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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Er...what's my real name again...?
I mean, you guys all call me Tifa, but I have accumulated other names over the years...I don't know how, or why...but here are just a few-

The most hated character, and the most misunderstood. I used to hate her, but now I sympathize with her. Her soulstealers were pretty cool, and so was her skill in archery. I still don't know why I got this name. Ironically, I think the name Kikyo means 'love of life.'

Sakura01, please tell me how you came up with this name. How humiliating.
Motoko Aoyama (Love Hina).

Recently, I was so named by a friend of mine. Don't ask me where he got this name from. I'm not tall (unless you consider 5'2" tall), I don't own a katana (but I hope to soon), and I'm not that much of a psycho (or am I...?)
Anyway, I gotta run. I'll post the next episode of the fanfic later.
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Episode nine, this nameless fanfic...
(How foolish of me...I forgot to name this fanfic...anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.)
That night, in guest room number seven of the Endangered Species Observatory, Tifa was awakened with a sudden jolt. Reluctantly she opened her eyes and glanced around the small, shadowy room. Aeris’ voice had come into her mind again, this time bearing a grave warning. She eased out of bed and peered out of the solitary window in her room, looking on in wonder at the endless horizon and the midnight sky, littered with stars. This foreign world, despite its various enigmas, predicaments and monstrosities, was breathtakingly beautiful.
The curtains billowed around her lazily, impregnated by the evening wind, and added to her somber and contemplative disposition at the time. Endless questions flooded her mind. Who was this Aeris? How did she come into contact with her, and why? Was she just losing her grip on reality?
Such questions were irrelevant at the time, but one thing was certain. She couldn’t keep this to herself anymore.
You are nothing but a puppet, Strife. Without a mind of your own, you will succumb to my will. Your master beckons you, from beyond the land of snow and ice. My soul cries out for vengeance against that which has sentenced me to eternal damnation. The Day of Judgment is yet to come, and the world will feel my wrath.
Cloud awoke that night with an ear-splitting migraine that dulled his senses and numbed his entire body. Pain ripped through his body in violent spasms. The blinding pain finally retreated, leaving him drained.
“What the hell just happened…?”
He opened his eyes and glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It read 11:43 in bold, digital numerals. He had only fallen asleep a few minutes ago, and it seemed as though he would never be able to fall asleep again.
Or, perhaps, he was afraid to fall asleep again.
No, it couldn’t be that.
He wiped the perspiration from his brow and sat up in bed, thinking. A sharp knock at his door startled him, and he instinctively grasped the hilt of his sword, which had been conveniently placed beside his bed, leaning against the wall.
“Who’s there?” he snapped irritably.
“Tifa,” the familiar voice spoke. “Is this a bad time?”
“Tifa…?” he asked. He could tell from the tone of her voice that something was wrong. “Just give me a second.”
Cloud leapt out of bed and pulled his navy blue pants over the pair of boxer shorts he was sleeping in. He made his way to the door, pausing to run his hand through his wild blond hair in an attempt to look presentable. He eventually emerged in the doorway, and he looked down at her weary figure. He could not help but take notice of all the subtle changes in her appearance. Her hair was loose, and long tresses of hair spilled over her shoulders of her figure unintentionally, and her eyes wore a drowsy expression. In his eyes, Tifa always looked good, although she herself would beg to differ.
His eyes continued to roam about her figure until her gaze met his. Her face flushed slightly and she glanced away diffidently, trying to regain her composure. Cloud chided himself inwardly for being so rude.
Eventually she spoke. “…I’m so sorry I had to wake you up like this.”
“Don’t worry about it. I was up for a while now,” he explained. “Please, come in.”
Cloud opened the door, and Tifa entered his room, although he could sense that she was somewhat hesitant to do so. “Make yourself at home, Tif,” he added warmly, inviting her to take a seat. “You wanted to talk to me about something?”
Tifa took a seat beside him. “I know this is going to sound crazy, but…I hear Aeris’ voice.”
“I don’t know who she really is, but she was the one who told me that we had to go to the Promised Land.”
“And that’s when you suggested that we go there.”
“Right. She told me that something is preventing souls from returning to the Planet. Many souls, including hers and that of the One Winged Angel, are suspended in the Lifestream, unable to return to the Planet. Remember Bugenhagen’s planet observatory at Cosmo Canyon?”
“…Yeah, I remember.” Cloud’s mind was racing. “He said that when children are born, they are blessed with Spirit energy, and when they die, their spirit energy moves on to create new life. So, if there was something preventing the Spirit Energy from returning to the planet…then nothing else can be reborn.”
“I guess so. But Aeris mentioned that there’s something in the Lifestream that is using the empty human vessels as ‘puppets’, all of whom have her blood flowing in their veins. It sounds a lot like Jenova.”
“But how? Wasn’t Jenova destroyed along with Meteor? This doesn’t make sense.”
“…I’m just the messenger,” Tifa said coolly. “Aeris is the one with all the answers. She probably knows why we’re here in the first place.”
“In that case, we have to go to the Promised Land as soon as possible,” Cloud said, and he rose from his seat and began strapping on his shoulder armor.
At that moment, a shrill alarm was sounded, and the metal door of the room slid shut and locked, as did the windows. A monotonous intercom voice overhead blared, “Stage one of Lockdown is complete. Commencing stage two of Lockdown.”
Instantly, a cloudy gas seeped through the overhead air vents and into the room. Tifa leapt to her feet and glanced up at the vent warily, unintentionally breathing in some of the sickly sweet vapor.
“What the…?” she started, but her sentence was cut off as she began to cough. She held her hand over her face to avoid inhaling any more of the vapors, and slowly sank to her knees in a fit of coughing.
Without a second thought, Cloud grabbed his sword and charged at the door, dealing it such a forceful blow that it ripped open the metal hinges of the door. It fell open with a dull thud.
“You okay, Tif?” he asked, hastening to her side.
She looked up at him and nodded weakly. He could see that the vapor was taking its toll on her, slowly but surely. He helped her up to her feet and the two staggered out of the room. He crouched and leaned her head against the adjacent wall carefully, and rose to his feet just in time to catch a glimpse of Lucia hastening down the corridor toward them.
“What’s going on here, Lucia?” he asked.
She came within meters of them when she pulled out a handgun and aimed it directly at Cloud’s face, so that he was practically staring down the barrel.
“Drop your weapon!” she exclaimed.
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Friday, June 18, 2004
Episode Eight...
(This, in my opinion, was one of the less interesting episodes. The next one will be better, I promise.)
“You guys gotta get out of there!” Darksoul called out to them from the bank on the other end of the marshes, as the large serpents began circling around Josie, Ryudo and Tidus, flexing their gaping jaws menacingly.
“Are these things what I think they are?” Tidus inquired pensively, ogling the massive serpents in disbelief.
“Midgar Zoloms? I suppose so,” Ryudo added. “But how? The original Zolom should’ve been dead years ago…”
“Well, whatever they are, they look hungry!” Josie said warily. “That Chocobo was the appetizer, and apparently we’re the main course!”
One of the Zoloms reared its head and struck Tidus with brute force, sending him flying backward into the mossy water. Ryudo’s eyes began to glow bright purple beneath his cloak, and a sphere of purple energy began to draw together in the palm of his bony hand. He almost instinctively aimed his palm at the Zolom, and a pulsating jet of energy shot out unexpectedly and came into collision with the its leathery hide. It roared with pain and disappeared beneath the water. Josie charged at the second, but her sword barely scarred its tough hide. Two more Zoloms appeared from behind them, except that these were much larger than the others.
Cloud and the others joined in the mêlée when a figure clad in green tore past the group, yelling out to them to stop fighting. They looked up in time to see an attractive lady with auburn hair and an angry disposition standing not to far from where they had been fighting. She whipped out what appeared to be a flute and began playing a distorted tune. The Zoloms ceased their battle with Ryudo and the others and circled around the strange lady, as though listening to the vague melody, and then one by one they disappeared beneath the dark water. At long last she ceased her tune and looked up at them, her green eyes ablaze with fury.
“What did you think you were doing?” she asked, outraged. “You could’ve killed one of the Zoloms!”
“Hey, they attacked us first!” Josie protested. “One of them even ate one of our Chocobo!”
“Calm down, Josie,” Ryudo said coolly, and he made sure to conceal his face beneath his cloak. The last thing he wanted right now was to scare the lady away.
“We’re new around these parts, and we had no idea that such a creature existed,” Ryudo continued. “We sincerely apologize. Right, Josie?”
“Sure,” Josie said, somewhat morosely.
“There’s no need to apologize,” the woman said sincerely. “It’s not your fault that you don’t know about the Zolom. It’s Shinra’s fault. He doesn’t care about any endangered species.”
“Shinra?” Tidus asked in surprise. “As in…Rufus Shinra?”
“Nope,” she explained. “Because of his deteriorating health, now his son has taken over Shinra Incorporated. Didn’t you know?”
“…Like we said, we’re not from around here,” Cloud explained. “How did Rufus survive Meteor anyway? Wasn’t Midgar destroyed?”
“No one knows for sure, but some say that it was his trusty robotic dog, Dark Nation, that managed to get him to the safety of a helicopter. Oh, how rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself. I am Lucia Greene, researcher at the Endangered Species Observatory.”
“An observatory? Cool! Where is it?” Darksoul inquired enthusiastically.
“It’s located at what was previously known as Fort Condor,” Lucia explained. “You folks should come by and take a look around.”
“I don’t know…” Wing said skeptically. “We’re in a hurry…”
“Oh, come on!” Lucia urged. “Besides, you haven’t introduced yourselves yet. Anyone up for lunch?”
“Brunch? As in…food?” Sakura asked hungrily. “In that case, I’m sure we could stop off at your observatory for a little while.”
The group, led by Lucia, made their way through the Mythril mines, occasionally braving inevitable battles with a few of the abominations that lurked within, much to Lucia’s dismay. They emerged minutes later, squinting their eyes against the mid-morning sun, and eventually arrived at the Endangered Species Observatory. It still retained some of its architecture from its days as Fort Condor, yet a sense of change lingered about the place.
“We refurbished a few years ago,” Lucia explained, leading them up the pathway and into a caged elevator. With a push of a button, it started a steady ascent, finally reaching the core of the observatory, which was much different than they had expected. Instead of the tunnel-like path, there were now well-built corridors, linking one room to the next. Lucia led them to the Conference room, where they were provided with a hearty meal of mizutaki, stewed chicken flavored with radish, scallions and other herbs. Accompanying this meal were tiny cups of steaming sake. Cloud took a sip and felt a comfortable warmth rise in his stomach.
When they were finally finished with their meal, a brunette clad in a lab coat entered the lab, smiling vibrantly.
“Well, everyone, I’d like you to meet Miss Christine Watts,” Lucia introduced the woman. “She is a senior researcher here at E.S.O.”
“Pleased to meet you all,” Christine said amiably, still smiling. “Now, I’ll take you on a tour of the observatory. Follow me!”
The tour purposely stretched on for hours, and they completely lost track of the time. Night finally came and the group decided to spend the night at the observatory. Lucia was only too happy to accommodate them. They retired to their respective rooms, with the exception of Ryudo, who opted to stay with Lucia.
“So, what do you think of the place?” Lucia asked him, tucking some hair behind one ear. “Isn’t it impressive?”
“Yeah, it is,” Ryudo agreed.
“So, where are you all headed from here?”
“I’m not really sure,” Ryudo admitted. “We’re not even from this world. Tifa had suggested that we go to the Promised Land, so I guess that’s where we’re headed.”
“The Promised Land? I see.” Lucia paused. “But why do you always wear a cloak? I can’t even see your face.”
She reached her hand up to raise the hood of his cloak, but he jerked away and leapt to his feet at the remembrance of his ghastly appearance. If he scared her away now, he would never be able to forgive himself.
“You…you can’t, Lucia,” Ryudo said firmly. “I…I’m not even human. At least not anymore.”
“Please, let me see,” Lucia pleaded.
Ryudo nodded unsurely, and Lucia slowly pulled his hood back, revealing his unique face. His eyes were a deep shade of purple, and his ears were elflike: long and pointed. His nose was relatively small and flat, and from a distance it seemed as though there were only two small slits in his face for his nostrils. His skin was smooth and flawless, except for one slash that ran from his brow to his left cheek, over his left eye.
“You haven’t looked in the mirror recently, have you?” she whispered softly. “You’re just... different.”
"Thanks, I guess."
“Well, you’d better get some sleep,” Lucia said awkwardly. “I just need to finish up some work. Good night.”
Ryudo pulled his hood over his face again. “Good night.”
Lucia watched Ryudo’s cloak-clad figure fad away into the shadows of the dimly lit hallway. Then she whipped out her cell phone from her pocket and dialed feverishly.
“What is it, Lucia?” the man on the other line answered. “Have they arrived?”
“They’re here,” she replied. “I identified our mystery man. Name: Ryudo. Race: non-human. Height: around five feet ten inches, or probably a bit taller. Identifying marks: a scar over his left eye.”
“And the Sephiroth clones?”
“One female, one male. They go by the aliases Josie and Wing. Currently their location is in rooms 5 and 3 respectively.”
“Well done. Prepare for Operation Lockdown.”
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Thursday, June 17, 2004
Somehow I have managed to survive two weeks of sheer torture...
There's nothing left to say, except that I will try to post the next chapter of the fanfic tomorrow.
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Friday, June 4, 2004
At the Chocobo Farm Malkav re-entered the somewhat demolished house, and crouched before Choco Billy’s dead body, muttering to himself.
“There was no other way, old man,” he said bluntly. “The choices were to kill or to be killed. And you know I couldn’t allow you kill anyone.”
Malkav paused briefly, as though waiting for a response. He leaned over the dead figure and his fingers darted to the wound on the dead farmer’s cheek, saturating his fingers with blood. He raised his hand to his lips, at first tasting the fresh blood with uncertainty, and then licking the remaining blood off his hands with a sudden, inexplicable urge, which cried out for more with each small taste. Still unsatisfied, he tore open the farmer’s throat with the aid of his metal claw, and indulged himself in more and more of the crimson ambrosia that was fresh blood.
A strangely human scent emanated from the doorway behind him. Irritated by the distraction that was a stranger’s approach, he tore his mouth away from the farmer’s jugular for a moment and sniffed the air suspiciously. The scent was distantly familiar. Yes, he had smelled this one before, in the Midgar ruins, and around where Terra Zero had been captured: the scent of the one called Cross Blade.
Reluctant to leave his morsel, Malkav wiped the blood off his face and rose to his feet slowly, his back still facing the intruder.
“Give up, Cross Blade,” Malkav said calmly. “I caught your scent you the minute you came in here.”
Cross Blade halted and raised his arm to take a whiff. This stranger was right. He smelled awful.
“They’re gone already,” Malkav continued.
“Who the hell are you?” the one called Cross Blade asked. “And what do you mean, ‘they’re gone already’?”
“Those you seek are already gone.”
Cross Blade loosened his grip on the masamune. “You still haven’t answered all of my questions. Who are you? How do you know my name?”
Malkav spun around, glaring at Cross Blade nonchalantly through two blood-red eyes.
“Answer me!” Cross Blade yelled irritably, pointing the sharp end of the masamune at his face.
But Malkav did not budge or flinch in the slightest. “Killing me won’t answer any of your questions,” he said coolly.
Cross Blade glared at him reproachfully, and reluctantly sheathed his masamune.
“I was also a part of…that’s how I know you,” Malkav explained.
“Well, what was your name?”
“My real name doesn’t matter. Call me…Malkav.”
Cross Blade tilted his head back and laughed. “…I get it. You’re the self-proclaimed Deus Ex Maccus, right? Nice try, but you can’t convince-”
Cross Blade looked beyond Malkav’s figure, and he could see the mutilated corpse of Choco Billy, its throat ripped open and gushing blood by the pints.
“-Me,” Cross Blade finished. “You did all that? Hmm…would you be interested in an alliance? Your thirst for blood is a valued asset…very valued indeed…”
“I have no intention of joining you on your quest for revenge,” he muttered acidly. “I work for no one, especially not the likes of you.”
“At least consider my offer,” Cross Blade requested. “You can’t make it on your own. Those creeps that ran off with your friend Zero are bound to catch up with you sooner or later…”
Malkav fired his shotgun at the roof with intent. “Leave!” he said coldly.
“All right, I’m leaving, ” Cross Blade said, backing away warily. “But damn, man…what the hell kind of monster are you?”
Without waiting for a reply, Cross Blade exited the house. Malkav crouched before the dead figure again to finish his meal, but found that his appetite for blood was all but gone. In its place was a feeling of disgust and towards the dead body, and perhaps himself. Suddenly nauseated, his body gave an uneasy lurch and he spewed his stomach’s crimson contents onto the floor, choking and gasping for his next breath of air.
“Dammit, Malkav,” he said to himself, shuddering slightly. “What have you become?”
Meanwhile, Cross Blade regrouped with Abbis and Tiago, who had previously been rummaging around the now abandoned stable.
“Did you find anything?” he asked calmly.
Abbis brushed aside some of her white locks that had spilled onto her face. “It’s empty. There’s no sign of Cloud and his friends anywhere, and the Chocobo are all gone. But…”
Tiago stepped forward, his tight fist opening to reveal two small, orbs, one red and one purple, which captured the sunlight and shone brilliantly.
“We found these in one of the Chocobo pens,” Tiago explained.
“What are they?” Cross Blade asked impatiently.
“Considering that this is the Final Fantasy world, there’s only one possible thing they could be,” Abbis stated in a matter-of-factly tone.
“It’s obvious that the red one is a Summon Materia,” Tiago interjected. “I don’t have a clue what the next one does, though....”
“Maybe it’s a Chocobo Lure,” Cross Blade explained. “If we learn how to harness the Materia’s power, we’ll have an advantage. And, if my theory is correct, this purple materia will help us catch up with Cloud and the others.”
“Yeah, sure,” Abbis said hastily. “So, what did you find?”
“…It doesn’t matter,” Cross Blade faltered. “Cloud and the others already have a head start on us, and those people who took Terra Zero are probably closing in on our location already. Let’s move out. I saw some Chocobo tracks not too far from here.”
Elsewhere, Cloud and the others had already arrived at the banks of the marshes. It was uncomfortably placid, without so much as a ripple or the tiniest of disturbances on the surface of the murky water. The Chocobos suddenly became restless, raising their heads up high and looking about warily with their small, beady eyes widened with worry. Cloud’s breath tensed at the thought of the notorious creature that possibly still lurked beneath the surface.
“Hmm…there’s no other way…” Tidus said pensively. “I guess we just have to go.”
“Well, what are we waiting for?” Sakura said impatiently. “What, do you think there’s a monster in there or something? C’mon, let’s go!”
“You’re not familiar with this world, are you?” Josie asked.
Sakura’s jaw dropped. “Oh my god! There’s a monster in the swamp?”
Josie sighed audibly and decided not to reply.
“Okay, let’s go,” Cloud said valiantly. “Hang on tight, Tif.”
Tifa wrapped her arms around Cloud’s waist more snugly, which seemed to suit him just fine.
With a tug of the reins, the Chocobos they were riding charged into the marshes, splashing the dark water around their ankles as they continued to accelerate.
They were halfway to the other side of the lake when they became aware of another presence that took the form of a dark bullet snaking towards them beneath the water. The Chocobos accelerated further to outrun the creature. Another emerged, undetected, from the murky depths behind them. It’s snake-like head emerged from the water and struck one of the Chocobo, throwing Tidus and Josie off in the process. The snake-like creature disappeared below the surface of the water, pulling the Chocobo down with it.
“Josie!” Ryudo yelled, struggling to stop his Chocobo.
But the frantic Chocobo refused to stop. So, handing Sakura the reins, Ryudo leapt off the frantic bird, landing in the knee-deep water and rushed to his sister’s side.
“Josie, are you all right?” he asked, as Tidus helped Josie to her feet.
“Yeah…never been better,” Josie said, obviously shaken. “But what the hell was that thing?”
The snake-like creature emerged from the water, towering over them. In its mouth was the Chocobo, now dead. It swallowed the whole bird with ease, feathers and all, and then looked down at the trio greedily through two golden, beady eyes, still unsatisfied by its last meal. Another of its kind emerged from the dank depths of the water, rearing his head and preparing to strike.
“Not good…” Tidus muttered, brandishing his sword in preparation for the worst.
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Sunday, May 30, 2004
I forgot to mention the news...
I had to grade for my 2nd degree green belt recently, but because my marks were deemed 'dynamic' by my sensei, I was appointed to the rank of 1st degree blue belt.It's a great privilege and a great burden, because now I have to oversee the class in the absence of any other higher ranks.
And the class is annoying. It's mostly full of immature eleven and twelve year olds who can't prectise and their mouths shut at the same time.
I've tried reasoning with them, but I'm afraid punishment is the only option...
Also, I have reached the 600 mark in terms of visits. Thanks to everyone who helped me out along the way.

Recently I watched the first five episodes of Soul Hunter (I borrowed it on video from Sakura 01.) So if you're into flying hippos, evil youkaisennen, old men with unusually large foreheads, or if you're just looking for something with tons of humor, this anime is worth a look.
As you may or may not have noticed, my site has...well, changed. No, I haven't gone gothic, I just like the colour black.
I'll talk to you guys later.
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Friday, May 28, 2004
Sorry to keep you all waiting for so it is, Chapter Five of my fanfic...
(Okay, so I've taken a really long time to post the next episode of my fanfic. Better late than never. You can go back to my archives if you've forgotten what's going on. One small alteration...Josie, I got tired of typing out 'Dark Sephiroth all the time, so I just made your name Josie, if you don't mind.)
A gunshot sounded throughout the room, puncturing the stillness abruptly, and the girls closed their eyes in a vain attempt to shut out the inevitable. Another gunshot was sounded, this time followed by the sound of a body falling to the floor.
Eventually, Josie’s eyes eased open slightly and found that her hands were splattered with dark blood. She rolled over onto her side and found herself staring at Choco Billy. One of his eyes was all but gone, while the other was looking at her with that strangely glazed expression. Dark blood oozed from the deep gash on his cheek and down his stubbly chin, while his mouth still retained that sinister smile.
“Oh my god!” she screamed, leaping to her feet.
“Josie!” Tifa called out to her from across the room. “What’s wrong?”
At that moment the door of the house came crashing down, startling the two girls in the process. Two sweaty blondes stood in the doorway: Cloud and Tidus, both of whom were armed with their swords.
“Are you guys okay?” Cloud inquired concernedly, rushing to Tifa’s side to free her from the rafter.
“We’re fine…but Choco Billy…he’s…” Josie explained, pointing a shaky finger at the dead body of Choco Billy that was lying on the floor. “There was a gunshot and…I thought I was gonna die…but then he…”
“Calm down, it’s okay now,” Tidus said, trying his best to remain calm. “Let’s just get out of here, and we’ll talk about it later.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Cloud stated.
“Now that you guys have that sorted out…” Darksoul called out to them from outside. “Do you mind giving us a hand with these bandits? There’s too many of them!”
In the stable, Wing was awake and was now busy preparing the Chocobos for their departure. In the distance, he could hear the battle against the bandits happening in the distance. Ignore the sores on his hands from the numerous times that the Chocobos pecked him, he continued slipping the muzzles and reins onto the large yellow birds.
One of the Chocobos in the furthest pen in the stable suddenly began screeching and flapping its wings wildly and kicking at the door, making the other birds apprehensive. The door to the pen was flung open, and the frantic Chocobo dashed out of the stable frantically, almost colliding into Wing on the way out.
Masamune in hand, Wing approached the far end of the stable warily.
“Who’s there?” he called out to no one in particular.
Rasping laughter echoed throughout the barn, and a voice spoke.
“It’s only me. Don’t you remember?” the voice inquired of him.
“What?” Wing asked. “Show yourself!”
“All right then, if that’s what you want…”
The figure leapt form the attic of the barn and landed neatly on its feet on the ground, hunched over so that the shadows formed by its red cloak and long, dark hair would mask its identity.
“Who are you?” Wing asked warily.
The figure rose to its feet slowly: an exact likeness to Vincent Valentine.
“In terms of outer appearance, I am what you see,” the figure said, almost too calmly. “Otherwise, you know who I am. By your words, I am ‘the devil himself’. Remember me now?”
“You’re…Malkav?” Wing said, lowering his sword unsurely.
“Who else?” Malkav stated sarcastically. “I had to create a diversion to talk to you alone. Choco Billy was old, and had the easiest mind to corrupt. Apologize to Tifa and the others on my behalf.”
“…What did you come her to tell me, anyway?”
“Zero is here, too…but they took him.”
Wing looked up, his eyes glowing with sudden interest. “Terra Zero…? Who took him?”
“I don’t know, goddammit!” Malkav yelled irately. “A group of about twenty of them ambushed us not too far from the Midgar ruins, near the coast. I lynched a couple of the fuckers, but I couldn’t save him. There were too many.”
“Who were they? Theives?”
“No. They were more professional, with uniforms and high-tech weaponry. I barely escaped with my life,” Malkav explained, pointing out numerous gashes and bullet wounds on his upper arm, which had almost completely healed.
“Did they kill him?” Wing asked, almost reluctant to hear the response.
“They came close, but their leader stopped them. They loaded him into some kind of hovercraft and took off. Now they’re tailing you. You all better get the hell out of here, before any more blood is shed.”
“Since when is the Deus Ex Maccus afraid of a little bloodshed?” Wing asked, feigning surprise.
“Afraid?” Malkav queried, his blood-red eyes glaring at Wing piercingly. “I know what they are capable of, and I know that you and your buddies won't stand a hell of a chance against them.”
“Whatever you say…” Wing said, shrugging.
“Wing? Who are you talking to?” Sakura called out to him.
Wing glanced toward the doorway of the stable, where Tidus and Sakura were staring at him curiously.
“I was just talking to…”
His voice trailed off and he looked around at the spot where Malkav once stood, which was now vacant.
“…No one,” he finished awkwardly. “I have a feeling that we should get going as soon as possible.”
“I agree,” Tidus stated. “Are the Chocobos ready?”
“Yeah, about that…one of them got away,” Wing explained.
“No problem. We’ll just have to do without it. Let’s go.”
Outside, Cloud, Tifa, Josie, Darksoul, Ryudo and Sakura were fiercely battling the group of bandits, which had been reduced from twenty to about ten men in a matter of minutes with the aid of Sakura’s Clow Cards.
“Where the hell do all these thieves come from?” Josie asked wearily. ‘Man, I’m beat.”
“Me too!” Darksoul yelled from across the battlefield. “This sword is too heavy! What’s taking Tidus and the others so long anyway?”
“I don’t know…” Tifa said. “I’m not too tired yet, but…I can’t kick in a skirt like this…”
“Of course you can, Tif,” Cloud explained. “ We all know that you wear underwear already, so it makes no difference whether you hide it or not!”
“And that’s supposed to be reassuring?” Tifa asked, smiling faintly.
Cloud grinned at her wickedly. “Nope, I guess not…”
A thumping sound, like that of hooves pounding on the grassy fields, alerted the group. They spun around in time to see Tidus and Wing, both of whom were riding Chocobos, and were steering them with ease. Following closely behind them was a small group of Chocobos, all with muzzles and reins on. Seeing this, the group of bandits fled to avoid being trampled by the vivacious birds.
Tidus grabbed Josie by the waist and hoisted her onto the Chocobo he was riding.
“Wow, you’re really good at this,” Josie said, still out of breath from the previous battle.
“They don’t call me Chocobo Gene for nothing!” Tidus said with a smirk.
Cloud grabbed one of the other Chocobos’ reins and jumped on, helping Tifa up as well. Wing helped Darksoul onto his Chocobo, and Ryudo and Sakura struggled to mount the other Chocobo, which had begun kicking and flapping its wings wildly.
“Where are we headed to from here?” Ryudo asked, when they were some distance from the farm.
“I would have told you, if I knew anything about this freaking world!” Sakura said irritably.
“Don’t worry, I have no clue where we are either!” Darksoul stated.
“I think we should head for the Promised Land,” Tifa stated abruptly.
“Why so hasty all of a sudden, Tif?” Cloud asked.
“…No reason,” she lied. “It’s just that…I have a feeling that we’ll find the answers there.”
“Well, wherever we’re going, we have to leave here now,” Wing said impatiently, remembering what Malkav told him.
“I agree,” Tidus said, nodding his head slightly. “But first, let’s find somewhere we can get something to eat. I’m starving.”
By yanking on the Chocobos’ reins lightly, the large birds they were riding broke off into a run in the direction of the marshes, a cloud of dirt and dust marking their trail.

(That's all for now. Watch out for chapter six sometime soon...)
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Sunday, May 16, 2004
...I almost forgot...

Sakura 01 reminded me during the week that I made it into the top 500...apparently, I've been there for a while now, but I didn't really notice...
Anyway, thanks to everyone who read and barely tolerated my incessant bouts of rambling, and those who were there during my good days, and my not-so-good days...and thanks to those who give a damn at all...
Special thanks to Broken Blade, Dark Sephiroth, Chocobo Gene, VileFantom, Abbis, RyudoStarwind, Tiago, darksoul, hinaru and Sakura 01 for caring.
Comments (13) |
Hi all. Spring cleaning has finally taken its toll on my room, and now it looks more like a room and less like a pig sty...
I've been listening to Three Days Grace too much lately...especially 'I hate everything about you'. Here are the lyrics-
Every time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I get
But I haven’t missed you yet
Every roommate kept awake
By every sigh and scream we make
All the feelings that I get
But I still don’t miss you yet
Only when I stop to think about it...
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you?
I hate
Everything about you
Why do I love you?
Every time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I get
But I haven’t missed you yet
Only when I stop to think about it...
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you?
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you?
Only when I stop to think about you
I know
Only when you stop to think about me
Do you know...?
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you?
You hate everything about me
Why do you love me?
I hate
You hate
I hate
You love me...
-Three Days Grace.
(Since I have the chance, I would like to thank the genius who invented the 'copy and paste' option...)
Comments (4) |
Friday, May 14, 2004
Hi all.I've been listening to the Ruruouni Kenshin Soundtrack a lot lately. There are a few rather depressing songs on that soundtrack...actually some of them are love songs, but they still make me feel more depressed than usual...
Just a few I'd like to mention...
That's one seriously cool song. I think it's supposed to be a love song...I never found the english translation, though. It's still one of my faves.
Although a translation of the title means 'Rainbow', this song is anything but cheerful. It sounds more like a painful, heartbreak-ish song. This has to be one of my faves. I never found the english translation.
1/3 Junjou na Kanjou-
The title translates as '1/3 My Feelings'. I found the english translation to the lyrics on some site, and this is a love song. It's okay, I guess.
One Half-
I don't know why I like this song, but I do. It doesn't depress me or anything.
If there are any other Rurouni Kenshin fans in the house, don't hesitate to let me know your favourite song. Later.
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