glitzy place, with access to five star hotels, magnificent theaters and classy restaurants. It was the ideal tourist destination, catering only to the affluent and aristocratic members of society. Huge billboards advertising the latest movies towered overhead, almost blotting out the mid-afternoon sun. Cheerful music filled the air, reminding Cloud of Gold Saucer. The town was teeming with activity, which made it easy for Cloud and the others to blend in with the crowd.
They made their way to the travel agency, where Lucia entered and spoke with the man behind the counter. A slight frown appeared on her face, but she continued speaking. A sum of gil was exchanged, and Lucia came outside to meet Cloud and the others.
“They say that they no longer allow boat rentals,” she explained hastily. “But there is a cruise ship headed for Mideel within the hour, and they’re stopping off at Costa del Sol and then at Bone Village to refuel. But I could only manage to get four tickets, because the rest are sold out. Since I bought them, I’ll have to choose who gets the tickets. Let’s see…” Lucia paused for effect, her emerald eyes darting about the group. “Ryudo--”
“I think it would be wiser if the girls get the tickets,” Ryudo interjected. Noticing Lucia’s miffed expression, he shrugged composedly and added, “Hey, I’m just trying to be a gentleman.”
Cloud ran a hand through his wild blond hair idly. “Okay. The rest of us will find a way to sneak on board,” he said, grinning slightly. “We’ll see you gals later.”
Cloud, Tidus and Ryudo made their way through the crowd, headed towards the docks. The girls and watched them go, when the sound of a scream drew their attention to a spot further down the road. The crowd had suddenly moved away from a certain area, where two burly guards were escorting a man away. He was screaming in agony, and his eyes were blank, as though he were miles away from Junon. His haunting screams faded and died, and the people in the street returned to normalcy, although hushed whispers had developed among them.
“Those in Upper Junon discovered to have the Jenova virus are immediately sent to Lower Junon to prevent uninfected persons from contracting the virus,” Lucia said quietly. “That’s the only policy that President Shinra put in place to deal with the virus.”
Tifa, who had previously distracted by the scenery, now drew her attention over to the conversation at hand. “From what you’ve said, it would seem as though he doesn’t want to control the Jenova virus at all,” she said evenly.
“I think you’re right,” Lucia concurred. “And he doesn’t want the public to be aware of this virus. I think he’s afraid that the people will panic and start a rebellion.”
“That’s terrible!” Sakura exclaimed suddenly. “Why don’t you let them know what’s really going on, Lucia? They’ll listen to what you have to say. You are a government official, aren’t you?”
“Even so, my words will not be able to influence them,” said Lucia. “Unfortunately, the people have known nothing but a dictatorial government all their lives. A government that keeps them uninformed, and tells them what to do and what they can and cannot say. People are content with being ignorant and implicit, because that’s the way it has always been.”
“Maybe they’ll eventually realize that change isn’t a bad thing,” Darksoul said optimistically. “As long as they have a good leader to show them the way, they can change.”
“I guess you’re right,” Lucia said, smiling cheerfully. She glanced down at her watch. “Wow, is that the time already? We’d better board the ship now, or we’ll get left behind.”
At the jetty, a few armed soldiers were on patrol, shouldering their guns and pacing back and forth grimly, as though they were marching for a funeral procession. The monotony of the scene was broken when shouts of “Sleepel!” echoed throughout the jetty. A strong gust had built up from the source of the sound, and the
unsuspecting guards were flung into the air and out into the water.
“Darn…wrong materia again,” Tidus said, grinning at the guards floundering in the water. “Terribly sorry about that, blokes. Feel free to send me the drycleaner’s bill.”
At once, Cloud, Tidus and Ryudo came running up the pathway. The three entered the cargo compartment and the thick metal door swung shut behind them, ensuring their place on board the ship, supposedly undetected. But unknown to them, a trio of steely gray eyes had observed their every move from a distance.
Cross Blade was growing more impatient by the minute. “What the hell are we waiting for, Josie? Let’s get rid of them while we have the chance!” he hissed angrily.
Josie watched the trio board the ship, her dark cloak fluttering in the wind, and smiled vaguely before turning to face Cross Blade. “No. Leave them,” she said, frowning. “They will be of no use to us dead.”
Wing and Cross Blade exchanged looks of skepticism. “Xenos had warned us that this might happen,” Wing muttered, frowning. To Josie, he said, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you have a weakness for the enemy.”
“What?” Josie retorted, as though she had been accused of a crime of the worst degree. “I’m afraid that you are very mistaken if you believe this crap.”
“Am I?” Wing asked irately.
His hand had just reached the hilt of his masamune when he was flung aside by some invisible force. The menacing figure of Xenos had come into view, and both Josie and Cross Blade bowed before him respectfully. Wing had also fallen onto one knee before him, lowering his head in shame.
“There is no time for brawling and bickering now,” Xenos said sternly. “Go, and return our brother to me alive. Do whatever you will with the others.”
“Is this slaughter really necessary?” Josie addressed Xenos, with an air of defiance.
Instantly, Josie felt a sensation of thousands of foreign beings swarming through her bloodstream. Suddenly, a white-hot pain slithered up her spine and into her head, and everything around her went white. The next thing she knew, she had fallen onto her knees before Xenos, breathing heavily.
“Do not question my instructions, or I will be forced to question your allegiance,” Xenos said coldly. “Let that be a lesson to all of you. Now go, and do not return until you have accomplished your task.”
Josie bowed before him obediently, and hurried off to meet Wing and Cross Blade. Jenova’s menacing figure appeared beside Xenos, in the form of President Shinra. “That one,” she hissed, pointing an accusing finger in Josie’s direction. “I sense that her immune system is now struggling to oppose the virus. At this point, it is a fight that she cannot win, but we cannot afford to take such a chance.”
Xenos nodded. “Hmm…I see. I will ensure that she is dealt with accordingly, when the time comes.”
“Of that I have no doubt,” Jenova said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some important business to attend to.”
With that, Jenova turned on her heels and left. Xenos remained alone, his cloak flapping behind him in the wind, as he watched over the hustle bustle of Upper Junon, a sadistic smile written on his face.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Sorry I haven't posted for so's been ages...
First off, let me just say thanks to Sw33tZ for the kickass button...

Well, I've completely given up on photoshopping my Cloud Advent Children pic...I'm much too lazy...and now I've taken it upon myself to draw some more pics...I drew one of Red XIII and one of Kikyo from Inuyasha, and just this morming I finished colouring my picture of Ukyo Tachibana, of Samurai Showdown fame...he's so damn cool...with bright blue hair and tuberculosis...
Well, since I got back from my vacation to Tobago (that's in the Caribbean) I have a temporary writer's block. But now I seem to be caught up in other stuff, like my art and my keyboard...I can play a variety of Aeris' theme,the piano piece 'My Immortal' by Evanescence and a couple Ayumi Hamasaki songs...not bad, considering that I can't read a note of music...
Well, assuming that my writer's block subsides soon, the next chapter of the fanfic should be up soon. Take care...
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Sunday, August 1, 2004
Chapter fourteen...
(Rated E for everyone.)
The following morning found Cloud at the others at a small inn at Junon, where they stayed for a couple hours to rest. Cloud had not slept a wink. His mind was too engaged to even think about sleep. He reflected on the battle of the previous night. Xenos outwitted him in battle, predicting his every move. No matter how he hard he fought, Xenos cut through him with ease. To add insult to injury, he was the one responsible for this.
Cloud harbored great hatred towards Xenos, yet he himself did not know why. After all, he wasn’t really Cloud Strife, yet he could recall the incidents of Nibelheim as though it were part of his own memory. And what about the voice? How could he identify it as Aeris when he had never seen her in his entire life? A few nights ago, he was your average teenager, coping with the stresses of…well, being an average teenager. Now he was a twenty-something year old ex-mercenary struggling to figure out why he was here. Against his will, he left his entire world behind and had set off to find someone with answers and beat up some baddies along the way.
At that moment, the door to the room creaked open slowly, interrupting his thoughts. Tifa entered the room with a bag of bandages and bottles of medicine. “You’re awake,” she said, mildly surprised. “Here, try this.”
She reached into the bag and pulled out a small bottle of green liquid, handing it to Cloud. He looked at the foreign liquid skeptically. “What is it, Tif?”
“It’s a potion,” Tifa explained. “Tidus bought a few from an item store. It should help you to feel a bit better.”
Cloud uncorked the bottle and gulped down a mouthful. The potion left a very bitter taste in his mouth. He coughed and forced himself to swallow the bitter concoction. “You know, I think I’ll stick to healing the natural way,” he said, his voice almost pained.
Tifa smiled and sat at the foot of the bed on the far end of the room, bandaging her wrist. Cloud rested his head against the wall, brooding. Oh, had he forgotten? He wasn’t the only one who had given up his world to come here. They all did. They were all in this together, whether they liked it or not.
Tifa finished bandaging her wrist and looked at him, where he sat across the room, near to the window. She could tell that something was worrying him greatly. “What’s wrong?” she asked.
“…Nothing,” he lied. He didn’t want to bother her with his problems, at least not now. In any case, this was something that he had to deal with on his own.
“Okay, if you say so,” Tifa yielded. “Where are we headed to from here?”
“I don’t know,” Cloud said pensively. “But we have to find Aeris. Did she tell you where she was?”
“All she said was that her spirit was suspended in the Lifestream, and that the only way to free her spirit would be to find the Promised Land. But she didn’t say where the Promised Land was.”
“…Okay. Tif, tell the others to assemble in this room. We have to have a meeting.”
“You have to believe us! We’re scheduled to perform in Upper Junon in the next hour!” Dave pleaded with the guard who was on patrol at the elevator on the far end of Junon. The harassed guard, who was sweating profusely under his heavy helmet and thick uniform, was not about to allow them to get through.
“I don’t care if you think you’re stars,” he droned. “I have my orders, buddy. Now get out of here!”
“Fine! We’re going!” Dave spat angrily, before turning to leave with Dave and Tiago.
“I’d say that went well,” Abbis said sarcastically as they walked away. “Do you have any other ideas?”
“I’m thinking of one as we speak,” Dave said pensively. ‘Wait a minute. Abby, give me the orb we just bought. Perhaps, if it is a materia…”
Abbis handed over the orb unsurely. Dave tightened his fists around the tiny green orb and spun around it and thrust it in the direction of the guard. “Confusion” he yelled awkwardly. The orb glowed more brightly in his hands, but did nothing more. The guard looked at the trio and laughed oddly, falling over onto his backside.
“Hey guys, I think it worked,” Abbis said, laughing elatedly.
“Well, let’s see.” Dave crouched before the bumbling guard. “Sir, can I have your handgun please?” The guard laughed more loudly and handed over his handgun, which Dave slipped into his jacket.
“We should get going, just in case this wears off,” Tiago suggested. Heeding his words, the three immediately made their way to the elevator and began their ascent into Upper Junon.
After an unfulfilling lunch, everyone had finally assembled in Cloud’s room, including Lucia. However, Ryudo took it upon himself to make sure that he was positioned on the opposite end of the room from her.
When everyone settled down, Cloud spoke. “The reason why I called all of you in here is to discuss what we’re going to do next. As you all should know, Josie, Wing and Cross Blade are…well, let’s just say they’re under Jenova’s control. They are victims of a virus, known as the Jenova virus. The purpose of this virus is to weed out those deemed unworthy, and to leave only those who, under Xenos’ command, will attempt to bring about the Reunion once more. As far as we know, this virus has no cure. There are many unanswered questions. However, there is someone who may have all the answers, someone who may very well be our way out of here. That person is Aeris. Her spirit is still alive, suspended in the Lifestream because of Jenova.”
“So if we find this Aeris, then there’s a chance that we might be able to get back home?” Sakura asked anxiously.
“…Maybe,” Cloud said positively. “But finding her is not going to be as easy as it sounds. In order to free her spirit from the Lifestream, we have to find a place called the Promised Land. Those of you who ever played Final Fantasy Seven before will remember this term. It was said to be the land of supreme happiness. We don’t know for sure where it is located, but I believe we will find it in the North.”
“Suppose Xenos is out to find this Promised Land. How are we going to stop him?” Darksoul questioned. “Josie and the others will be fighting on Xenos’ side, so how are we supposed to prevent them from tearing us to shreds? We can’t fight them.”
“Unless, of course, we use materia,” Tidus added, pulling out a bag full of small green orbs from his pocket. “If we figure out how to use materia, we may still be able to fend them off without actually hurting them. One of these materia can cast the Sleepel spell on opponents. The only problem is that I can’t tell which one is which.”
Tidus emptied the bag of materia onto the table. Darksoul sorted through the small pile and pulled out one, observing it closely as it glowered in her hands. “This one is Sleepel,” she said bluntly.
Tidus looked at her curiously. “How can you tell?”
Darksoul shrugged. “I’m not really sure." she confessed. "I just know.”
Cloud cleared his throat. “Okay, so it’s settled. We need to find some direct way of getting to the Promised Land. Assuming that it’s towards the North, we’d have to get to Bone Village first, then head through to Icicle town…”
“Well, first we could go to Upper Junon,” Lucia suggested. “Due to my affiliation with Shinra, we should be able to rent a private boat to take us to Bone Village without a problem--”
“And we’re supposed to just trust you, after you lied to us about the E.S.O?” Ryudo interrupted. “Do you really take us all for fools, Lucia?”
Lucia narrowed her emerald eyes. “Well, I don’t see how you have a choice. It’s either you trust me, and we all take a private boat, or you can swim all the way to Bone Village.”
“Considering the circumstances, we have no choice but to trust Lucia,” Tifa said evenly. At that statement, Lucia cast a triumphant look in Ryudo’s direction. Ryudo scowled and glanced away, pretending to take no notice of her.
“Anyway, the sooner we leave here, the better,” Cloud stated soberly. “So, pack everything you need, and we’ll move out as soon as possible.”
With those words, the meeting was concluded, and everyone filed out of the room, with the exception of Cloud. He pulled on his shirt over his bandaged midriff and strapped on his armor, still thinking.
“Aeris, if you’re out there, I will find you again,” Cloud said inwardly. “I promise."
(Sorry, I know this chapter is somewhat short and boring, but bear with me until Chapter Fifteen. That reminds me...has anyone heard from Abbis within recent times? I'm really starting to worry now...)
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Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Chapter thirteen...
(As always, rated T for Teen, just like the game.)
Xenos stood among the mutilated corpses of those he killed on the third floor. A little winded after the massacre, he took a couple of deep breaths. Sheathing his masamune, he went over to the first specimen, Cloud, and glared at him furiously. A feeling of satisfaction formed at the sight of Cloud in his defenseless state of unconsciousness.
“Cloud Strife, of Nibelheim,” Jenova’s cacophonous voice echoed, interrupting his vindictive thoughts. “If memory serves, some of my cells are present within him, but they are dormant. As for these three, their genetic structures are identical to Sephiroth’s, and as such they are already cleansed. As for Tifa, she has no trace of the virus. Yet I sense that someone within the Lifestream has come into contact with her.”
“There is only one with enough spiritual energy to do so…the Centra girl. Tifa will lead us to her,” he said pensively. Straining his ears for sound, he could hear hasty footsteps making their way up the stairs and into the room. Without turning to acknowledge their presence, he spoke. “Good evening, gentlemen.”
“So, I take it that you’re Xenos, right?” Ryudo asked sardonically. “Care to explain why you did all of this?”
“Some may say I’ve lost my mind. But I’ve merely opened my eyes to the reality that your kind has been blind to for centuries. That reality is that only the strong will rise above the weak and rightfully inherit the Planet. This is how it should have been from the beginning.” X paused, whirling around to face the men standing before him. “But the Centra would have none of it. They tolerated mankind’s weaknesses. Now look what has become of them.”
“I’m sure this is not what the Ancients intended for the Planet,” Tidus said boldly.
“There is one who will decide the fate of this Planet, one whose wisdom surpasses that of the Ancients,” Xenos explained. “The Ancients are dead and gone, so what they intended for the Planet does not matter.”
A loud crash diverted their attention away from Sephiroth and towards the containment chambers at the far end of the room. Chamber number three, which previously housed Josie, had been smashed open, and she stood at the far end of the room. Another loud crash was heard, and chambers four and five were also broken, revealing Wing and Cross Blade, who were staring at them vacantly. The three advanced toward Ryudo and Tidus, swords drawn.
All at once, Josie stormed at Ryudo and dealt him a vicious blow with her masamune. He blocked just in time with his sword, yet the extreme force of her attack knocked his sword to the floor. Obviously pleased by this, she spun on her heels and attacked him again. He leapt out of the way and snatched his sword from the floor just in time to block another of her furious attacks. Tidus attempted to intervene, when Wing stopped him dead in his tracks. He and Tidus traded vicious blows with their mighty swords, Tidus being mostly on the receiving end of the onslaught.
While everyone had been distracted by the battle at hand, Cloud had broken free of his containment chamber. He had been conscious for a short while, but he had seen just about enough to understand the situation. Xenos was gone, and had taken Jenova with him. The transparent window of Tifa’s containment chamber was broken open as well, and she climbed out of her chamber, looking around the room as though in a daze. “What’s going on?” she asked Cloud.
“There’s no time to explain,” Cloud said hastily. “I have to find Xenos before he escapes.” With those words he grabbed his Buster sword from the floor and took off in the direction that Xenos had went.
Tifa, still perplexed by what was going on, looked around the room. In the distance, she could see Sakura sneaking over to the staircase to the next floor. One of the Sephiroth-like figures caught sight of her and unsheathed his sword, joining pursuit. By the time Sakura discovered that she was being followed, he was already a few meters away from her. She whipped out her staff, preparing to defend herself as he drew nearer.
“Do you have nothing better to do than pick on little girls?” a female voice inquired.
Cross Blade spun around and found himself face to face with Tifa. Provoked by her words, Cross Blade launched an assault on her, slashing and stabbing in a rush of irrepressible vehemence. Tifa dodged his wild slashes, bringing herself between him and Sakura.
“Sakura, you really should get going,” suggested Tifa. Sakura did as she was told, and Cross Blade charged at Tifa again. Tifa waited until he was within reach and performed a well-timed spin kick, knocking his masamune out of his hands. Unfazed, Cross Blade attempted to pummel her with his fists. She aimed a punch at his face, but he caught hold of her wrist mid-punch and slammed her to the ground. He grabbed his masamune to finish her off, when…
“The Fiery! Release and Dispel!” a voice shouted. A thick mist emanated from the direction of the stairway and quickly spread throughout the entire room. Seizing the opportunity, Tifa rolled out of the path of Cross Blade’s masamune and onto her feet. Straining her eyes to see, she realized that he was gone, vanished beyond the mist. She wandered around blindly until she bumped into Sakura.
“Aw, man! I must’ve pulled out The Cloudy instead!” Sakura said regretfully, pulling out another Clow card from her pocket. “The Windy! Release and Dispel!” As she chanted the words, a gentle breeze blew throughout the room, clearing the mist. Josie, Cross Blade and Wing were nowhere to be seen. A faint ring drew their attention to the elevator. As the doors closed, they caught a glimpse of Josie, her features silhouetted by her long hair.
“Did you stop the lockdown, Sakura?” asked Ryudo, limping over to her.
“Only temporarily,” Sakura explained. “We have about four minutes until the lockdown sequence begins again.”
“Damn it…Lucia…” Ryudo muttered bitterly, clenching his fist in anger. “Well, let’s get out of here.”
“You all should go. I have to find Cloud,” Tifa stated determinedly. Without waiting to hear their response, she dashed up the stairs leading to the next floor.
Cloud had pursued Xenos up to the rooftop of the observatory, where the two had locked swords briefly. Xenos’ skill and strength in battle were appalling to even Cloud, and even so, he appeared as though he fought with extreme effortlessness, which made the fight all the more frustrating for Cloud. No matter how hard he tried, it was as though Xenos was always two steps ahead of him. The fight was over when Xenos nicked Cloud clean across the chest, a gaping wound marking the path of cold steel.
“Impossible…how is it that you can anticipate every move I make?” he inquired of Xenos.
The darkness of the night played on Xenos’ features, giving him an exact likeness to the late Sephiroth. The resemblance between the two, both in manner and appearance, was astonishing. At this time, three Sephiroth-like figures assembled around him. Cloud easily recognized two of the three as Josie and Wing.
“The answer lies within yourself,” Xenos said condescendingly. “It’s because you allow me to. You, like so many others, are inflicted with the so-called Jenova virus. As such, your body contains Jenova cells, and these cells link your thoughts directly to Jenova. These three you see around you no longer have a will of their own, and are nothing more than puppets, as you will become once again, to participate in the Reunion.”
Suddenly, a searing pain slithered up Cloud’s spine, numbing his entire body. Overwhelmed and blinded by the pain, he fell to his knees, clutching his head and writhing in agony. Everything and everyone around him bled into one, becoming an endless nothing. Somewhere beyond that void, a melodious voice hailed his name, a voice that could have only belonged to one person.
Slowly and painfully, the world around him fell into place. He found himself sprawled on his back on the rooftop of the E.S.O, staring up at Tifa, whose concern was reflected in her eyes. “Are you okay?” she asked.
“I think so,” he replied unsurely. Forgetting the wound across his chest, he attempted to sit up, only to fall onto his back again with a groan of agony.
“Take it easy,” Tifa said, helping him up. “You’re hurt.”
Using his hefty Buster sword to support himself, Cloud rose to his feet and looked around. Xenos and the others were gone without a trace. He looked at Tifa once more. “I’ll be alright,” he said positively. “By any chance, did you see where Xenos ran off to?”
“You were alone when I found you up here. We have to leave before the lockdown sequence restarts. Ryudo and the others are waiting for us.”
Cloud concurred. “Yeah, let’s get out of here.”
(Well, that's all for now. I'm almost done with chapter fourteen, so it should be up soon. Let me take this opportunity to apologize for yesterday's post...sorry, I was just a bit pissed...oh, and to Sakura01, as much I miss the darkness that was once my site, I think I shall leave it like this. I don't really consider it as giving in. As someone once told me, the braver warrior is not always the one who charges into battle, but the one who is who is willing to stand down...)
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