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| lockheartifa
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Saturday, April 24, 2004 is the prolougue of my fanfic...
(Okay, I know it starts off kinda slow and boring, but please bear with me. There are no guarantees...maybe you'll ennjoy it, maybe you won't. But I hope you do. Here is the prologue...thanks to Broken Blade for the idea...)
“Jodie! It’s getting late, and your dinner’s getting cold!” the girl’s mother yelled from downstairs.
The girl glanced away from the computer screen before her and sighed exasperatedly.
“I’ll be down in a minute, mom,” she said wearily, typing on the keyboard with newly rejuvenated speed and vigor.
She had been updating her site: one of many on a website known as, where dozens of other anime fans worldwide could have their own personal sites, and were able to customize their site and even interact with fellow site holders. It was the one opportunity she had to truly express herself, as she had never been very open with anyone otherwise. To her, this site was her haven, the closest she had ever come to having a personal diary, and perhaps the one place where she could be appreciated for her personality rather than her looks.
To her mother, however, it was just a distraction from her schoolwork.
Her site had a Tifa Lockheart theme, as Final Fantasy 7 was undoubtedly her favorite game. She had not been online during the school week, and had just finished updating her site when a comment appeared on her chatterbox.
Aeris : Tifa, this is Aeris!
The girl stared at the strange message curiously.
lockheartifa : …Who are you?
Almost instantly, a new response popped up on the screen.
Aeris : Never mind that. Find the others and meet me in the Promised Land!
lockheartifa : The others?
Aeris : Jenova has returned…
lockheartifa : What the hell?
Aeris : Find…Promised Land…Jenova…the End Game…
lockheartifa : …?!
Aeris : You’ll find out when the time comes…
lockheartifa : Tough luck kid, Jenova doesn’t exist, unless Squall, Garnet and Tidus live next door.
Aeris : This is very real, Tifa. There’s no need for sarcasm. The winds of change draw near…and everyone you know will be affected by it, for better or for worse…
lockheartifa : Only friends call me Tifa. Leave me alone.
‘Aeris’ did not respond for several minutes, and the girl waited for a while. She eventually grew impatient, and went downstairs to have dinner. After a while she returned, and a few messages popped up on her chatterbox. Anxiety almost overwhelmed her, and she scrolled down to view the most recent messages…only to find-
Tiago : Aeris left a comment on my chatterbox too. What’s going on?
Sakura 01 : Ohayo! Hey I got a comment like that on my site too!
Chocobo Gene : There’s a similar comment on my site…but how are you otherwise Tifa?
Broken Blade : If I ever see that Aeris anywhere, I swear I’ll- *evil thoughts* Seriously though, if she ever harasses you again, just let me know.
darksoul : Hiya! ^ ^ Are you and dark sephiroth still fighting? And what’s up with that Aeris girl?
dark sephiroth: nope we’re not fightin at da moment. ryudo got da same comment on his site. Is Aeris a friend of yours or sumthin?
Sighing with relief, her slender fingers darted about the keyboard again.
lockheartifa : I’m okay now, but I’m tired. I don’t know who Aeris is, and I don’t know what the hell’s going on. I’ll talk to you guys later.
She disconnected from the Internet, forgetting to log out yet again, and, weary from the week’s activities, she stumbled into her untidy bedroom and collapsed onto her warm, comfortable bed, falling into a deep sleep in a matter of minutes.
“Tifa…? Tifa, wake up!” a somewhat anxious voice called out to her.
Her eyelids eased open lazily, revealing the reddish-brown orbs that were her eyes. She found herself staring up at a strangely familiar and quite attractive man with blonde, spiky hair, whose cerulean blue eyes were gazing into hers with an incomprehensible urgency. Perhaps it was the suddenness of his presence, or maybe it was the shock of the entire situation, but there was only one thing for her to say.
“Who the hell are you?” she blurted, and she staggered to her feet and backed away from the man.
Her voice trailed off as she observed his features closely. The spiky blonde hair…the familiar clothes…the buster sword at his side and the glow of Mako in his eyes…
“Wait a minute…aren’t you-?” she started.
“I’m not Cloud Strife!” he said firmly. “I don’t even look like him in real life! And you’re not in your room anymore.”
Looking around, she realized that 'Cloud' was right. Endless horizons and undulating grasslands replaced what were once the pale walls of her room. In the distance, a large mound of intertwined vegetation and scrap metal could be seen, casting a tall, haunting shadow over a small portion of the grasslands. She, too, had been changed. Her hair, which normally stretched halfway down her back, was now much longer, and was tied loosely at the end. Chocolate brown locks spilled over her shoulders. Even her clothing had changed. The football t-shirt and shorts she had slept in were replaced by a white tank top, a miniskirt, suspenders and gloves.
“Explain everything to me,” she said, shaking her head in disbelief. “Where are we? What are we doing here?”
(None of the prologue's chatterbox comments were actually made by the people on my friends's a fanfiction, emphasis on FICTION. I'll see if I can put up the next chapter tomorrow.)
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Friday, April 23, 2004
I almost forgot...
...That fanfic will be up soon...maybe even tomorrow...
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It seems that I've managed to survive the week...
Nothing much happened this week. I'm still recieving belated birthday presents from friends in school, believe it or not.
Sakura01 gave me a new Inuyasha manga and I read the entire thing in five minutes. Imagine this...we had a free period, and other people in tha class are sitting around talking, and I'm in my own corner reading Inuyasha manga. Most of my schoolfriends aren't really otakus.
It was rainy this past week. Like I told Sakura 01, rain is the best thing since sliced...human...
...Sorry, I'm allergic to school, it gives me violent outbursts of stupidity...well, more than usual.
...There I go, rambling again. Sorry to bore you like this. To make sure this post didn't completely waste your time, here's a pic...

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Wednesday, April 21, 2004
...Sorry I'm in a hurry cuz I'm not suposed to be has begun to stress me out to the extent that i have sunk into a temporary writer's block with regards to the fanfic...Don't worry, I'll try my best to have it up by friday...
...I hope everyone's okay...before I forget my apologies to dark sephiroth...I've been a deadbeat opponent lately...So I'll forfeit for now...
Did I mention that I overheard that they've already begun preparing the script for a movie based on Kurt Cobain's life...and death...that was the highlight of my week.
Gotta go...I'll talk to you guys later...
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
I have a favor to ask of you guys...normally I don't do this, but...
I suddenly have the urge to write a fanfic, cuz I haven't written anything for a while. But I don't know what the hell to write about. That's where you guys come in. Please leave suggestions of characters and scenarios, and I'll see if I can write a fanfic about it.
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Nothing much is happening today. I just finished reading a FF7 fanfic online. It was pretty sad cuz it takes place after the end of the game itself. Aeris returns( with Sephiroth, who is no longer under Jenova's control, and her cousin Tayeko, a fellow ancient who was Sephiroth's friend but he doesn't remember her.)Cloud obssesses over Aeris once more, much to Tifa's dismay.
Tifa, full of sorrow, leaves without saying a word to anyone. She meets up with Zack, who is also alive, and she helps him to regain his memory. When he hears of Cloud and Aeris, he is devastated, and finds himself falling for Tifa.
Eventually, Zack and Tifa are caught by the Turks and taken to Rufus Shinra, who is still alive and is trying to regain public favour. The only way he can do this is by marrying Tifa, or having a child with her. After all, she was one of the Protectors of the Planet. Tifa is unwilling, so he takes her by force.
Cloud an the others are watching the news when they see Tifa at a press conference, and Rufus announces that they are to be married. Cloud knows something is wrong, and he goes off to find Tifa alone. Aeris tries to stop him, and he casts the Sleep spell on her.
Eventually, when Tifa is rescued, she says she wasn't feeling well. Aeris, using her Ancient skills, can sense the presence of another life in her body. In other words, Tifa's pregnant. Cloud throws a fit because he knows it's not his child, but Tifa is too embarrassed to tell him about Rufus. Zack is accused as being the father, as he and Tifa had spent some time together in a Junon inn.
Meanwhile, Hojo is alive again and has restored Jenova in a human-like form. Jenova takes over Cloud again, causing him to attack Tifa, by slashing at her stomach and almost killing the baby.
Tifa is rushed to the hospital, where they remove the child and place it in an artificial womb. The baby has lost some blood, and if Tifa gives up any more, she will die. Zack volunteers, and the others find that even though his blood is a match, he is not the father. They didn't have the courage to tell Cloud at the moment.
Cloud eventually recovers from his guilt and finds the courage to face Tifa again when her wounds were sufficiently healed. Initially she is very afraid of him, but she slowly begins to trust him again. That was the most touching scene in the entire story. Cloud enters Tifa's hospital room, where she is packing her things to leave. As soon as she sees him standing there, she drops everything she has and takes a few shaky steps away from him as he makes his advance. She eventually finds herself against a wall and sinks to her knees, crying "Please, don't hurt me, Cloud." Cloud comes over to her, a single tear also escaping his eye at the thought that he had harmed Tifa so badly that she was afraid of him. He went over to her and grasps her hand in his, and tells her that everything is okay now, and that he loves her so much and would never hurt her again. Then a mushy kiss and hug scene follows.
Meanwhile, Sephiroth finds himself falling in love with Aeris' cousin, Tayeko. Jenova tries to take over his mind again, by somewhat questionable means -let's just say if she's his mom it's kinda like incest- but he's in love with Tayeko and he refuses.
Eventually Avalanche forms an alliance with Shinra and the Turks in a desperate attempt to stop Jenova. They travel to an alternate galaxy via a rocket-I forgot to metion that Jenova whisked Sephiroth, Aeris and Tayeko off to that galaxy- and along the way Zack decides to tell Cloud and Tifa the truth: he's not the father. Tifa is at first afraid to tell Cloud for fear that he will be mad at her again, but he reassures her that it will be fine, and that all she has to do is be honest with him. When she tells him the truth, he threatens Rufus.
Everything turns out fine in the end, and everyone is coupled off, except for maybe Cait Sith, Reno and Rude. There was this one point during the story where Yuffie goes out with Reno, and he recruits her to the Turks. She allows Tifa to escape from Shinra HQ, and she was fired.
Red XIII meets another survivor of his species, and Lucrecia returns to Vincent. Barret meets a dancer called Dion. Of course, there's Cid and Shera, Zack and Aeris, and Sephiroth and Aeris' cousin, who end up getting married at the same time as Cloud and Tifa in the end.
I'll probably post later.
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Friday, April 16, 2004
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I'm up pretty early this morning, and I have a headache, but I'm in a good mood for some reason.
Anyway today's my mom's birthday so later they're gonna take pictures. I dislike pictures cuz I look horrible in them. I've never been the most camera friendly, cuz I always end up blinking, or turning, and there was this one time I sneezed and the picture looked so horrible that I ended up burning humiliating...
Tomorrow we have yet another birthday to celebrate: My dog's bithday. He's a 3 year old German Shepherd and Golden Retriever mix, and he looks pretty unique for a dog. He's huge and he has white fur, except for his nose, it's black and fades to gray on his face. He's got the strangest name though. When he was little he was completely grey and my dad nicknamed him (what else?)Grey. He wouldn't respond to any other name so we just stuck with that.
Anyway I'm off to visit your sites. Later.
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Thursday, April 15, 2004
Hmm...I'm surprised. It seems that I'm a reasonably sane person.
Anyway I have recovered from the sugar-induced hype that was my birthday. It was turning out to be a good day yesterday. But then the phone rang. It what that idiot Brian again. Basically, I just told him that I wasn't interested. He asked a couple irrelevant questions before he finally hung up the phone.
Anyway, my dad's thinking of making one of the large rooms downstairs into a gym, and buying a punching bag so I can practice. I can't wait.
I'll post again later if anything interesting happens or i I find anything else to say, which is very unlikely.
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Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Heh...I almost forgot...
Today's my golden if you care... *shares sake* I'm feeling a little more generous that usual, so drinks are on the house for today.
Here's a pic to celebrate...

...I couldn't find any birthday pics...sorry...we have two things to celebrate though. Apparently I have just over 300 visits to my site. Thanks to everyone who helped me out and encouraged me along the way, which is just about everyone on my friends list. Thanks again guys.
In the advice of a friend of mine, I'll just take it one step at a time from here.
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