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myOtaku.com: LokiRagnarok

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Nanatsu no umi no rakuen
Arashi no yoru no ato ni wa
Ai wo tsutaerutame inochi ga mata umareru
Nanatsu no kuni no MERODIA
Daremo ga itsuka wa koko wo tabidatsu hi ga kitemo
Watashi wa wasurenai...
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Friday, January 12, 2007

   3 day weekend! oh yea!
hahaha i'm really happy! i get a 3 day weekend! oh yea! But the sad thing is I have a lot of stupid English homework to do. TT.TT curse this stupid Othello Project. TT.TT *sigh* anyhow yea i got home from skool today..and just felt plain bored. i mean mysapce was getting boring. -.- no one's on when i'm on. no one leaves me comments anymore. bleh. it sucks. and omg then there's aim. -.- only the ppl i don't want to sign on sign on when i sign on. and the ppl i want to sign on either don't sign on anymore or BARELY sign on. TT.TT *sigh* ahhh Life Sucks. XXDD
Anyhow yea...just waiting on more Nodame Cantabile episodes to be uploaded on Youtube. you guys should go check it out! it's really kool! ^^ It's the Live ACtion of the manga Nodame Cantabile. ^^ I died like crazy laughing when i was watching it. ^^
Oh and there's also Hana Kimi the Taiwanese drama. It's ok. Although the first few ep. where intresting and they made me laugh..i dunno..it doesn't quiet pull me in as much. you know it doesn't get me all that hooked on it. lol But still it's very good! And omg Wu Zun and Jiro are sooooooooooooooooo hot in there! XDDDD yea and the Jiogku Shojou Live ACtion...there aren't any new ep. either. *sigh* But yea lol that was my day everyone. XD ^^V

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Sunday, January 7, 2007

   waiii Tamaki Hiroshi
Yes ppl it is true. I, the great Boy Crazy LokiRagnarok, have just found myself a new japanese star/singer to be obsessed over. hee hee and the lucky singer issssss *drum roll* TAMAKI HIROSHI!! Kya!
Every since i started watching Nodame Cantabile i've been like addicted to him. lol He's so cute and nice and they way he smiles just makes ur heart go "doki doki". lol anyhow school's almost starting again. *sigh* well actually school's starting tomarrow! TT.TT I wish i could have more vaction time so i can post up like almost everyday. *sigh* but i dunno if my friends still come on Myotaku or not. TT.TT I hope u guys do. i miss you guys a lot. *sigh* anyhow Vaction should be rolling along soon and then i can be on the internet 24/7 MUHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! ^^V

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   hhheeyy Everyone! i'm back! :D
lol gomen ne everyone. i know i've been absent for a VERY EXTREMELY long time. *sigh* hope no one has forgotten me yet. TT.TT Hoever i come bearing good news! i finall got a digi camera for Chirstmas! yayiers! ^0^V So now i can take pics of my artwork and post it up! ^^ hmmmmm wonder how everyone is doing. wow a lot has happened since the last time i logged on. hmmm well let's just say that a WHOLE lot of stuff was going on with me that prevented me from comming to this site. well anyhow hope i can get back in touch with all my friends! love u guys all! ^^V
Missed ya alot too! XD ^^
oh and i'll be posting up my artwork later. ^^

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

omg omg omg
okies i need SERIOUS help. i wanna cosplay for anime-expo next year....but i dunno who to be! gaahh!!! too many! can't choose! can u guys help me by offering some suggestions? oh and srry there's no BG on my site. i'm trying to fix that cause whenever i upload one it never shows. so yea. gomen ne. but if u could suggest a cosplay anime character that'd be TONS of help. ^-^
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