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Friday, April 2, 2004
An April Fools joke gone a little too far...
Hey Broken Blade, sorry about that. It's just that I thought you wouldn't take me seriously. I've been apologizing to you a lot over the past few days, so one more apology might not mean anything to you by now...
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Thursday, April 1, 2004
Another term draws to a close...finally...
I'm glad to say that I've had a relatively sane and uneventful April Fool's Day. Tomorrow's the last day of school, but somehow I'm not entirely relieved. Sure, it is the start of spring break, but if I don't get good grades this term, my parents will be on my case for the rest of the vacation. Still, I'll be relieved just to get away from that damn school.
There's really nothing left to say, so here's a quiz result-
Which Final Fantasy X-2 character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, March 30, 2004

I just noticed that I have over 200 visits. Thanx to everyone who helped me out and encouraged me, especially during these past few days. Special thanx and much love to know who you are...
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Monday, March 29, 2004
I forgot to tell you what happened with regards to the guy's cousin.
He started to call me, but he never really had much to say. The conversations were so boring. He's immature for his age. He kept calling me and irritating me.
This Saturday, the guy's cousin (his name is Brian) came yet again, and he sat down and stared at me. I ignored him and went about my business. I don't need that kind of foolish doting to distract me.
After the class, the guy asked me if I was still interested in Brian. I looked at him indifferently and said, "I was never interested in the first place." I think Brian overheard what I had said, but I don't care. He hasn't called back since. least he can take a hint...
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Sunday, March 28, 2004
I'm so tired today...I guess it was because of the karate class. After we finished, we did some gymnastics. I can't really do a cartwheel, and he wanted me to do a one-handed cartwheel. I tried, but it was painful, considering the wound I have on my palm. It's nothing serious, but it was enough to cause some pain afterwards.
I woke up late this morning, but I'm glad, cuz my parents can't force me to go to church.
I'll probably put up another post later.
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Saturday, March 27, 2004
I still can't find a functioning Tifa pic anywhere. *sigh* Oh well, I suppose I could remain faceless for a few more days...or weeks...
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I stayed home from school yesterday, cuz we're really not doing much anyway. I spent nearly the entire day all alone in my room.
That kind of isolation kinda helps me out, in a way. It gave me an opportunity to think things through, with regards to Steve. At one point in time I was sure that I had feelings for him. I don't want to care about him any more.
As quoted from a Linkin park song( I don't remember the name)-
(Never goes away...never goes away...)
Get away from me
Gimme my space back you gotta just go
Everything comes down to memories of you
I've kept it in but now I'm letting you know
I've let you go so get away from me
Gimme my space back you gotta just go
Everything comes down to memeories of you
I've kept it in but know I'm letting you know
I've let you go...
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Sunday, March 21, 2004
A tale of betrayal
Some time ago, my friend Allyson suggested I come to her church. I agreed, and I came that Sunday. The service was pretty boring, but i got to meet one of her friends, Arianna.
After the service, this boy approached me and said hi. He introduced himself as Steve. We didn't really get a chance to talk much, because Allyson's parents just came to pick us up.
Over time Steve and I became friends, although sometimes he made it obvious he wanted to be more than just a friend. Then all of a sudden Allyson (who previously hated him) decided to befriend him too. So did Arianna, and she ended up becoming Steve's girlfriend...for a while.
One day at school, Steve's cousin told me that he had another girlfriend, and hinted the kinds of...things...they did. I was shocked. Steve always seemed to be full of personality and I couldn't believe he would do something like that.
I was angry. Steve had managed to fool all of us: Allyson, Arianna and even me. I emailed him and said some angry things I can't remember. He did not reply, but later that week, when I went to church, he threatened to beat me up. Of course he said it with the occasional expletives.
I was hurt, but I refused to let it show, as usual. Allyson and Arianna started to ignore me, because they knew that if they came to talk to me, he would get angry at them too. They even wanted me to apologize to him.
I had too much pride within my soul to bring myself to apologize, so I held my tongue, and in church I remain silent and alone to this very day.
Quoting lyrics from a song always helps me express myself, so here goes-
Never was and never will be
You don't know how you betrayed me
Somehow you've got everybody fooled...
Never was and never will be
You'll never know how you betrayed me
Somehow now you're everybody's fool...
-'Everybody's fool' by Evanescence.
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Saturday, March 20, 2004
I'm just so tired today and I don't know why...*yawn*...anyway, let me take the opportunity to say thanx to a few people-
Broken Blade-He's one of the few people that can make me laugh when I'm really feeling down, and he always has something witty or encouraging to say.
Sakura 01-She goes to the same school as me, and she's always willing to give me some friendly advice. It's not always the best advice, but what the hell.
Terra Zero-The first person to ever sign my gb. Even though he doesn't really add comments anymore, I'm still grateful for his help.
Wing-even though he's gone for a while, he's always kind and helpful to me, even when I really sucked inthe ratings. (Don't get me wrong, I still do!:p)
If any of you guys are reading this...thanks.
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Sunday, March 14, 2004

(That's just plain mean.)
Anyway, shortly after this happening, Aeris was seen not far from Nibelheim, and she seemed to be handling the situation quite well...considering that she was wielding a large chainsaw and a submachine gun.
Cloud and Tifa could not be reached for comment, as our interviewers could not keep up with their running pace.
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