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Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Nothing new. This past week has been - as it always is - hell. So many exams...and so much cramming the night before...
I'll have to grade for my 2nd degree green belt on Saturday, but I don't feel like I'm up to it. I want to start weaponery training soon...import one of those black bladed katanas...there's a girl in my class who has one, and it's so cool...
Sakura 01 has been begging me to cosplay Paine for the next anime conference in August this year...since me and Paine have very similar personalities...she's planning on cosplaying Gunner Yuna...and it won't be complete without Yuna, Rikku and Paine, would it?
I wouldn't mind, Paine is really cool...but her outfit's a little to complicated fro me to finish in the amount of time between now and August. I mean, the outfit is one thing, but what about the accessories, like the sword? A swordless Paine is like a sandwich without bread, for crying out loud.
Now, she's suggesting that I cosplay Rikku in this costume (I think it's called the Thief Constume...)

I mean, this costume is simpler,'s a little bit too revealing...And Rikku's personality is very different from doesn't feel right to cosplay her...
But, if I must, maybe Rikku in a less revealing outfit, like-

If I must, I will cosplay her...if I don't have to smile for the camera...especially not like that...*cringes*
(By the way, Broken Blade, I will get around to emailing you soon. I have a bit of a problem,, I think I need your help...)
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Saturday, May 8, 2004
Just a few random celebrate the fact that now we can actually see quizilla's quizzes...
 Grey: You can often be very sad. Quiet and reserved you hold yourself back, not because you want to, but because you feel no one will like you. The truth is that lots of people will like you. Your personality is creative. You have a poetic mind, but sometimes your poetry turns into depression. Poetry is meant to be beautiful so keep it that way. You are a wonderful person even if you don't see it, others do.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????!!!!What colour is your spirit?(with great pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
This was rather interesting...most of what is said here is true...
 Your an Outcast Angel! These angels were once upon a time, very loved, and of the highest ranks of all the angels. But, when something terrible happened in their lives, much like the dark-angels, the outcats leave the heavens and move down to earth. Outcast angels are not nessearily evil. In fact, they are quite kind, but filled with greif and guilt unimaginable. Outcast angels are usually formed when they have failed something, and ridden with guilt, they are banned out of heaven, sent down to earth, and live alone. They are always quiet and sad. If a huam befriends an outcast angel, they have a friend for life.
What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
Yep, that's me alright...
 You have a goodbye kiss...sweet and romantic, but tragic.
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Don't worry...this 'Goodbye Kiss' quiz result doesn't have a double meaning...I'm not going to leave this site without putting up a damn good fight...I promise...
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Wednesday, May 5, 2004
Here it is...finally...episode five...
“Who are you?” she asked the disembodied voice in her head.
Have you really forgotten me so soon?
You’ve left a few of them behind…in the ruins…
“Leave me alone.”
You must find them…but it’s already too late…
Tifa forced her eyelids open and found herself staring up at the wooden ceiling of the Chocobo stable. Aeris’ last utterances were echoing incessantly in her head, and her heart was now beating a furious rhythm on her chest. Calming her nerves, she sat up on her straw bed and glanced about the room. The rest of the stable was still, and undisturbed silence filled the air. Cloud and the others were resting peacefully in their respective positions around the stable.
She eased onto her feet and tiptoed out of the stable, careful not to wake the others. Once outside, she strolled about on the lawn, taking in the surroundings. A small bird had just darted onto the stable rooftop, chirping feverishly. Others accompanied, and together their melodious song heralded the golden sun’s ascent into the clear morning skies. She was almost reluctant to leave, although she knew that once they paid Choco Billy their share of gil, they would be on their way again.
“Wait a minute…gil?” she asked herself.
Tifa hastened back into the stable, where Cloud was sprawled on the hay, fully awake and alert. Ryudo was awake too, and was perched atop a large haystack, observing the surroundings. Tidus had just gotten up, and Wing was still fast asleep on a bed of straw in the far corner.
“Cloud, we have a problem…” she explained, kneeling beside him.
He sat up beside her on the hay and ran his hand through his unruly hair. “Good morning to you too, Tifa.”
“Sorry about that…but this is important. How are we supposed to pay for accommodation without any gil?”
“Gil? Oh yeah, I forgot about that…”
“In that case, we have no choice but to leave here,” Ryudo interjected.
“Okay then…” Cloud said thoughtfully. “Tif, you get the Darksoul and the others. Ryudo, wake up Wing, and let him know we’re busting outta this joint. Tidus and I will get the Chocobos ready to leave."
Tifa nodded affirmatively and hastened out of the stable and rapped on the wooden door of the house several times, but no one came to the door to let her in.
“What’re you doing up so early, baby?” a harsh voice enquired of her.
She spun around, prepared for a fight, only to encounter Choco Billy, or rather a grotesque outer shell of Choco Billy. His bleached face wore a glazed, strangely sinister expression.
“Oh, it’s just you,” she said. “You almost scared me.”
“Ya weren’t thinkin’ of runnin’ away from little old me, were ya?” he enquired, advancing toward her threateningly.
“No, of course not!” she exclaimed, shaking her head.
“If there’s one thing I hate more than freeloaders, its liars,” he stated, aiming his shotgun at her. “But if you submit yourself to me now, I jus’ might be persuaded to let ya live. So what d’ya say to that, sugar?”
“…You’ve got the wrong idea…” she said shakily, as she began backing away from him slowly.
“Very well then,” he said. “You’ve chosen your own fate.”
Before she could turn to run, he fired at her, and the bullet whizzed past her, missing her by a couple of inches. Without hesitation, she broke out into a run and took cover behind the house, where she began pounding on the back door. At last, Dark Sephiroth emerged in the doorway, and Tifa bolted inside and shut the door.
“What’s goin’ on?” Dark Sephiroth asked. “I thought I heard a-”
“-It’s Choco Billy,” Tifa explained hastily. “Something’s wrong. I’ll explain later. Go wake up the others!”
Without question, Dark Sephiroth hurried off into the guest room to wake up the others. Another gunshot was sounded, and the glass on the adjacent window shattered unexpectedly. Tifa closed her eyes and covered her face as a shower of shards rained down on her, cutting deeply into the exposed skin on her upper arm. She took cover behind the wall, wincing in pain.
“Oh my god! Tifa, are you okay?” Darksoul screamed frantically.
Tifa did not reply, as she was struggling to remove a bloody glass shard from where it had cut deeply into the flesh of her upper arm.
“We need a diversion!” Dark Sephiroth exclaimed.
“Leave that up to me!” Sakura stated boldly, whipping out her necklace. “Uh, let’s see…Key of Clow! Power of Magic! Surrender the Wand! The Force Ignite! Release!”
The key-like pendant remained suspended in midair for a few seconds before transforming into the familiar pink wand. Sakura grasped it determinedly, as tossed one of the Clow Cards and twirled her staff around, in perfect Card Captor Sakura style, and chanted…
“The Fiery! Release and Dispel!”
With that she struck the card with the tip of her wand. The card remained there, hovering in midair and glowing slightly, then flickered out and landed at her feet.
“Why the hell isn’t it working?” Sakura yelled in frustration.
“Maybe because it isn’t The Fiery,” Darksoul stated, observing the card carefully. The words ‘The Fly’ were inscribed clearly at the bottom.
“…It isn’t?” Sakura asked, flushed with embarrassment. “Sorry, my bad…”
Another gunshot was fired, and instantly the girls ducked for cover again. Something landed on the roof of the house with a dull thud, and suddenly everything was uncomfortably still and silent, other than the anxious, short breaths of air that escaped the wary girls.
“Look, we don’t have much time!” Tifa stated, rising to her feet slowly. “I’ll create the diversion-”
“-We’ll create the diversion!” Dark Sephiroth interrupted. “You two get to the stable.”
All of a sudden, a loud crash was heard above them, as a grotesque figure crashed through the roof and landed neatly onto its feet on the floor, accompanied by a large cloud of dust. One of the rafters collapsed, pinning Tifa between it and the wall. When she struggled to free herself, the roof of the house groaned uneasily, so she opted not to move any further.
“Tifa! Dark Sephiroth!” Sakura called from beyond the cloud of dust.
“…Just get to the barn!” Tifa instructed. “Hurry!”
Sakura and Darksoul remained there for a moment, as though spellbound by the suddenness of the situation, but eventually turned and sprinted off to the barn. Tifa and Dark Sephiroth were now left alone with the figure. The dust that had previously enshrouded the figure had cleared, revealing the twisted version of Choco Billy. His mouth curved into a sadistic smile, and his eyes still wore their glazed expression.
“Calm down ladies, it’s only me,” Choco Billy stated in his signature country drawl, laughing maniacally.
Devoid of reply, Dark Sephiroth unsheathed her masamune and approached him cautiously.
“Oh, so now little Miss Leather Suit here wants ta kill me?” Choco Billy taunted. “Well, bring it on already…or are ya plannin’ on staring me to death?”
Dark Sephiroth clenched her fist irately. “Why you little-“
“-Hey, calm down. Don’t let him get to you,” Tifa advised.
But Dark Sephiroth’s rage blinded her judgment at the time. Taking no heed of Tifa’s words, and charged at the maniacal Choco Billy. With almost inhuman speed and agility, he dodged her attack and kicked her full in the face, sending her flying onto a wooden dinner table. She rolled and got back onto her feet and pulled her masamune out of the wooden floorboard and swung it at the unsuspecting Choco Billy. A deep gash was left in his cheek, and unusually dark blood oozed out. Infuriated by this unexpected wound, he charged at Dark Sephiroth and knocked her over the head with the butt of his shotgun, flooring her instantly.
“Playtime’s over kiddo!” Choco Billy stated, aiming the shotgun at the semi-conscious Dark Sephiroth.
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Sunday, May 2, 2004
So I was supposed to tell you about what happened with the disco yesterday. Let me start from the beginning.
I met my friends outside the entrance of the disco, and they introduced me to two guys, namely a guy called Shane and George. I befriended Shane, but George was too busy checking out my friend's butt to be befriended.
I thought Sakura 01 wasn't coming, but she showed up and I gave her my earrings cuz I didn't like 'em and they matched with her jewelery.
Eventually, people started lining up to go into the disco, and after waiting in the long lines and being scanned by metal detectors we entered the disco. It was amazing. What was once the school auditorium was transformed into the most awesome dance floor I've ever seen.
The theme for this year was 'Frozen in Flames' and they had about three huge dragonlike designs on the walls, glowing blue due to the black lighting inside. The only bad thing about black lighting is that it makes anything white glow blue, and therefore people's clothing, teeth etc. were glowing blue, which looked rather odd.
Some of my friends started dancing, and I backed off onto the sidelines for a while. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist tightly. I struggled to see who it was, when I recognised his annoying voice-yep, you guessed it- Brian.
Instantly, I yanked his arms off me and lost myself in the crowd, but I eventually found my group of friends again.
The DJ's were actually pretty good. The closest thing I did to dancing was headbanging, cuz they played some rock, like Linkin park and such. Me and my friends moved away from the stage at first cuz the people in the group near to us were smoking marijuana and the smell was awful.
Overall, it was okay. I must admit, yesterday didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would be. My hair wasn't a complete mess, although it's a bit too short for my liking.
I don't think I'll go to church today, I'm still kinda tired from yesterday. I'll put up the nex episode of the fanfic soon, most likely this evening. What Inuyasha Hero Are You?
I thought this quiz result was interesting...
(Sorry if I bored you, I know this post is very long.)
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Saturday, May 1, 2004
...I am gonna KILL those hairdressers...
They cut my hair way too short, and now it's just a little bit under my shoulders!

Now my hair's more like Rinoa's than Tifa's...I just asked them to take a little bit off the end!
This day is already getting off to a bad start...
Comments (4) |
Friday, April 30, 2004
Here's episode four, I think...
(due to a request from the person who gave me this idea, this episode has a bit of Cloud x Tifa, so if there are any Aeris fans in the audience, please bear with me...enjoy...)
Eventually, after loosing their way several times and being ambushed by a group of bandits, the weary travelers arrived at the Chocobo Farm. As it had been in the game, there was a large empty pen in front of the stable that had housed several Chocobo during the day. Nothing much had changed, although the buildings seemed older and aged. The boards that made up the Chocobo pen were old and termite-ridden, and the paint on the walls of the stable and the house was chipped and faded. Yes, everything had aged.
Cloud knocked on the wooden door of the house, summoning an old man to the door.
“Choco Billy’s Chocobo Farm,” he asked in his vague country drawl. “And I’m Choco Billy! I reckon you guys is travelers! By golly, y’all are mighty brave ta be wanderin’ round at night, especially when there’s more bandits around these parts than Chocobo droppings!”
He paused for a moment, laughing dryly and slapping his knee, obviously the only one who understood what the joke was.
“…Alright then…” Cloud said, when the old man had finally recovered from his fits of laughter. “We’d like to rent a room for the night.”
“Well, what’re y’all waitin’ for? Come right in!” the old man said invitingly. “But there’s only about three beds, but the rest of y’all can sleep in the stable if ya wanna.”
“What about the cost?” Wing asked suspiciously.
“Cost? We’ll discuss that in the mornin’! For now you folks are free to make yourselves at home.”
“I guess you girls can sleep inside,” Chocobo Gene suggested. “The guys can stay in the barn.”
“In case you guys haven’t noticed…” Sakura stated in a matter-of-factly tone. “…There are four of us girls if you include Tifa.”
“I don’t mind staying in the stable,” Tifa insisted. “I’m really not that tired anyway.”
“…Besides, Tifa’s a tomboy,” Cloud added, “She’ll get along just fine-“
“Oh, please! We know what you’re after!” Dark Sephiroth stated bluntly.
Darksoul said nothing but her infectious, girlish giggling filled the air.
“Oh, yeah,” Sakura stated, grinning from ear to ear. “Tifa’s miniskirt, plus a typical guy like Cloud-”
Cloud glared at the two, his cheeks burning. “Good night, you two.”
“-Equals lots of mischief…eh, Cloud?”
“I said good night!”
Eventually the girls retired to the comfort of their warm beds, and the guys, along with a slightly flushed Tifa, headed off to the stable. Hay was stacked in a disorderly fashion about the room, and the only source of light was a single yellowed bulb that dangled from the ceiling and flickered off and on of its own free will.
“Well, this seems…inviting…” Ryudo stated skeptically.
Wing stared about the stable blankly and took a seat on a tall stack of hay. “I guess it’ll have to do for now. Where are we headed to from here anyway?”
“I’m not sure,” Cloud said with a shrug. “But for now, we should get some rest.”
At once, the single source of light flickered off for good, and the group settled down to sleep. Cloud glanced across the room at Tifa, who had seated herself in a far corner of the dark room, wide-awake. He leapt to his feet and went over to sit beside her.
“Aren’t you gonna get some sleep?” he asked her.
“I’m not really tired,” she stated, turning away. “I was just thinking. What if…what if we die while we’re in this world? Will we wake up out of this nightmare, or will we just pass on?”
“No one knows anything for sure right now,” he said, “But I promise I won’t let anything happen to you or anyone else here.”
He reached toward her and carefully placed his arm around her shoulders in a sympathetic gesture. She flinched at first, but eventually she warmed up slightly to his unfamiliar touch.
“Hey, if I can’t save every single damsel in distress, I can try to save one, can’t I?” he stated valiantly.
“Cloud, I don’t…” she started.
“What is it? Did I say something wrong?”
“No, it’s not you, it’s me…I’m just tired, I guess.”
“It’s okay. I understand,” he conceded, removing his arm from where it was draped over her shoulders. He stood and stretched a bit before returning to the stack of straw on the far end of the room that was to be his bed for the night.
“Good night, Tif,” he said when he had finally settled down.
“Good night.”
Tifa rested her head against a tall haystack and tried in vain to fall asleep. All the while her conscience was screaming at her for pushing him away, yet again.
Unknown to her, a pair of cerulean blue eyes watched over her from a safe distance until she finally fell asleep that night.
Elsewhere that night, a small group of wanderers had assembled and were preparing to set up camp in the safety of the Midgar ruins. Their leader, another Sephiroth look-alike, was scouting about the bushes as though searching for something concealed within the thick foliage. He bent over and picked up a blade of grass on the floor and examined it closely. Its edge had been sliced neatly, as though a blade had sliced it.
“So, he’s been here already…” he muttered to himself, as bitter thoughts engulfed his mind. He then turned to the others. “Listen up! Broken Blade already has a head start on us. We have no time to stop and rest now. We must go on.”
“But, Cross Blade…” a weary, feminine voice spoke up. He glanced across at the figure standing before him with childlike curiously.
She was clad in a familiar black outfit and a green vest and was overall quite similar to Kakashi from Naruto. However, instead if the short, spiky hair, long white locks flowed over her shoulder. She had previously been reading the little orange booklet, entitled ‘Come Come Paradise,’ and occasionally her eyes would widen in surprise and she stated, loud enough for everyone to hear, “So this is why Kakashi’s always reading this thing!”
However, she had risen from where she was previously seated and the one eye that had not been concealed by her headband was glaring at Cross Blade with a mixture of defiance and outrage.
“What is it, Abbis?” he asked her, feigning nonchalance. “Do you have a problem?”
“Yeah, I do,” she stated frankly, resting her gloved hands on her hips. “We’ve been scouting nonstop for hours, and I’m tired. So is Tiago. Right?”
Another, a boy with messy blue hair, added, “Abbis is right. I suggest we stop here and rest until tomorrow.”
“And then what?” Cross Blade replied disdainfully. “He’ll only gain more distance on us. Have you already forgotten that he is the one responsible for our presence here, and that his death will ensure our return to our own world?”
Tiago said nothing, but the dubious expression etched across his pallid face seemed legible enough to speak on his behalf.
“…I still don’t see how you’re so sure of this…” Abbis said, eyeing Cross Blade skeptically.
“Don’t worry,” he reassured her, “I’m sure of it. Let’s get going.”
(...Just keep in mind that everything is fictional, cuz it's a'll have to wait a while for episode five...I hope you guys don't mind too much...)
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I feel so stupid...well, more stupid than usual...
...Due to a comment from some anonymous person that reminded me that the nearest inn is Kalm, I have made a very small alteration in episode three. They are still heading to the Chocobo farm, however...and due to a request from Sakura 01, I'll see if I can add a little humor in the next episode...I'll put it up later.
(by the way, thank you to the anonymous person...whoever you are...)
and for anyone who cares, here is a very long quiz-
What is your name?: | Jodie | Are you named after anyone?: | I don't think so... | What's your screename?: | lockheartifa | Would you name a child of yours after you?: | no, I hate my name | If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: | dunno | If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: | dunno | Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: | yeah | Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: | nah, I have no intention of becoming famous anyway... | Basics | Your gender:: | Female | Straight/Gay/Bi:: | Straight | Single?: | Yes, I've always been... | If not, do you want to be?: | | Birthdate:: | 04/14/1990 | Your age:: | 14 | Age you act:: | It's not for me to say...what do you guys think? | Age you wish you were:: | 7... life was so simple then... | Your height:: | 5' 4" | Eye color:: | Brown | Happy with it?: | yeah...gray eyes look cool though... | Hair color:: | Brown | Happy with it?: | yeah | Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: | Righty | Your living arrangement:: | Living with family | Your family:: | What about them? | Have any pets?: | 1 dog and 1 cat | Whats your job?: | Student | Piercings?: | one on each ear, if that counts... | Tattoos?: | no | Obsessions?: | Final Fantasy 7, I suppose | Addictions?: | Final Fantasy 7 | Do you speak another language?: | Spanish, French...cuz I learn them in school...and some Chinese and Japanese...considering that my great grandmother was Chinese... | Have a favorite quote?: | ...... | Do you have a webpage?: | yeah | Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it | Do you live in the moment?: | I suppose so... | Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: | most times...I try my best, but I can't stand immaturity... | Do you have any secrets?: | yeah, tons of them... | Do you hate yourself?: | yeah | Do you like your handwriting?: | no | Do you have any bad habits?: | yeah | What is the compliment you get from most people?: | that I'm creative | If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: | Who cares? | What's your biggest fear?: | ...Hurting those I care about the most...cuz it has happened before... | Can you sing?: | no, but others seem to think so... | Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: | of course not, that's stupid | Are you a loner?: | yes | What are your #1 priorities in life?: | dunno | If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: | no | Are you a daredevil?: | no | Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: | yeah | Are you passive or agressive?: | passive | Do you have a journal?: | the closest thing I ever had to a journal was | What is your greatest strength and weakness?: | my independance, I suppose... | If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: | nothing | Do you think you are emotionally strong?: | I try to be...but I tend to avoid emotional situations... | Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: | yeah...lots of things... | Do you think life has been good so far?: | I suppose so | What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: | dunno | What do you like the most about your body?: | nothing really...but I like the fact that I am quite fit... | And least?: | the fact that most people concentrate on it rather tham my personality...that's part of the reason why I like | Do you think you are good looking?: | no | Are you confident?: | sometimes | What is the fictional character you are most like?: | Tifa, I suppose, but I'm similar to Kikyo in a sense...I look more like her, and we're both destined to be alone forever.. | Are you perceived wrongly?: | all the time | Do You... | Smoke?: | no | Do drugs?: | no | Read the newspaper?: | sometimes | Pray?: | rarely | Go to church?: | yes, sadly | Talk to strangers who IM you?: | no | Sleep with stuffed animals?: | no | Take walks in the rain?: | yeah | Talk to people even though you hate them?: | yeah, all the time | Drive?: | Yeah, my dad shows me how, but I don't get to drive on public roads... | Like to drive fast?: | no, not really, I'm still learning | Would or Have You Ever? | Liked your voice?: | no | Hurt yourself?: | no | Been out of the country?: | no | Eaten something that made other people sick?: | no | Been in love?: | ......... | Done drugs?: | no | Gone skinny dipping?: | no | Had a medical emergency?: | no | Had surgery?: | no | Ran away from home?: | no | Played strip poker?: | no | Gotten beaten up?: | of the higher ranks in karate class refuses to use control when she's fighting, and I've fought her may times before, and I've only won once | Beaten someone up?: | Yeah, but using controlled fighting... | Been picked on?: | no | Been on stage?: | yes, sadly | Slept outdoors?: | no | Thought about suicide?: | no | Pulled an all nighter?: | yeah | If yes, what is your record?: | all I remeber was that me and my cousins were high on sugar and were up for two days... | Gone one day without food?: | ni | Talked on the phone all night?: | no, I don't have that much to say to anyone | Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: | no | Slept all day?: | no | Killed someone?: | no | Made out with a stranger?: | no | Had sex with a stranger?: | no | Thought you're going crazy?: | all the time | Kissed the same sex?: | hell no | Done anything sexual with the same sex?: | hell no | Been betrayed?: | yes, too many times | Had a dream that came true?: | I don't dream, and when I do, it's usually a nightmare... | Broken the law?: | no | Met a famous person?: | no | Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: | no | On purpose?: | mosquitoes and other insects... | Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: | no | Stolen anything?: | no | Been on radio/tv?: | no | Been in a mosh-pit?: | no | Had a nervous breakdown?: | no | Bungee jumped?: | no | Had a dream that kept coming back?: | yeah | Beliefs | Belive in life on other planets?: | maybe | Miracles?: | no | Astrology?: | yeah | Magic?: | dunno | God?: | dunno | Satan?: | dunno | Santa?: | no | Ghosts?: | yeah | Luck?: | yeah | Love at first sight?: | no. Physical attraction is not love. | Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: | yeah | Witches?: | no | Easter bunny?: | no | Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: | maybe | Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: | no | Do you wish on stars?: | sometimes, even though it makes no sense hoping for the impossible (i know it sounds stupid, and it is!) | Deep Theological Questions | Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: | no | Do you think God has a gender?: | no | Do you believe in organized religion?: | no | Where do you think we go when we die?: | ...I dunno. I'll tell you when I get there. | Friends | Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: | no | Who is your best friend?: | don't really have one | Who's the one person that knows most about you?: | no one really, I'm kinda secretive | What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: | Don't remember...I'll tell you when I do... | Your favourite inside joke?: | dunno | Thing you're picked on most about?: | nothing really | Who's your longest known friend?: | er, at myotaku? let's see...I guess that would be Wing... | Newest?: | Abbis, i think | Shyest?: | dunno | Funniest?: | dunno...Broken Blade, I suppose | Sweetest?: | Darksoul | Closest?: | no one really | Weirdest?: | too many to mention...just kidding... | Smartest?: | dunno | Ditziest?: | ...? | Friends you miss being close to the most?: | ...... | Last person you talked to online?: | Chocobo Gene, I suppose | Who do you talk to most online?: | dunno | Who are you on the phone with most?: | friends from school and otherwise... | Who do you trust most?: | I dunno who to trust these days... | Who listens to your problems?: | Dark Sephiroth, Darksoul, CG, Broken Blade...basically everyone I know at myotaku... | Who do you fight most with?: | heh...that would be Dark Sephiroth... | Who's the nicest?: | darksoul | Who's the most outgoing?: | Terra Zero or Broken Blade | Who's the best singer?: | dunno | Who's on your shit-list?: | don't have a shit list. | Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: | no | Who's your second family?: | friends at school or online friends | Do you always feel understood?: | never | Who's the loudest friend?: | Sakura 01...heh. just kidding... | Do you trust others easily?: | no, not really | Who's house were you last at?: | Don't remember | Name one person who's arms you feel safe in:: | no one. | Do your friends know you?: | yeah, sorta | Friend that lives farthest away:: | dunno | Love and All That | Do you consider love a mistake?: | I wouldn't know... | What do you find romantic?: | ...... | Turn-on?: | ...... | Turn-off?: | immaturity | First kiss?: | ...... | If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: | nope, I don't date | Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: | like I said, I don't date | Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: | never really thought about it | Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractiv: | ...... | Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: | yes, but I don't think I'm attractive... | What is best about the opposite sex?: | some of them actually care about your personality rather than your looks | What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: | some care about looks rather than personality | What's the last present someone gave you?: | a silver bracelet | Are you in love?: | | Do you consider your significant other hot?: | ...... | Who Was the Last Person... | That haunted you?: | my old hockey coach, I suppose...or Steve... | You wanted to kill?: | Steve (not you, RyudoStarwind!) | That you laughed at?: | no one | That laughed at you?: | dunno | That turned you on?: | ...does that really matter...? | You went shopping with?: | Amanda, Laura and the rest of my friends | That broke your heart?: | ......some of you already know...... | To disappoint you?: | too many to mention | To ask you out?: | Brian | To make you cry?: | no one | To brighten up your day?: | In real life, my friends at school. Online, I suppose it would be Broken Blade | That you thought about?: | doesn't matter... | You saw a movie with?: | my schoolfriends...but the movie sucked, so we ditched the cinema and went to the mall instead | You talked to on the phone?: | Amanda | You talked to through IM/ICQ?: | I don't have an IM | You saw?: | my mom...she cam upstairs just now... | You lost?: | my hockey coach | Right This Moment... | Are you going out?: | no | Will it be with your significant other?: | don't have a significan other | Or some random person?: | nope | What are you wearing right now?: | sleeveless t-shirt and shorts | Body part you're touching right now:: | none | What are you worried about right now?: | whether or not I;ll find the time to finish my fanfic | What book are you reading?: | none at the moment | What's on your mousepad?: | a dell symbol | Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling:: | tired, lonely, lost, hungry, and peaceful | Are you bored?: | kinda | Are you tired?: | very | Are you talking to anyone online?: | yeah | Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: | no | Are you lonely or content?: | lonely | Are you listening to music?: | yeah |
Really Long Survey (over 200) brought to you by BZOINK!
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Thursday, April 29, 2004
This week really sucks. I think I failed that Chem test today...but in other news, the karate class is falling apart before my very eyes, and there's nothing I can do about it.
You see, sensei's daughter is a 11 year old and is a 2nd degree black belt, so she conducts the class while he's away. That's where the problem begins. She's very immature and she has the class running amock, sitting around and talking. I can't say anything to her, cuz she's the 'high-and-mighty black belt', and she won't even listen my advice even considering that I am older than her.
I'm have no choice but to update late at night cuz it's the only time I can sneak online...although I'm staying home tomorrow so I'll be online much earlier...oh and I'll put up the next episode of the fanfic tomorrow. I hope I'll be able to talk to you guys tomorrow.
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Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Here's episodes three...
(Keep in mind that EVERYTHING is fictional, and each episode follows up on the other one...enjoy...)
But the Sephiroth-like figure did not budge. It just stood there, it’s back facing Cloud. He approached it cautiously, when the sudden rustling of the bushes behind him indicated that something was approaching, and fast. He turned around at the last minute when a figure that appeared be a blur at the time ran into him, striking him full in the chest. Winded by the sudden onslaught, he fell over onto his back, coughing incessantly. When he finally came to his senses again, he could see a Sephiroth-like figure standing over him. Only this figure was obviously female. She had long, white hair and a full-length cape, yet she wore a black leather top and black leather pants and boots.
“Nice job!” an unidentified male voice addressed the girl standing over him.
“Thanks. On your feet, Strife!” she ordered, pointing her masamune at Cloud shakily.
Cloud staggered to his feet and looked around. Behind the girl stood a male figure, whose unusual outfit, silver chain and unruly blonde hair was exactly like Tidus from Final Fantasy. A male sephiroth-like clone stood leaning against a mossy wall, his pale face expressionless. Even further away, a haunting figure stood by, his face concealed behind his long white cloak.
“I’m not Cloud Strife!” he explained to the female Sephiroth standing before him. “Wait a minute…are you-?”
“Shut up! We’re asking the questions!” she retorted, pushing the masamune even closer to Cloud’s jugular.
“Just tell us why we’re here, Cloud,” Tidus said, almost too coolly.
“All I know is that right now we’re in post-Meteor Midgar, trapped in the bodies of our MyOtaku identities,” he explained hastily. “I don’t know how we got here or why we’re even here. What I told you is all I know.”
The female Sephiroth’s eyes widened at this remark, and her grip on the masamune grew shaky, as she reluctantly withdrew the sword and sheathed it carefully, staring in disbelief.
The figure in the white cloak took one step towards them, raising his head slightly. “That would explain it. I was RyudoStarwind on MyOtaku. You can call me Ryudo.”
The female Sephiroth spoke up. “I was Dark Sephiroth.”
“Chocobo Gene,” the Tidus look-alike added. “Considering the circumstances, you may call me Tidus.”
The Sephiroth-like figure spoke up. “And I was Wing.”
“Broken Blade, at your service,” Cloud added, bowing sardonically. “Oh, I forgot to mention…someone else from MyOtaku is here…”
“…And that’s all I know for sure,” Tifa finished her sentence and looked up at the two girls. The brunette with the sword, who had been identified as Darksoul, was now staring at her, wide-eyed with worry and concern.
Sakura recovered from her shock and comforted the girl beside her. “Come on Darksoul, its not all that bad. Think about it…no school, cool outfits, cool costumes-”
“-No family, no school friends, and lots of danger…” Darksoul interrupted pessimistically, as she glanced back at Tifa again. “It’s only the three of us here. How are we gonna stand a chance?”
“Actually, someone else is here too…” Tifa stated.
“Tifa!” A voice called out to her just at that minute. She scanned the hills for the source of the call, and there he was: Cloud, along with someone that resembled Tidus, a cloaked figure and what appeared to be two Sephiroth clones. The other two girls scrambled to their feet, glaring at the foursome warily.
“It’s okay,” Cloud reassured them. “They’re Chocobo Gene, Dark Sephiroth, RyudoStarwind and Wing from MyOtaku. And I’m Broken Blade. I’m sure Tifa…er, Lockheartifa… already explained everything to you.”
“…You can call me Tifa if you want,” she replied.
“Tidus or C.G. will do for me,” Tidus added.
Ryudo added, “It seems that I have taken on the appearance of my avatar. Please, don’t feel threatened by my presence. And you are…?”
“Darksoul,” the brunette with the ponytails and the strange sword explained. “But I don’t look anything like my avatar…that’s odd…”
“Now that we’re acquainted, might I suggest that we get outta here before anyone sees us?” Dark Sephiroth interjected, fidgeting impatiently.
“I agree. It’s almost nighttime,” Wing added. “But where the hell are we gonna spend the night?”
“If I’m not mistaken, the closest inn to Midgar is Kalm,” Tidus contributed. “We could go there, would be better if we put more distance between us and Midgar...I could sense someone else in the ruins...”
“Okay, the Chocobo Farm it is,” Cloud said boldly, and the party headed off into the horizon, hoping that they were being going in the right direction.
(Sorry if I'm taking a while to include people in the's kinda getting crowded since random people just come out of nowhere asking to be included...but don't worry, I'm trying my best to include everyone, so please, if you're not in the story already, please don't get will be included, if not right now, then soon.
The next chapter is ready, so I'll have it up by Friday...I have to get started on studying for a Chem test tomorrow, so I'll talk to you guys later...)
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Sunday, April 25, 2004
Here is episode two of my fanfic...
(Sorry if I didn't put this up bro was hogging the internet...better late than never. Just remember...eveything in this is fictional, it's a fanFICTION, and each episode follows up on the previous one...enjoy...)
‘Cloud’ smoothed his wild blonde hair with his hand and shrugged at the brunette before him.
“I dunno. All I know is that when I woke up, I found myself here,” he explained. “Then I saw you asleep, so I came to wake you up. I’m not who I look like.”
“Me either,” she stated bluntly, trying her best to remain calm, although she was beginning to feel that she was losing grip on reality. She continued, “I may look like her, but I’m not Tifa Lockheart…my online friends used to call me Tifa though…”
A sudden spark of interest flickered in Cloud’s eyes. “By any chance, was your username lockheartifa?”
“…How did you know?”
“I gave you a goblin with a severed head for your fourteenth birthday, remember?”
Tifa closed her eyes, trying to remember, as Cloud searched her face for any positive sign. At last, her eyelids reopened and she approached him slowly, staring at him with almost childlike wonder.
“You’re…Broken Blade?” she asked, somewhat doubtfully.
He turned to look at her, disguising his worry with a charming smirk. “So, we meet again, Tifa.”
“No, this can’t be…” Tifa took a few steps away from him and began pacing restlessly.
“I don’t believe it either,” Cloud replied, grasping the handle of the hefty sword at his side. “It’s a lucky thing I do kenjutsu. It looks like I’ll finally have the chance to save you.”
Tifa spun around and glared at the seated figure. “We’re stranded in the middle of nowhere, trapped in the bodies of our internet identities, and that’s all you can think about?”
“That’s not entirely true,” he replied. “I think I figured out where we are. See that large mound of metal out there? I think that’s Midgar. Or rather it used to be.”
“…Midgar? But how…?”
A silent, involuntary gasp escaped Tifa, and she sat down on the grass beside Cloud. She turned away for a moment, struggling to regain her composure. For a minute the only sound was the faint rustling of the wind as it swept through the tall grass of the gentle slopes of the hillsides. Eventually Cloud spoke up against the deafening silence.
“There has to be a reason why we’re here,” he muttered to no one in particular.
Tifa didn’t respond, and she remained with her back turned to him.
“You’re not the only one who thinks you’re going insane, you know,” Cloud stated frankly. “Until we find out why we’re here, I guess we’ll just have to accept the fact that we’re here.”
There was still no response.
He continued, “I know it’s hard to accept what you don’t understand, but there’s no other way. We’ll never find out the truth if we keep living in denial.”
Tifa sighed deeply and turned to face him again. “…I guess you’re right. Thanks, Broken Blade.”
“You’re welcome. For now, you can call me Cloud.”
He glanced down at the Midgar ruins, noticing a silvery glint amongst the rubble. At first, he thought it was a figment of his imagination, but he saw the glint again, this time much further down. He grabbed the sword at his side and leapt to his feet.
“What’s wrong?” asked Tifa, equally concerned.
“I thought I saw something. Stay here Tif, I’ll go check it out,” he said boldly, taking off in the direction of the ruins.
Tifa sat there and watched him go, the wind whipping her long locks about her face. The sun had already begun its deep curtsy into the horizon, bleeding vivid shades of crimson and orange onto the clouds. Night was fast approaching, and they had no place to spend the night.
“Oh, well,” she thought to herself, “At least I’m not alone.”
Suddenly, she became aware of voices in the distance. She could hear a group of raspy, jeering voices, and the others were undoubtedly female. She looked around, trying to find the source of the sound, when suddenly, shouts of “The Fiery! Release and dispel! Why isn’t it working, dammit?” were heard over the hill behind her.
She scrambled to her feet and glanced over at the other side of the hill, just in time to see two girls battling about a group of masked thieves, who had encircled the two and were ready to pounce at any moment. One of the girls had short, fawn coloured hair, and sported a hooded red cape and had a strange yet familiar staff in hand. In fact, she was exactly like Sakura Kinomoto from Card Captor Sakura. The other had longer, brown hair held in two tight ponytails, one on either side of her head. She wore a short white top and a blue miniskirt. Tall, white boots completed her ensemble, and she wielded an unusual sword, which was about half her height. She lifted it and began slashing at the thieves wildly, barely hitting them at all.
“Hey! Watch where you’re swinging that thing!” the caped girl protested. “You nearly hit me!”
The girl with the sword glanced over her shoulder, her blue eyes glimmering with rage. “Well, sorry if I don’t know how to use a weapon. Besides, I thought you said you knew how to use those flimsy cards of yours, Sakura!”
“They’re called Clow Cards! And I’m working on it!”
The thieves closed in on the helpless girls, brandishing their knives and laughing menacingly. Devoid of hesitation, Tifa charged down the hill and sunk her fist into the stomach of one of the thieves. Surprised by the attack, he stumbled backward and fell over, fighting for air. One of his companions tried to sneak up on her from behind, and was smacked over the head by the caped girl’s winged staff. The girl with the ponytails managed to swing the oversized sword around, knocking out a couple of the bandits. A brief battle ensued, and eventually some of the thieves fled out of sheer cowardice, leaving their injured companions behind to fend for themselves.
“Hey, isn’t she Tifa from Final Fantasy Seven?” Sakura asked the brunette with the sword.
“Yeah, I think so. What’s she doing here?”
The two cast suspicious glares at Tifa, who wiped a bead of sweat off her brow and took a seat on the grass.
“Give me a chance to explain,” Tifa stated, sighing wearily.
Elsewhere, Cloud wandered around the piles of rubble and greenery that had once been Midgar, searching for foreign figure that had obviously hidden within. He glanced up at a spot in the distance, expecting to see Tifa sitting there, but all he could see was the lush green of the grassy hillside.
Suddenly, he could sense another presence. Someone or something was definitely lurking amongst the ruins. Grasping the handle of his sword tighter, he ventured into the very heart of the ruins, cutting through the thick vegetation that blocked his path.
“…Is someone there?” a male voice echoed, almost startling Cloud.
A figure stood in the shadows, its back turned so Cloud could not see who it was. He could distantly make out the figure’s knee-length white hair, and the sheathed masamune at his side.
“Show yourself!” Cloud demanded, assuming a fighting stance and preparing for the worst.
(Yep, that's all so far...I forgot to mention that the characters in the story look like their avatars...except for maybe darksoul...I based her looks on the blog on her site...)
(By the way, you'll have to wait until next weekend if you want to read the next episode...I can't really come online during the week but I'll try to see if I can sneak on.)
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