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Twilight Town
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Ruler of the Universe (*sigh* It's a full-time job but hey wut else am I gonna do? lol)
Real Name
Mori-chan, Molly, Kannon, Enni, Kaze, Ichi, Ichiban, Ichigo, CrazyAsianGirl
Anime Fan Since
I've been an anime fan since I was about six. My uncle was watching Ranma 1/2 and I fell in love with anime ever since!
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Mermaid Saga, Fruits Basket, Chrono Crusade, Howl's Moving Castle, Jigoku Shoujo, Death Note
Go to Japan someday, get rich (hey who doesn't?) XD
Playing My Piano, Drawing, reading, listening to a whole range of diff. music, hanging out w/friends, studying, just having fun. ^^ watching J-dramas and K-dramas. ^^
PLaying the Piano, drawing, cheering ppl up (which sometimes leads to them getting freaked out by me...but eh @ least I got 'em happy! ^^), evil laughs...
| LokiRagnarok
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Jellos everyone! The sun is shining and stuff! la la la la la! Me is so happy! I LUV IT WHEN PPL SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! So if you happen to visit my site, and like it please sign my guestbook. ^-^ Oh and my story Fable Fantasy, should be posted this saturday, if not then it should show up sunday. I MUST FINSIH THIS STORY!!! And I have to keep my promise. ^-^ Wow I'm sounding like Keitaro from Love Hina! LOL Well, Love Hina is one of my favorite mangas. ^-^ I think it's funnies. Yea and started swimming unit in P.E. today. It's okay..i guess. I kinda got used to it. Nothing real intresting's been happening lately..WAIT I REMEMBER! Something intresting did happen! I HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH KAT-TUN!!!! XD >-< They are so awesome! I love Jin and that one other dude who always has a serious expresion, and looks like a girl! Lol, HE DOES! When I showed my friends their pictures, they all thought that one dude was a girl until I told them it was a dude! LoL. WEll gotta get moving got HW to finsih.
The horrible dread and weight of high school homework hangs heavy upon my head and soul. Chow!
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Monday, October 24, 2005
Pissed as H*ll!!!
Okies I think It's one of those times again I'm gonna give a whole lecture on realtionships. Even though I've had like wut only ONE! But that's beside the point. Today I went to school and my friend was acting all werid. In the morning she said she hated couples (no offense to any couples out there). I thought it was unusual, but didn't think much of it. It wasn't until 3 period that I started to know something was wrong. I didn't want to pry into ppl'z bees wax, without them wanting me to. So I didn't really say much. But soon after a few events happened, and I sorta found out what happened. She told me. Her jerk butt boyfriend had dumped her. He dumped her once, like a week ago, but for some reason they got back together. Now he broke up with her AGAIN! This time he did it in the almost worse posible way! Before he dumped her he was caller her a piece of (other word for poop), and keep telling her how he thought this one girl at our school was cute, and hot. He finally broke up with her. He said to her in the meanest way: "And this time I'm not coming back."
MOG!!!! You would not believe how increadibly MAD I was when I found out! Lol he told her not to tell me, because he knew I was going to kick his butt or something that would probably inflect some pain to him. My friend is really a nice person and she doesn't need to go throught that stuff twice! I WAS SO MAD!!!! MOG! I was gonna go and punch that Mother *CENSORED, CENSORED, CENSORED* in his mother *CENSORED* face! I was already mad enough that day, I got kinda happier though. You may hurt me if you want ( i'll fight back though), but when it comes to my friends, you better watch out! URGH I'm getting madder thinking about it!!!! But my friend told me not to do anything rash, or let him knew I found out. So respecting my friends's wishes I won't. During lunch though I saw him, and the urge to break my promise was strong. But I keep my promises, espeically to my firends. URGH THAT JERK!!! OKies I sorta feel better. I stand up for my friends no matter wut. so if I find out that anybody (not ppl on Myotaku) starts to talk *other word for poop* about them, I will mess them up! Unless the person is a friend, then I'll defend my other friend, and if they still won't listen, they better watch out for my rath! Like the old saying says: "If a guy makes you cry he doesn't deserve your tears. The ones that do deserve it are the ones that don't make you cry." Wellz I gotta go do some stuff so chow!
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Atention one and all, I your lord and master, ruler of the universe have an anouncement! I HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH THE MOVIE GOKUSEN2!!! I haven't watched the first one so yea...., anywayz. I'm so dumb, I don't know how to put my pics. on the web. I got them from my friend who has a scaner, and she e-mailed them to me. But I don't know how to get them , so I can post them. It says to download it, but when I do, I get nothing! Sry pplz, u may not see my pic.s afterall...T-T
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Friday, October 21, 2005
La la la
Wazz up everybodyz?!!?!? Well if all goes according to plans, I MIGHT be able to get up the continuation of my Fable Fantasy story, by next week. Oh and GREAT NEWS!! Thanks to my dear friend Kingdomheartsgirl, my fanart, and drawings can FINALLY be seen on Myotaku! that's just awesome! So please check it out. It should be posted by Monday. thanks! ^-^ THANK YOU SO MUCH KINGDOMHEARTSGIRL!!!!! YOU ROCK!! Well, for the meanwhile here are two songs I made up because. 1. I AM THE RULER OF THE UNIVERSE!! 2. I was bored. enjoy. ^-^
Evening Sakuras BY LOKIR.
Evening Sakuras blowing
softly against the wind
What a wonderful evening
standing here beside you
The magic is slowly envoloping me
Evening Sakuras softly whisphering against the wind.
Wanting to stay with you forever
Every night I wonder what lies beyond this sky
Wondering if there's a new world out there.
Baby I miss you
Want you tonight by my side
Persevering this image of us together thoughout eternity.
*every night I stare at the sky missing you so much
What a lonely sad night **
Evening Sakuras slowly
start to fall
what a beautiful night
holding you in my arms
The magic of the day
that's spent only by me and you.
Kiss me, darling,
I love you
repeat * -> **
Evening Sakuras swaying softly
brings back memories of you.
Evening Sakuras whispering sofly
against the wind
I want to be with you forever darling.....
Destiny BY LOKIR.
Softly glowing
Sakuras in the wind
A future of a million colors
The stars shine as if new
The sky glows a clear blue
Everytime when I'm together with you.
Making a wish
Crossing my heart twice
Hoping you'll always be by my side
Always together, getting through this endless night.
The wind whisphers softly to me a sweet lullaby, with an ancient melody
Reality is just an image
Baby I miss you, stay with me, I want you to come back.
Our wings are an unbroken furture,
Riding on a dream that can never be forgotten throughout the ages.
Sitting alone under the stary sky,
I wish you were by my side
Sakuras softly glowing
What a wonderful scenery.
The moon shines as if new,
Like the destiny made by me and you.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
FINALLY, I am able to post somthing again. Sorry pplz I've been VERY busy lately with school work and life. Urgh! Me no likely high school life! ALL THE HOMEWORK!!!!Well, it might be a REALLY long while before I can post up somemore of my Fable Fantasy story. Ummm...and oh yea WAYYY back in my day, when it was 2004, when I was in the eigth grade, my friend got me hooked on Love Hina. *starts to cry all anime-ish* ALL THOSE WONDERFUL MEMORIES!!!! T-T I got reminded of all those WONDERFUL memories because my friend let me borrow her Love Hina the animation. i still have to tell her there's a Love Hina Again dvd. ^-^ CARZY 'BOUT LOVE HINA!!! MOG I had so much fun reading that manga! It was like I was a part of the story you know? And when the manga ended I cried, because of all the happy things and sad things I read in the book. It was almost like I was one of the girls in the Hinata Apartments. T-T WONDERFUL MEMORIES, WONDERFUL. I feel like crying again. You would know how I feel if you've ever read a manga or watched an anime and you felt like you were a part of the story itself. Then when the series ends, it makes you sad because the ending was awesome or memorable, and you know it has to end. But you just don't want it too. Those memories of reading Love Hina will stay with me forever. T-T Good times man, good times. *breaks down in emotional and happy tears* T-T excuse me I have to go now. *sob sob* maybe I'll write later when I'm not so happy remembering these memories...wait that's never gonna happen. Well when I clam down then. *starts to cry again. sob sob* I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOWZ!!!! T-T ^-^ T-T ^-^
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
Due too certain cercomsatnces and shit that happens in my life. I won't probably be continuing my story for sometime. I am extremely sorry. If this didn't happen to me, then my story would be on rite nowz. And I'd like to give a holler out to my friend (whose name I can not mention), because it's her birthday. I am in an extremely werid mood today. I don't know wither I am happy, hyper, mad, or sad. So due to my strange mood today. This is perhaps all I will type for nowz. Chow!
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
yea like my bestest buddie is nowz a member on this site. she is DemonicRozenWolf. But pleaze do not go to her site yet. Due to her wish, she does not want pplz to go there yet. Cause, not everything is up and running. But when it is, I'll tell u guyz and u can visit her site! ^-^ I'M HYPER!!!!!! YEA!!!! I GOT CRAZY CUZ MY FRIEND IS HERE!!! SHE'S GIVING ME SPELLING LESSONS!!! HELP ME!!!!! SHE'S CORRECTING EVERYTHING I WRITE!!! ME GOING CRAZY!!!! LOL. J/k. She's awesome. Wellz i'm gonna go do other stuff so yea....
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
This really sucks...T-T
This has turned out to be one of the worse birthdays ever! I don't get to celebrate or anything! I had to stay home and do stuff I didn't want to, chores, ect. But at least my friends at school made me feel better. ^-^ Anyhowz, I was rewatching my Initial D movie, and this is all i have to say. I LUV INITIAL D!!!!!! EDISON CHEN RULES!!!! OH YEA!!!!! INITIAL D ROCKS MY WORLD TEMPORAELY!!!! THAT'S RITE I CAN'T SPELL!!!! LOL. Anyhowz yea. I might put up my story like in about two or four days. So to all of u guyz who r reading my story thank u for waiting. ^-^
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
Just found out
yea I just found out ppl do wanna read my fanfic adn stuff. So i'll continue with them. Here's a song I made. There's no tittle to it yet. And due to the request of one of my friends Kagome shall be changed to Kyre.
Inuyasha: The sword was entrusted, never ment to slay
Kyre: In a mirror that revels your dreams, a story that ends emotionally unveils.
Sango: A wish waiting to be said like a sotry unread A story that ends emotionaly unveils
Kairi: No need to seal away your past, the blue sky can be seen if you open your heart.
Miroku: Spring rain falls, Agianst eyes that burn like crimson flames, mixing with your tears of confusion.
Sora: Are you feeling lost and alone? You son't have to cry, I'll always be by your side.
Kyre: This fairy goddess of the Cherry tree.
Sango: In a mirror that revels your dreams, a wish is waiting to be said
Kairi:Do you wish this is your last heartbreak?
All girls: That this ceaseless pain will never be felt again?
All guys: You don't have to cry, the blue sky can be seen if you open your heart.
Everyone: Always reaching for the blue sky, say goodbye to the heartache.
Yea that's like the song. And the story I made is called Fable Fantasy. Did I already say that? Wutever, anyhows I'm having writer's block so the next part won't be on the internet until like maybe sunday. Cause I get to go Halloween shopping!! Yea! I get to pick out a costume, go trick-or-treating, and scare unexpected kids!!! this is gonna be fun. And I get to go to Knott's Scary Farm for a late birthday thingy for me and a friend. I'm bringing a crew there man! Tottaly! This is gonna rock!
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Me so sorry
Hi everyone, for all the pplz who commented and stuff, and sent me private messages. I'm sorry if I don't respond quick enough. I'm not always on the internet, so I look at things like days, for even WEEKS late. Gomenasai! *bows down head and actadenly hits it on table* Yea, and I don't know if pplz still wanna read my fanfic. or not. Cause nobody's been commenting on it...or my glourious songs either... Better go check on my comments thingy then. Well.. My birhtday's in like in three days! YAYYYY!!!! GIVE ME PRESENTS OR SUFFER MY EVIL MONKEY/SQUIREL ARMY RATH!!!! MUAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!HA! FOR I AM THE RULER OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!!MUAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAH *choke choke* yea, I'm werid. ^-^
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