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Monday, July 26, 2004
Kagome143, I apologize for copying your friend animekat's site. I have never been to her site before she signed my guestbook, and I had no idea that by using a similar colour scheme that I am copying her site. So thank you for enlighteneing me. If it is of any consolation to you and your friend, I will change the colour of my site so that someone else can accuse me of stealing their site colour.
There. Are you happy now? Good.
Now, let me make this clear to you. I do not care if you think my site is boring. I do not care if you hate my fanfic. I do not care if you think I'm a loser, because it's true. I do not care if you think that I have no teeth, for whatever reason. I do not come to your site and insult you because I hate Kagome, do I?
Above all, I did not make this site or write this fanfiction to impress anyone on this site, and if you think there's something very wrong with that, let me know.
I'd appreciate if you posted your 'constructive criticisms' of my site on my comments in future, instead of flaming my site via private messaging. Thank you.
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Thursday, July 22, 2004
And the winner of 'Name that Fanfic' is...
Sakura-baka-chan...I mean, Sakura01, with her winning title, "Final Fantasy VII: End Game". I don't know why, but I just like the sound of that. And it basically covers the main theme of the fanfic, as you all will realize later.
I did promise a prize, and what better prize for her than pics of a few of her favourite bishounen...well, with a twist...

How dare they do that to Sesshomaru-sama...?
Anyway, if you want to see more of this madness, check out this site:
The Fluffy Magazine.
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
I need a title for the fanfic I am writing currently. Any suggestions? It's not really a competition...but I might consider giving a prize to the person who comes up with the best name...
Comments (8) |
Monday, July 19, 2004
Chapter twelve.
(This chapter is Rated T for teen, due to violence, blood and gore...)
X staggered down the hallway and into his office, apparently oblivious to the apprehension on the faces of the co-workers who crossed paths with him along the way. Once there, he picked up the phone, dialing Wesley’s number.
“Yes?” Wesley responded.
“I just had a meeting with the president, and he requests that you quarantine the specimens until further notice,” X spoke gruffly. “Furthermore, he will send the order for all research laboratories to be shut down.”
“What? But-”
At this point, X hung up the phone. His gaze shifted down to his bleeding midsection, and he unbuttoned his bloody shirt and observed the wound absent-mindedly. The burning sensation had subsided, and it had already begun to heal. However, many other unfamiliar scars zigzagged across his chest, weaving a tale of a battle fought and lost many years ago. The intricate fragments of his shattered memory were falling back into place.
He glanced up on the wall, where a sheathed masamune was on display. As he grasped the hilt firmly in his hands, more memories of his previous life as the great Sephiroth were triggered off in his mind. His thoughts shifted to the innocent men, women, and children who had fallen to this deadly blade. He remembered the countless lives he destroyed single-handedly.
Above all, he remembered the insane thrill of watching them die.
A sharp rap on the door interrupted his swarming train of thought. His secretary, a petite woman by the name of Paula, marched into his office with a male paramedic at her heels.
“Are you alright, sir?” she asked shakily. “What happened?”
“Go away, Paula,” he said grimly.
But Paula continued to press on. “Sir, you’re hurt. If you don’t let the paramedic take care of you, you could bleed to death.”
X unsheathed his masamune and swiveled around, approaching them slowly. Once within feet of the paramedic, he swung his sword with effortless precision. Paula gasped and closed her eyes. When she reopened them, she found herself staring in horror at a void where the paramedic’s head used to be. Blood was splattered on the wall behind him, and his severed head landed at her feet, his eyes still fixed in a glazed stare. She shrieked and backed away, as X admired his blood-drenched blade.
“Isn’t it amazing that it’s still sharp?” X asked, apparently unfazed. “Perhaps its undying thirst for blood has kept it sharp for all these years…”
“You’re a monster…” Paula said shakily.
She tried to make a run for the door, but he caught up with her easily, bringing himself between her and the only exit. She may have been fast, but he was much faster. She screamed and backed away, her widened eyes brimming with tears. As he moved toward her, her frantic screams became disconsolate sobs.
“Please, don’t hurt me!” she pleaded desperately.
But such pleas did not matter to him at this point. As far as he was concerned, her fate had already been decided.
“I’m sorry, Paula,” he said impassively. “You were always too stubborn for your own good. You’re fired.”
With those final words, he brought his sword down on her, and her lifeless body tumbled to the floor. Without another glance at her dead body, he sheathed his masamune and moved on.
Sakura’s eyes fluttered open, and she found herself sprawled on the cold floor, facedown. She eased onto her feet, dazed and flustered, and glanced around the room, trying to regain her sense of place. She could remember the loud, blaring alarms that awoke her, and that sickly sweet odor…and then she passed out. It was obvious that, if they had any hopes of escape, their time was now.
The door was locked. She pressed her ears to the wall, and she could hear two sets of footsteps patrolling the corridor. Guards, no doubt. She grasped her staff firmly in one hand, and a Clow card in the other. Muttering a few words of encouragement to herself under her breath, she tossed her chosen Clow card a few feet ahead of her and twirled her staff above her head, bringing it down on the suspended card.
“The Windy! Release and Dispel!”
Her chant broke the still silence of the room, alerting the guards. She stared at the card in wonder as waves spread out around the point at which her staff had struck, like ripples in a still pond. A blast of air with the strength of a cyclone struck the door, tearing it off its aged hinges. The guards outside her room were taken by surprise, and were sent airborne before they hit the floor, a few meters away. Sakura relieved them of their keycards, and hurried to Ryudo’s room. He was seated on the bed, obviously awakened by the ruckus Sakura had made on the corridor.
“Ryudo, get the others!” Sakura instructed hastily, tossing him the keycards. He hurried down the corridor, and returned with only Tidus and Darksoul.
“Cloud and the others are gone,” he said, somewhat distressed.
His words were cut short when an alarm began to resound deafeningly overhead. “Code Nine alert. Prepare for evacuation. Total lockdown shall commence in five minutes,” the intercom blared lethargically.
A frail figure appeared at the end of the hallway, and began staggering toward them until her face finally came into view. Although her uniform was torn and bloodied, and her body broken and ridden with bleeding gashes, those emerald green eyes and that head of ginger hair were a dead giveaway.
She had reached halfway down the corridor when she collapsed, and Ryudo immediately rushed to her side. “Lucia? What happened?” he asked urgently.
“It’s Xenos, Agent X," she explained. "He’s lost his mind. We tried our best to stop him, but I was the only one who escaped. All I remember was the flash of his blade, and those glowing eyes." She paused for a moment, resting her head against him. "I’m so sorry, Ryudo. I lied to you about everything. I’m not who I said I was, and-”
“-I know, Lucia,” Ryudo interjected impatiently, pulling away slightly. “There’s no time for than now. How do you stop the lockdown sequence?”
Lucia pulled a keycard out of her shirt pocket and handed it to him. “You have to get to the control panel on the fourth floor. Use this keycard to gain access. Once there, go to the central computer and type the password ‘Greene’. That should stop the lockdown sequence.”
“I see,” Ryudo muttered musingly, rising to his feet. “Okay, here’s the plan. Tidus and I will take create a diversion for Xenos. Sakura, take this keycard and get to the control room to stop the lockdown. Darksoul, lend me your sword, and get Lucia out of here. Agreed?”
“Agreed,” the others said, in affirmative unanimity.
“All right. We have four minutes.”
Arming themselves and preparing for the worst, the group hastened to the stairway, with the exception of Darksoul, who helped Lucia to get back on her feet. She went over to Ryudo, resting her hand on his shoulder gently.
“Good luck Ryudo, and please be careful,” she muttered genuinely.
Ryudo brushed her hand off his shoulder. Without turning to meet her gaze, he walked away, unmindful of the tears that had welled up in her melancholy eyes, glistening like diamonds in the light as she cried silently.

(Well, that's all for now. The next chapter should be coming soon...)
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Friday, July 16, 2004
Chapter eleven...
(I couldn't decide on a rating for this chapter, so if you hate vampires or blood, please refrain from reading this.)
Surely enough, the drunkards that were previously seated at the table were driven out, and the tavern was closed for the night. The only two people who remained in the bar were Eva and Malkav. The counter was crowded with empty glasses, as Eva had sneaked them some Bloody Marys, and now both were heavily intoxicated.
“You know,” Eva said, half-drunkenly, “Even though you got the whole caped crusader thing going on, you’re cute.”
Malkav grinned slyly. “You too. Do you plan to stay here in Junon?”
“Hell no! As soon as I earn enough money, I’ll get out of this hellhole and travel the world. On my paycheck, I don’t know how I’m going to get out of here, unless I marry rich.”
Malkav moved toward her. “There is one alternative. Come with me, and I promise I will show you the world if you so desire.”
He was now so close that he could feel her heart as it beat a furious rhythm against her chest. She was not afraid, nor did she try to run away, but welcomed his approach, somehow mystified by his presence.
“What would you ask of me for such a reward?” she asked, with mild uncertainty.
“I only ask that you would be brave, my dear,” he said evenly. “Now, close your eyes.”
She did as she was told. He could hear her heart thumping more loudly now, pumping her delicious blood about her body. He was starved, craving fresh blood, but greater than his urge for blood was his urge for companionship. He knew that he could not survive alone forever, and, then and there, he made his choice.
His sharpened teeth found her neck and tore it open with ease, and he drank of her in long, greedy draughts. She whimpered in pain, like a wounded animal, but she did not make any attempts to struggle against him. Instead, she held him more tightly, as though urging him on. He finally released his grip on her neck, after draining her of most of her blood, and she leaned against him, as her legs were too weak for her to stand on her own.
Supporting her body against his own, he placed his hand below her chin and tilted her head up, locking his lips against hers. She could taste her own blood in his mouth now, a taste that she felt a sudden craving for. She knew very well that to allow him to defile her in his way was a sin. No, it was so much more. It was the end of one life, and the promise of another. This was her ticket out of Junon, away from the drunks, the slums the conformities of the world, and towards eternal freedom and an endless horizon of possibilities. Better yet was the fact that she was not alone.
She returned his kiss most passionately, and, resting her head against his chest, she remained utterly still, finding sanctuary in her sire’s amorous embrace.
On the third floor of the E.S.O. were the extensive laboratory facilities. There were five cylindrical containment chambers, with a specimen in each. X observed specimen number two, Tifa, more closely. She was still unconscious, sleeping peacefully. Her hair was loose, and fanned out around her, giving her a faintly regal heir. She seemed vaguely familiar, as though he had met her before. His gaze darted over to Cloud. He, too, was strangely familiar, and his face brought back unfamiliar memories, and feelings of pure hatred.
“Sir, we have the results for the tests,” a lab technician by the name of Wesley called out to him, disrupting his thoughts. “They have all been found negative for the Jenova virus.”
“But then, if their purpose is not to spread the virus, why are they here?” X muttered to himself. To Wesley he asked, “What information did you get from the laboratory in Neo-Midgar?”
Wesley straightened his glasses on the bridge of his nose. “Well, they say that two weeks ago, the first reported victim of the Jenova virus escaped from their laboratory. Within a matter of hours, victims appeared worldwide, inflicting innocent civilians with the virus. About twenty percent of diagnosed victims have shown no significant changes, except for the presence of Jenova cells everywhere in the body. Many other victims have gone into a comatose state. No one can say for sure how the virus is spread.”
“…Very well,” X said, somewhat forlornly, “Release the specimens, and let me know if you get any more information from Neo-Midgar.”
At that moment Lucia interrupted their conversation. “President Shinra wishes to meet with you in private, X. He’s in the conference room on the fourth floor.”
X hastened up a flight of stairs and into the conference room. Surely enough, President Shinra was seated on the far end of the table, glaring regally.
“Good evening, President Shinra,” X said politely. “I trust you have gotten the news from Neo-Midgar?”
“Yes, I have,” President Shinra said evenly. “And I plan on doing nothing to control the virus. In fact, I’m shutting down the research facility in Neo-Midgar.”
President Shinra rose from where he was seated and a strange transformation occurred. X looked on in horror as deformed limbs sprouted randomly about the President’s body, and his skin became a ghastly blue. At last, the transformation was complete, and before X stood the hideous creature known as Jenova.
“…You…” X muttered shakily.
Jenova laughed. Her laughter, like her voice, was a cacophony of a high-pitched, childlike voice, and a deep, booming voice. “Don’t sound so surprised, my child,” she said, as she approached him. “Ah, you are just as handsome as your predecessor, Sephiroth. But yet, I sense that something has changed. But what is it?”
Jenova ran a frigid hand across X’s cheek, and her beady eyes darted about his face as though she was searching for something. He tore her away from him and backed away, until he was just out of her reach.
“I’m not your child!” he said, in a rush of fury.
Jenova laughed again. “Well, the prospect is not so far-fetched, now is it? Haven’t you ever wondered why you can remember nothing of the first twenty years of your life? Or why you look so identical to the late Sephiroth? It is because you are my child. You, like so many of your brothers and sisters on this planet, have my blood coursing in your veins. But you are different from all of them, because you are the sole heir to this planet.”
Sensing his reluctance, she continued, “Don’t you see, Xenos? This virus will weed out the spineless individuals among us, leaving only those worthy of my blood to participate in the Reunion. I’m asking you to join me. Together, we-”
“-I’ve heard enough!” he interjected. “I refuse to stand by and watch you ruin entire lives with this virus!”
Jenova’s glowering eyes were now fixated on him. “I’m afraid I was right,” she said, her discordant voice now thundering with fury. “Something has changed about you. You, unlike your predecessor, are tolerant of weakness! That is one flaw that I cannot permit.”
As she spoke, one of her forelimbs shot out, striking him full in the chest. The limb pierced through skin and flesh, and an intense burning sensation developed instantly. Winded and overcome by the excruciating pain, X was unable to utter a single cry of help, or even make an attempt to struggle against Jenova’s iron grip. At long last she released him, and he fell to the floor, choking and sputtering blood onto the carpet.
“The choice is no longer yours to make, Xenos,” she said smugly. “It is your duty to rise to the occasion, and finish what your predecessor begun years ago. You know what must be done.”
X wiped the trail of blood trickling from his lips and looked up at Jenova, his steel gray eyes now glowing with intense ferocity. An unquenchable thirst for revenge rose within him, as though a glowering flame within him had been rekindled into a wildfire. Jenova could see it in his eyes, and it brought a look of sheer satisfaction to her grotesque face.
He rose to his feet slowly, and his lips curved into a vicious grin.

(I forgot to mention...the name Xenos is Latin, meaning strange, or bizzare.)
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Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Sorry I haven't posted for so long...I can't really find much to say anymore...
Yesterday was okay. I spent about an hour at the mall, just walking around. I've never been much for shopping. I bought one thing, though: a chain with a silver Japanese pendant. I think it's the symbol for 'dragon' but I'm not sure.
Someone tampered with the diskette I had my fanfic stored on...thank god I had it saved on the harddrive...
My father is perhaps the luckiest man alive. He's going to Singapore on a business trip. Singapore, if you didn't know, is oozing Japanese pop culture. Hmm...I'll see if I can ask him to pick up some Shounen Jump and Dengeki for me...heh...*evil smile*
Anyway, if by any chance you're looking for up-to-date info on Advent Children, I highly recommend
From the looks of things, Aeris is making her return...perhaps resurrected...?
A translated quote-
"Tifa supported Cloud from the shadows. But it doesn't seem that they got together after the fighting. They are living apart, and Cloud doesn't communicate with her much. Aerith is still in Cloud's heart, and Tifa understands that..."
It's disappointing, but what the hell. Nomura did say that Tifa's relationship with Cloud was 'important'. Besided which, I'm more interested to see what those three white-haired 'Sephiroth clones'are up to...they sure can kick ass, though...

Well, that's just about it. I'll see if I can post another chapter of my fanfic later today.
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Tuesday, July 6, 2004
I just got back from beating my bro's ass in Mortal Kombat...
I had a good day today, for no particular reason. I spent most of the day in my room, as usual. listening to music, and finishing up my artwork. I finally completed my masterpiece: Cloud from FF7:AC, of course.
For once, I can honestly say I had a great day.
I can't find anything else to say, so I'll just post the lyrics for a song I was listening to today...
I dig my toes into the sand.
The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds
Strewn across a blue blanket.
I lean against the wind,
Pretend that i am weightless
And in this moment i am happy...
I wish you were here...
I lay my head onto the sand.
The sky resembles a backlit canopy
With holes punched in it.
I'm counting U.F.O's,
I signal them with my lighter.
And in this moment i am happy...
I wish you were here...
The world's a roller coaster
And I am not strapped in.
Maybe I should hold with care,
But my hands are busy in the air.
I wish you were here...
-'Wish you were here' by Incubus.
Well, that's about it. I hope you guys are doing okay. Later...
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Monday, July 5, 2004
Chapter ten...or is it...?
(I'm sorry, I tend to lose count...anyway, I hope you all enjoy this one. This chapter is rated PG, due to adult language, and some suggestive content. That doesn't mean you have to drag your parents in here to read it, it's just a warning.)
Cloud glared at Lucia, in a mixture of outrage and confusion. “What?”
“You heard me!” Lucia advanced toward him again. “Drop your sword, now!”
Cloud slowly crouched, as though lowering his sword, when he swung the handle around at her. The unforeseen nature and the force of his strike knocked the handgun out of Lucia’s grasp and sent her stumbling backward, clutching her wrist in anguish.
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to hit a lady?” she said frostily. She reached into the bosom of her outfit and whipped out a small switchblade.
“See, if I wasn’t so pissed right now, something like that would been a turn-on,” Cloud said bitterly. “I’ve tried asking you nicely, so now I’ll ask you again. What the fuck is going on here?”
Lucia did not reply. Instead, she swung her switchblade at him wildly. He dodged her fierce onslaught, trying his best not to injure her.
“That’s enough, Lucia,” a male voice echoed along the corridor.
Cloud spun around to face the anonymous intruder. He was about Cloud’s height, and had short, silvery-gray hair that was scattered about his head randomly. His eyes were a deep gray, as cold and as ruthless as steel. More important was the fact that he had an arm around Tifa’s slender neck at the moment, and had a gun pressed against her head.
“Cloud, meet Agent X,” Lucia said smugly, retrieving her handgun.
“Well, if it isn’t Cloud Strife, one of the late, unsung Protectors of the Planet,” X said tartly. “One would expect that someone of your caliber would know better than to leave his girl all alone on a corridor crawling with Shinra agents.”
Cloud glared at the stranger angrily. “If you hurt her, I swear I’ll kill you.”
“Touché, Strife,” said X with great nonchalance. “All bark and no bite. Don’t worry too much about Tifa. I’ll take good care of her.”
X pressed the cold steel of his handgun against Tifa’s cheek. She shuddered slightly with discomfort, and this brought a grin of satisfaction to X's face. Tifa, in her semi-conscious state, was barely aware of what was going on around her, and as such was unable to struggle against him.
Cloud stood there, pure rage reflected in his aquamarine eyes,and he gripped the hilt of his sword more tightly now. He could have unleashed an attack on X, but in doing that, he knew he would endanger not only his life, but Tifa's as well, and that was a risk he could not afford to take. He was well aware that Lucia had retrieved and reloaded her handgun, and was ready to fire the moment he tried to attack X.
Another agent came up behind Cloud and addressed X. “Sir, we’re preparing to move the clones up to the lab now!”
“Good. It was nice meeting you, Strife,” X said. “I’ll make sure to give Tifa your regards.”
Cloud felt a sharp, stunning blow to the back of his head, and everything swirled around him before fading into subconscious perpetuity.
The one word that would suitably describe the entire city of Junon would be contradiction. While the people of Upper Junon lived in the lap of luxury, the people of Lower Junon still struggled with the issues of pollution, harsh taxes and low income. Upper Junon was quickly evolving from a military state to a tourist destination, full of casinos, restaurants, malls, and even a military museum. The people even had access to the finest cruises in the entire world. Lower Junon did not evolve far from days of old, except for the addition of another wooden building, and the locals did not even have access to an unpolluted beach.
Unless one was rich, or knew someone who was, one could not afford the luxuries of upper class life. In this day and age, money was the only way one could buy fame, or have any influence in society at large, and this was the reality that those of the lower class were forced-fed from the cradle to the grave.
“A truly unfortunate reality,” Abbis thought, as she and Tiago strolled along the dusty streets of Lower Junon. They had sought refuge here after a group of anonymous intruders ambushed them not far from Fort Condor. They fought as best as they could, but the intruders retreated swiftly, taking Cross Blade with them. Their sore, scar-ridden bodies were living proof of their ordeal.
The first building, which had previously been a house, had now been transformed into a cozy inn. The two entered the room and were instantly noticed by the manager behind the counter.
“Excuse me, but how much will it cost for us to rent a room?” Tiago asked.
“Twenty gil,” the manager said firmly.
Abbis reached into his pocket and pulled out a purse, full of gil. The jingling in the purse caught the manager’s attention immediately. Abbis emptied sufficient gil from the purse and gave it to the manager. He reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a small brass key.
“Thank you,” the manager said falsely. “You’ll be staying in room three.”
Abbis and Tiago turned to go, when a young man approached to counter. “Yo, is there an empty crib ‘round here for me to crash for the night?” he asked the manager.
Abbis glared at the young man over her shoulder. He was clad in a black hooded jacket, baggy jeans, and sneakers. A cap was perched his head, backwards, and he wore as though it were a crown. He also wore a pair of glasses, but opted to look over them instead of through them while he spoke. Abbis stared at the young man in awe. His face, his outfit, even his mannerisms, seemed all too familiar to her. Yet, she couldn’t pinpoint where she had seen him before.
The manager looked at the young man bemusedly. “Pardon me?”
“Then I shall speak in a manner so as to convey my statement to you comprehensibly,” the young man said, clearing his throat dramatically. “What I verbalized previously was merely a query as to the availability of accommodation here at your humble inn, good sir.”
“So…you’re asking me if there’s any empty rooms here.”
“Well, we’re all out of rooms for the night. Too bad.”
The young man looked at the manager in disbelief. “What?”
“You heard me, boy. Now get out of here!”
“Hey, hold up a sec!” the young man interjected. “I’m a professional D.J, and I have this huge gig in Upper Junon tomorrow. If you don’t give me somewhere to sleep, and I miss that gig tomorrow, I swear my agent will eat you alive.”
“You’re a D.J, boy?” the manager asked, ogling him closely. “D.J. who?”
“D.J…um…” the young man hesitated. “…VileFantom. Yeah, that’s right. D.J. VileFantom.”
Everything suddenly came into focus for Abbis. “Oh my god!!” she shrieked. “It’s you! It’s really you! Oh my god! Can I get your autograph?”
“Um, sure…anything for my adoring fans,” the young man said nervously, as Abbis snatched a pen and a piece of paper from the desk and hastened over to him.
“Do you know this man, ma’am?” the manager inquired impatiently.
Abbis turned to the manager. “Do I know this man? How could you not know this man? Do you, like, live under a rock or something? You’d better give this guy a room, if you know what’s good for you.”
The manager grumbled. “There ain’t any more room here.”
“Well…” Abbis said, with a smirk of satisfaction, “He can bunk with me and my friend here. Right, Tiago?”
Abbis aimed a sly wink at Tiago, and he nodded right on cue. The manager grudgingly submitted to Abbis’ request, and he led them into their room. It wasn’t the most elegant room, but it would do.
When the manager finally left, Abbis laughed and took a seat on the bed closest to the window. The young man looked at her in surprise.
“Thanks for saving my behind out there,” he said. “Who are you anyway? And what’s so funny, Kakashi-anne?”
“You, a D.J?” she said between fits of laughter. “Good one, Dave.”
Dave’s eyes were wide with shock. “How do you know my name?”
“It’s me, Abby. Otherwise known as Abbis, from MyOtaku.”
“No way.”
Abbis rose and went to where Dave was standing. When she was a few feet away from him, she raised her arm and unleashed a powerful slap on his face. Surprised, he stumbled backward, clutching his sore cheek.
“Holy cow, it is you.” Dave’s face wore an overwhelmed expression. “Geez girl, that hurt.”
“Sorry, I was just trying to prove a point.”
“So, where are you guys headed from here?” asked Dave.
“I don’t know,” Tiago stated dully. “Here in Junon, we’re safe as long as we keep a low profile. That’s all that matters at this point.”
Abbis nodded hesitantly, and made her way over to the only window in the room and peered outside at the dull scenery. “I guess you’re right,” she said. “For now, let’s just get some sleep. We'll figure that out in the morning.”
It was only at nightfall, after burying Choco Billy’s body, that Malkav decided to make his move out of the Chocobo Farm, donning the leathery wings of Chaos and soaring through the night sky, inconspicuous to the sleeping world below. Driven by the need for his next meal, and unsure of where to go next, and weary from all the flying, he opted to make a pit stop in Junon. Landing some distance away so as not to be noticed in his winged form, he entered the building to the far end of Lower Junon. Above the doorway was an aged wooden sign that read, ‘Ye Old Tavern.’
One change that Malkav noticed, other than his Vincent-like appearance, was the fact that his senses were much sharper than usual. Upon entering the tavern, the strong smell of whiskey and cigarettes was enough to make him feel intoxicated with every breath he took. A pair of drunks sat around one of the two wooden tables, drinking and sharing lewd jokes about the attractive barmaid that was serving them. Over at the other table, a man was sprawled over facedown, snoring loudly.
Malkav took a seat on one of the uncomfortable barstools and called for a drink. The same barmaid he had seen came over to the counter to serve him, flashing her most radiant smile. He rested his chin in his hands and got carried away while observing her figure, which was amply displayed by her tight work outfit.
“Hard night, huh?” she asked, pouring him a drink.
“Probably not as hard a night as you,” he said sympathetically. “I don’t see how you put up with those drunk assholes over at that table.”
She laughed. “Considering my job, I have to put up with drunk assholes every night. Tonight is no different, I guess.”
“…Perhaps. What’s your name anyway?”
“That’s a beautiful name. Well, Eva, what time do you get off?”
“We’re closing in a few minutes. Why don’t you stick around?” she offered openly.
Malkav smiled. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
(Watch out for chapter eleven sometime in the not-too-distant future. Thanks for reading.)
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Sunday, July 4, 2004
I thought I'd post the lyrics for a song I've been listening to lately. It's originally in Japanese, and this is the translation.
I look up at the blurry sky,
So that my tears don't overflow.
Why can't people live
As they want to?
A weak heart that's unable to cry
Doesn't need the strength to keep from crying.
I look for a shooting star
To place my wish on,
But the dawn comes too soon
And I'm unable to find one...
The reason there isn't a day
When I remember you,
Is because I haven't forgotten you for a moment.
It's become a habit to say it's alright
Whenever I come across something sad.
Something stopped on that day
For me, and now,
No matter how much I pray,
I can't see a single star...
I miss you, I miss you...
Only in my memory your smile is too tender,
There's just nothing I can do...
-"Fireworks" by Ayumi Hamasaki.
Anyway, I'll be posting the next chapter of the fanfic tomorrow. I know this chapter is long overdue, and I'm very's just that I've been very preoccupied lately with juijitsu training and learning Japanese...I hope you understand...
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Thursday, July 1, 2004
How are you all doing?
I'm bored as hell over here, plus I'm stressing out over my exam results tomorrow. After tomorrow I have two months of vacations, and nowhere to go. When you have overprotective parents like mine, it's understandable.
Ah, other news, Shounen Jump scans have revealed that Aeris, Cid and Red XIII are all in Advent Children. I've seen the latest trailer, and it's awesome.
Anyway, I'm stressed, exhausted, and I'm running out of things to say. I'll probably post the next chapter of my fanfic tomorrow, if I'm in the mood. Sorry to keep you all waiting for so long.
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