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Twilight Town
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Ruler of the Universe (*sigh* It's a full-time job but hey wut else am I gonna do? lol)
Real Name
Mori-chan, Molly, Kannon, Enni, Kaze, Ichi, Ichiban, Ichigo, CrazyAsianGirl
Anime Fan Since
I've been an anime fan since I was about six. My uncle was watching Ranma 1/2 and I fell in love with anime ever since!
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Mermaid Saga, Fruits Basket, Chrono Crusade, Howl's Moving Castle, Jigoku Shoujo, Death Note
Go to Japan someday, get rich (hey who doesn't?) XD
Playing My Piano, Drawing, reading, listening to a whole range of diff. music, hanging out w/friends, studying, just having fun. ^^ watching J-dramas and K-dramas. ^^
PLaying the Piano, drawing, cheering ppl up (which sometimes leads to them getting freaked out by me...but eh @ least I got 'em happy! ^^), evil laughs...
| LokiRagnarok
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
Fable Fantasy
Yo everyone. yea. I listened to the devil in my head, that told me to write a manga, so here it is! Please be nice, this is my first story that I've posted. The story's called Fable Fantasy.
A girl with purplish black hair up to her sholders, purple eyes, with a rough boyish look to her is picking berries.
"Alistair com to me...find me..."
The girl named Alistair seems to be somewhat posessed and she follows the voice. She's lead to a pond with beautiful trees surounding it. Alistair then walks into the pond, about 3 sec. of nothing happening the pond starts to glow. Alistair bursts up and is floating in mid-air. Time stops as the water drops hang like stars. Closed eyes Alistair reaches for a sword that appears in front of her. She and the sword start to glow as she touches the sword. The sword goes into her body. (focuses on Alistair's closed eyes)
When Alistiar opens her eyes she is still in the forest picking berries. She looks around confused.
"Wa-Wa, what happened?"
(Theme song starts to play as title of the story shows up and Alistair walks away)
Fable Fantasy Theme Song:
We used to hold each other's hand,
And wlak in the same direction.
In this new world, only these questions lie waiting to be answered.
Who are u? What is your purpose? Why are u here?
U gotta dive into this fantasy,
take your mind leave all your worries behind,
U gotta take a chance to cherrish a life time.
Of all the people I've met, I'll never forget how much I made a difference.
This is my answer, I am me,
This is my fable fantasy.
~*End of Song*~
In a dark forest a girl of about 16, 17 is alone in the forest. A shadow is hiding in the forest.
" Hair as black as ebony, skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood." The person in a black cloak steps out from the shadows and starts to go up to the girl.
"Hello there my pretty. No, no don't be afraid, I will not harm you. I am just a lowly farmer who has these ver delious apples to sell. Won't you take one?"
"Child what is your name?"
*while munching on apple* "Luna."
The person pulls back her hood and she's a beautiful lady.
"Stepmo-..." Suddenly Luna falls down on the ground.
"Hair as black as ebony, skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood. HA HA HA. Now I am the fairest in the land! No one will stop me!" The lady walks away laughing.
Yea this is sotra like an epolouge thingy. Sorry if I have bad spelling. yea the song is kinda sort. The story hasn't really gotten into the plot yet. So if you find you are intrested please give me a comment, or if you don;t seem intrested please wait a little further. I would greatly aprectate it. ^-^
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Blah blah

Your Hidden Power Is Fire
You have a strong and courageou soul. You show no fear when it comes to protecting the ones you love. You know when choosing between right and wrong. You also are quite the rebel.
Gem Stone:Ruby, Eye Color:Red,Hair Color:Red with Blonde streaks that is just below your arm pits pulled back into a pony tail.
Quote:If you're lost I'll keep you warm and if your low just hold on..cause I will be your safety.....don't leave home.....
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::. brought to you by Quizilla
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Blah blah

Your Hidden Power Is Fire
You have a strong and courageou soul. You show no fear when it comes to protecting the ones you love. You know when choosing between right and wrong. You also are quite the rebel.
Gem Stone:Ruby, Eye Color:Red,Hair Color:Red with Blonde streaks that is just below your arm pits pulled back into a pony tail.
Quote:If you're lost I'll keep you warm and if your low just hold on..cause I will be your safety.....don't leave home.....
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::. brought to you by Quizilla
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So Bored
LoL can't believe I'm so bored. All I ever do (almost) is hang around EdwardElricThe2nd's site. Lol I still need to know if he aceppted my offer as him being my right hand commander...Wnder if he took it seriously. I mean I was taking one of his quizes, when I put it down for an answer...oh well. I'll find out one way or another...I'm a weirdo..I gotta stop being so werid I'll freak ppl out.. T-T I need more worshippers (aka friends)! Life is so lonely sometimes...I wonder if the ppl who signed my guestbook still come to my site. If your one of those ppl can u pleaze make a comment on this entry? la la la so bored...
T-T...gonna go make plans for dominating the universe..T-T Were is my right and left hand commander???
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So tired!
Aw dude I feel like my hands and legs are gonna fall off! DArn P.E! oh well. yea, well I made up this song on the bus ride to school.
Miroku: But I can't cause your so good to me, so I gotta set you free..
Inuyasha: All this time I'm thinking about taking the easy way out.
Kairi: I need you close to me, but I can't cause your so good to me
Sora: I gotta set you free.
kagome: Teh sun rises in the east, my heart sets in the west
Sango: Old heartaches, old wounds show when I think of you.
Kagome: As time passes away I think about you more each day.
Everybody: I need you close to me, But I can't cause your so good to me, I gotta set you free.
All the girls: I gotta set you free, this unpathed road now I've gotta walk alone
All the Guys: without you by my side But I'm happy cause when I set you free, you smiled back at me.
Everyone: I gotta set you free, this time I gotta set you free. I need you close to me But I can't, cause your so good to me. I gotta set you free...
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Saturday, September 24, 2005
Stuff again.. read the entry before this one pleaze...^-^
But..but I don't really like miss pot head Kikyo..T-T Sorry I mean no offense to any Kikyo fan.
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Friday, September 23, 2005
I just visited EdwardElricThe2nd's site, and I'm sorry how sad he is rite nowz. I feel for ya dude! Well letz see... ummm let's see this is sotra like a werid band fanfic. I'm sure my friend Kingdomheartsgirl won't mind me sorta getting the idea from her. Basically the band is called Revival, and the members are Kagome (kristen), Inuyasha, Sango(me), and Miroku fomr Inuyasha, and Sora and Kairi fomr Kingdom hearts. OKies the reson why I'm in the band is becasue ALL OF THESE SONGS ARE MADE BY ME. None of that copying form other ppl poop okies? The werid comic like thingy will begin....NOW!
~*~*~*~~~**~~Episode One *~*~*~*~*~
Kagome: Hi everyone welcome! This band is Revival, and I'm speaking to ya live! I hope you enjoy the show and here is our wonderful, totally awesome, supreme ruler of the universe, Sango!!! (aka LokiRagnarok)
Sango: Welcome everybody! How's everyone doing? Can you give me a oh yeah shout?! (silent aduience) okies... Our first song is called
Sora: The picture u c is not what u get. Ur unwanted voice is still to be heard yet.
Kairi: U look up at da starz and hope to find an answer
But chu get nothing
Sango: Ur past haunting u
Ur fears taunting u
The snow falls down
In a cascade of remembrance
Inuyasha: Suddenly ur mind stops
A whirlwind of unwanted memories
Starts to haunt u
The World taunts u
Noting is going on like u want.
Fate is never on ur side
U start to rap
to forget about the past
Kagome: But the unwanted memories
Still haunt u
U can’t forget
Who u’ve meet
the things u’ve dealt
the power u once felt
the lovely memory
of someone
whose face is a blur
of unwanted memories.
Miroku: U pour ur heart and soul
into ur words
hoping the world will one day
see u for who u are
not for who u were
U start to rap
to forget about the past
Inyuahsa: U can’t forget
Who u’ve meet
the things u’ve dealt
the power u once felt
the lovely memory
of someone
whose face is a blur
of unwanted memories.
Everyone: Hoping the memories will dissapear
Inuyasha: And my memory of her will dissapear...
*~*~*~*~*~* THE END ~~*~*~~*~*~~~*~
Kagome and Sango: Thank you one and all! More songs too coem later. Hope u enjoyed this one. PLease give the artist (lokiRagnarok) comments on this song.
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I knowz this may sound a bit werid, but I just checked my guestbook and I'd like to thank EdwardElricThe2nd, Winged Youki, Mayleen1993, my bestest friend Kingdomheartsgirl for wirting in my guestbook. T-T u guyz totally made my day! T-T I have new inspration to write!!! (bows down to all the ppl and hits head on door) T-T I am so greatful! T-T u guyz totally rock! I hope u guyz get this message.
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Kagome bye bye for a while
T-T Kagome's ( my nickname for my friend Kristen) going somewhere for the weekends, some kinda wedding or something. I'll be so lonely! But thank goodness it's the weekends! I can have two days of relaxation! T-T I have some great drawing I wanna post...but I don't have a scanner! I need to get rich..Anyhowz yeah by b-day's in one month. yea my b-day's October 7. I'm so excitied! I get to go to Knotts Scary Farm! yea! I have ta go nowz. Saiyonara! ^-^
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
Thank you so mcuh kagome!!!! MOG! (I use mog instead of omg) I luv it! Yeash I'm a crazy miroku fan!!! Yea! lol. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Let this be a lesson to those who have nothing better to do than come to my site, friends with connections are the bomb! ^-^ *skips merily away, runs into brick wall* umm.. I ment to do that. *walks away backwards and runs into tree*
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