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Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Hey how did I change my font to italics...? Anyway I hope everyone had a good Easter. Nothing much is happening today, and it's actually kinda boring around here.
Yesterday my bro and I were talking about the most embarrasing moments of our lives. There was a time when I was about seven years old when a girl pushed me into a drain, soaking my shoes and socks in the process. Everyone who saw me with my soaking sneakers laughed, and no one offered to help me. But I held my tongue as usual, and I didn't complain to any of the teachers.
That same girl used to bribe all of my "friends" into hanging out with her and leaving me out of everything. So I was a loner at an early age. Hard to believe, right? But I guess it kinda explains why I am the way I am.
Enough about me. I'm sure you guys have embarassing moments of your own. Feel free to share them.
I'll probably post again later if I find anything to say.
Long, perpetually flowing hair? Sounds a lot like Tifa...but this next one is pretty interesting...
Okay I'll admit...when I used the name lockheartifa I got the word bakayarou (idiot). No surprise there...
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Monday, April 12, 2004
Heh...I twisted my ankle yesterday evening trying to run in stilletto heels...don't ask me why...I might as well admit it, but I'm a bit of a tomboy, but not to the extent of cutting my hair short or dressing like a guy. I'm one of the few girls my age who hate makeup. I don't wear baggy clothes to go out, I can dress femininely if I try...though most of the time I hang out in my room in an oversized football t-shirt and boxer shorts. I'm serious. That's what I'm wearing right now actually. So I'm not an extreme androgyne, I'm just not overly feminine. When you have a hyperactive brother, and your neighbourhood is made up of mostly guys(I have no complaints about that) it's hard to remain a girlygirl forever. Not saying that I was a girlygirl or anything.
I borrowed Ronin Warriors from the DVD club yesterday evening. Basically, it's about the world coming to an end and a group of guys with special armor who show up to save the world. Of course, the "leader" Ryo has a love interest, a university professor called Miya, who is perhaps the only woman left on the world at the moment. The pair, along with a boy called Yuri, who was separated from his parents in a riot of panicking citizens, have to find the rest of the Ronin Warriors before The Dynasty (that's the evil guys) does. You'll just have to borrow the DVD to find out what happens.
I'll probably post again later.
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Saturday, April 10, 2004
I was up nearly all night, tossing and turning. It's almost like my memories are tired of being bottled up inside, and now they're forcing their way out of me. I've decided that I'm not running from them anymore.
When I first came to my new school, I took part in a couple of the extra-curricular activities, namely badminton and field hockey. I never enjoyed badminton, it was too slow and boring for my liking, so I stopped. But hockey intrigued me, and I continued playing.
The coach was a very down-to-earth guy, very understanding and got along good with the team. He could never remember our names, so he made up nicknames for us, which we really didn't mind. Hockey was his passion, and he enjoyed his job thouroughly.
He and the team were really close. His attitude for competition was always "Try your best to win, but have fun." When it was the end of the term, we all ordered fast food to celebrate his birthday. We were surprised when he showed up with two large water guns, and we, armed with only our water bottles, began a fierce water fight.
The next term, he constantly had us exercising and making dozens of laps around the adjacent football field, and we used to get tired and frustrated. Afterwards, he would divide us into two teams and let us play. Sure, once I got a couple bruises and scars, but I continued trying. Coach thought I had real ability.
I remember the first time I ever went up for competition. It was an indoor hockey tournament, and I was nervous. I got bruised when someone from the other team purposely ran into me, but I had fun nevertheless. We placed third overall, and coach was satisfied.
Practice and training continued as usual. Coach got married, and he brought pictures for the team to see.
Then one day, he didn't show up for practice. We didn't think much of it, and continued training on our own. This happened a few more times.Then one day, while we were waiting yet again, we saw him go into the principal's office, looking somewhat saddened.
After talking with her, he came out on the field to talk to us. His voice was hoarse, and his speech was interrupted by fits of dry coughing. He said that he had developed a lung infection of some kind, so serious that he could never play hockey again. He said that he had decided to stop coaching us, but he had also said that he had gotten someone to replace him, and that he thought we all had amazing ability and that we should never stop playing hockey.
The news came as a shock to us, but coach told that his replacement was just as good. Then he asked us if we wanted to play just one more match while he was still here. We consented, and we played that day with heavied hearts.
About a week later, I came to school when I heard the news: Coach had passed away that night at the hospital, and his now widowed wife had just contacted one of the girls on the team to let us know. I was shocked. How could this happen?
The principal called all of the girls on the team to her office. Some were crying, others were sobbing disconsolately. I felt strange, cuz I was one of the few who were not yet crying. The principal said that the funeral was tommorow, and that she would arrange transport for us.
I went home that evening, feeling depply saddened. I told my parents what had happened, and they were also shocked. I hurried into my room, locked the door, and had a long overdue cry.
I tried to return to hockey weeks after. It was what Coach would have wanted. But the new coach had a different attitude. "Have fun, but win in the end." He was harsh, strict, and entirely obsessed with winning. Try as I might, I could not bear his attitude, so I left hockey for good, and started jui jitsu.
A year has passed since the coach died. I still see some girls practicing hockey on evenings, and I feel momentary pangs of guilt, that somehow I should've continued hockey training. Coach would've wanted me to continue, and somehow I feel like I've gone against his will.
...If you took the time to read all of this, thanks...
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Thursday, April 8, 2004

Me after getting off the phone with Brian.
...I was really pissed yesterday, and I still am. It turns out that Brian (read my earlier posts if you don't know who I'm talking about) didn't take a hint after all. He called me up yesterday "just to talk". I had nothing to say to him, so I just let him do all the talking, and I barely listened.
Then, all of a sudden he asks, "So, what do you want for your birthday next week?"
Firstly, how does he know that my birthday's next week? Secondly, didn't he figure out by now that I've been going out of my way to ignore him, therefore I have no intention of befriending him and therefore he has absolutely NO right to get me anything for my birthday?! He's more stupid and immature than I thought he was.
I tried not to let my anger seep into my words, so I said, "You don't have to get me anything for my birthday!" when I meant "What the hell is your problem?!" (Okay, I'll admit, I meant more than just that, but most of the rest is just expletives.)
So I'm pissed. Really pissed. This guy can't even take a hint! And it's like his cousin is trying to force-feed a relationship betweeen us. If he thinks I'm gonna accept anything from him, he'd better think again. If I accept it, he might expect something in return...and I'm not just talking about a birthday present. It'll be hard for me to tell him that I hate him, but if that's the only way I can get him to realize how I feel, then I'm afraid there's no choice...
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Wednesday, April 7, 2004
A few more images for my knight in one-shoulder armor...

What the..? I'm running out of pics...sorry...Broken Blade used up most of the nicest ones on his image gallery...I'll see if I can find some more later...
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Tuesday, April 6, 2004
An image gallery for a certain spiky-haired acquaintance who was so kind as to make one for me in the past......
Consider this my way of making it up to you, Cloud...somehow I don't think a simple sorry was enough...hope you enjoy the pics...

I'll see if I can find some more's kinda difficult to find pics that aren't already on Broken Blade's image gallery...
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Monday, April 5, 2004

Well, this pic sorta expresses how I feel today. My cousin's wedding is coming up, and my mom was dragging me around the shopping malls and making me try on...(God forbid)...dresses. I HATE dresses. It almost felt like she was making me try on every single dress in the store. And all the humiliating ones too: the ones with frills and bows and fancy sickening...anyway, my mom finally decided on a dress for me. It's a halter dress with some kinda fancy hem. It's deep blue, but it looks like black from a distance, which is the only positive side.
Later this week we're going shopping for shoes. Oh, joy.
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Sunday, April 4, 2004
Baked to imperfection

I went to the beach with a few friends today. As you can see, seawater doesn't do much good for my hair. Otherwise, it was okay. We played a game of beach volleyball, which I'm kinda good at. (You can ask Sakura 01)
Right now I'm extremely sunburned and too tired to care. Lately I've been more tired than usual...but I guess I just need to catch up on some rest.

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Saturday, April 3, 2004
...There's really nothing to say, so...if you are fed up of listening to this same song on my site...too bad. Seriously though, here are some other songs that you can listen to on theotaku jukebox that could be associated with this site-
.hack//SIGN- Kiss
Ah!My Goddess- Fate had a Past
Card Captor Sakura- Memories of Warmth
Chrono Cross- Reminiscence
Chrono Trigger- Chrono Death
Cowboy Bebop- Real Folk Blues
Evangelion- Rei
Final Fantasy VII- Tifa
Gundam Wing- Last Impression
Inuyasha- Dearest
Noir- At Dusk
Rurouni Kenshin- Tactics
Sailor Moon- Sad theme
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Friday, April 2, 2004
Good news for a change...
I just got back from school. We got our reports today, and I'm proud to say...I got a B- in my term report.

In celebration of this once-in-a-blue-moon event, the drinks are on the don't want to miss out on Tequila Frenzy 2004.

(Sake Frenzy 2004...coming soon to a bar near you.)
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