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Twilight Town
Member Since
Ruler of the Universe (*sigh* It's a full-time job but hey wut else am I gonna do? lol)
Real Name
Mori-chan, Molly, Kannon, Enni, Kaze, Ichi, Ichiban, Ichigo, CrazyAsianGirl
Anime Fan Since
I've been an anime fan since I was about six. My uncle was watching Ranma 1/2 and I fell in love with anime ever since!
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Mermaid Saga, Fruits Basket, Chrono Crusade, Howl's Moving Castle, Jigoku Shoujo, Death Note
Go to Japan someday, get rich (hey who doesn't?) XD
Playing My Piano, Drawing, reading, listening to a whole range of diff. music, hanging out w/friends, studying, just having fun. ^^ watching J-dramas and K-dramas. ^^
PLaying the Piano, drawing, cheering ppl up (which sometimes leads to them getting freaked out by me...but eh @ least I got 'em happy! ^^), evil laughs...
| LokiRagnarok
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Loki-chan has made a decision!
Yo everyone! I've decided that for the next anime-expo i'm gonna try out for AX Idol! Yea! Cheer me on ppl! Wish me the best of luck! I've already decided what song i wanna sing and everything. I just need to find out the info and everything when the time comes along. LOL Good thing that the anime-expo is in LongBeach next year! LOL I'll give you a hint. I live REALLY close to the anime-expo. Like a few blocks. LOL XD ^-^
Oh don't forget to cheer for me @ AX Idol! ^-^ Please vote for me kay? Onegashimas!
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
Yea this is just an average post....
LOL yea ppl. Skool's coming up pretty soon for me. LOL now I can complain about skool tiring me out! yea! LOl but rite now i'm on a CRAZY Japanese, Korean, and Chinese drama watching spree. LOL I'm doing it cause I'm making up for the time i wasted not watching them while my computer was gettig fixed. lol Let's see I finished watching the Japanese version of Hana Yori Dango (which is like ( 9 ep. but they spilt up each ep. into about 6 or 5 parts) in One day. I did the same thing with the Japanese drama Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo or The File of Young Kindaichi. It's pretty good. I REALLY Like it. Especially since Matsumoto Jun was in them. Kyyyaaaa!! Aishitaru Matsumoto-san!!!! LOL Anyhow yea. I'm curently watching the Korean drama My Girl. I WAS watching the Chinese drama The Magicians of Love...but it got too long and boring so i stopped. lol ^-^ So yea that's wut i've been doing lately. lol
Ja ne!
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Hi there! ^-^
Hi there everyone! yeah. lol i was thinking maybe i wanna put up a story on myotaku. And post it on my site here. but iono wut do you guyz think? I haven't really thought of the genre yet or wut it's gonna be about. But it's either gonna be like a mondern comdey/romance, or a fanfic of something. ^-^ So uh if you guyz want me to write something here can u guyz tell me wut you would be most intrested in? A Comdey/Romance or a fanfic. If I write a fanfic it's mostly gonna be a crossover of Final Fantasy and KH. ^-^ So please vote thank you. ^-^
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Yeah just another day again....
LOL yea just sitting here in my room. LOL I've been doing nothing lately except go on youtube to watch my Tawainese dramas. LOL ^-^ LOL I know I'm a loser. LOL Hey I know! I'm a loser your a loser, let's all be losers and walk into a wall together! LOL I know I'm acting werid rite now. LOl it's cause I'm kinda bored and hyper so yea. LOL ^-^ It's so werid cause my mom's putting on her cambodian karoke and I'm listen/watching my Tawainese music/drama at the same time. LOL ^-^ Anyhow yea. hmmmm what else?...what else is going on in my life? oh yea! I'm deciding to give up on that one dude I like. I'm like wutever now. I mean liking someone secretly or even liking someone takes up too much time and effort. So I've decided not to care anymore. I'm gonna just focus on my skool work and everything else. ^-^ My friend Miki got a Link Orcana or wut ever it's called, that flute thingy that Link plays. LOL I think it's so kool! LOL uhhh...let's see wut else. Right now I'm just living each day. Nothing intresting is happening. T-t I wanna go to an amusement park before I go back to skool. *sigh* oh well. I g2g now. Peace!
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Another day....
*sigh* another day with nothing to do. *sigh* well at least I'm talking to the guy i like. tee hee hee ^-^ Been thinking about kingdom heartz lately. Can't wait or KH3 to come out. But that's gonna be when i'm a senior in high skool. T-t Maaannn why did they have to end it like that? T-t oh wellz,... i think i can find some way of entertainment until then. lol who am i kiding? I'm THE Loki! Of COURSE i'll find some way to entertain myself. ^-^ hee hee still 101% glad that i'm back on the net yo! ^-^ uhh let's see what else..... i'm dieing rite now cause i can't watch anymore Naruto. T-t I have no way of getting the episodes! T-T I left off when Saskue was being kidnapped by Ochirmaru and his minons. T-t I have such a LONG way to go to catch up. oh well more to watch and entertain myself next summer. LOL I can get through 100 episodes in one night. tee hee hee hee so it'll be a breaze to catch up....I want a churro. hmmm... nvm make that a LOT of churros. yummy! ^-^ LOL well I g2g now. Peace!
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Hi there everyone good news!
Yo everyone! I'm glad to announce that I got my computer fixed and now will be back on Myotaku! ^-^ Yaayy!!! LOL Did you guyz miss me? ^-^ I hope u did. Well yea can't wait to get back to skool cause I wanna see all my friends again. LOL You guyz might think I'm crazy but eh that's what I feel and think. I'm so excited. I want to get a 4.0 GPA this year! I'm gonna try my hardest so Gambate Loki-chan! yea! Fight-toh-oh! LOL ^-^ So yea...LOL *sigh* Nothing much to do now a dayz other than sit around my house and do nothing. Wish something exciting would happen. But wutever. Anyhow do you guyz like the new layout? LOL I'd like to thank my friend Mikilane for helping me out with the previous layout. ^-^ Thanks Miki. ^-^ Anyhow yea. I missed you guyz very much, hope u guyz did too. ^-^
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
Jellos! Now I Love Kun-Thon! And yes he's a REAL person! KYYYAAAA! >-
Yo everyone! How have you all been? ^-^ Summer vacation for me good for me. ^-^ Right now I'm taking over Mikilane's computer! MUHGAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAH!!! I TOLD you guys I was the ruler of the universe! ^-^ LOL So yea nothing much to talk about. LOL Besides the fact that I have a huge crush on my UNCLE's friend, whose 17 years old. LOL I'm so crazy! ^-^ LOL Anyhow yea, and ummmm... I'm into the Lolita style now. ^-^ LOL So happy though cause school's starting soon and I get to meet all my friends again. ^-^ Even though Mikilane's complaining about it right now. LOL
Loki: For shame Miki! YOu MUST learn!
Miki: NOOOOOOO I don't wanna learn! T-T
LOL well anyhow yea.......soooooo.......I'll be going now. Hope you guyz are still gonna visit my site while I'm gone, and keep in touch with me. You know tell me what's up with you guyz. Yea LOL My computer's still broken. T-t well G2G now so peace!
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Monday, June 26, 2006
Listeing to: True Heart ~International Version~ By Tackey and Tsubasa
Feeling: groggy
Wishes I was: Anywhere but at home
Thinking/Daydreaming about: Tackey
yea LOL I'm just bored as bogger snots rite now. LOL ^-^ Hope everyone likes my new layout. LOL
^-^ hmmm..what to talk about? Oh I know! Let's talk about my BAKA computer and how it's giving me all these BAKA pop ups!!! urgh!!!! Loki-Chan mad! ~-~ Anyhow wutever. Urgh! And BAKA Myspace is being....well....a (other word for female dog) urgh! srry Im in one of those bad moods again. Which don't worry doesn't happen very often. Anyhow yea Can't wait to go to anime-expo! Yay! Kagome-chan is going with me! well...we're gonna meet up there. I just wish my friend Miki could come on the same day as us.T-T Oh wellz life isn't ALWAYZ perfect...although I wish it was. LOL ^-^ Man I want to go to all of these other places after the anime-expo, like the OC Fair and the Obon festival at Lil Tokyo. LOL I'll be going to the Obon festival thou cause my uncle (the same one bringing me to the anime-expo) is going to bring me. LOL hmmmm I've never been to the OC fair. *sigh* Man it would be so sweet if I got a boyfriend like Tackey-sama. *sigh* Then he could bring me to the OC fair and win me a stuffed animal! LOL Hey hey pplz don't diss on me I know I'm a daydreamer. LOL But it doesn't hurt to dream now does it? LOL ^-^ hmmm this makes me want to go to Disneyland again. LOL I don't know where that came from it just popped up in my brain. LOL ^-^ Anyhow yea. Lately at home I haven't been given the peace and quiet I LOVE, so I'm pretty cranky. Gomenasai. LOL but it's just my mom that's provoking it. -_- She won't leave me alone for 2 mins.!!! It's so annoying. -_- And just because I'm on the internet late at night she thinks I'm going to some prono site or something like that. URGH! I MEAN COME ON! I DON'T DO THAT NASTY KINDA SH*T!!! URGH! OKies okies must clam down must clam down, think of Tackey, URGH! BAKA POP UPS!!! STOP POPPING UP!!!! OKies okies calm down calm down, think of Tackey think of Tackey. *sigh* okies. I'll be alright ppl.I'll survive. ......
On second thought...T-T Pray for me ppl. T-T
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LOL Yaaayyy!!! Still thinking about the anime-expo!!! I'm so happy that I get to go! Yaayy!!! LOL ^-^ Oh and great newz ppl! I've become a Tackey fan! yyeaaa!!! I LOVE TACKEY!! LOL Don't get me wrong I still love Teppei...and Jin....and...ect. ect. ect. LOL ^-^" Anyhow I heard that CLAMP was gonna be at the Anime-Expo as Honor Guests!!!! OMG! I love clamp! It was clamo and Rumiko uhhh srry forgot her last name (creator of Ranma 1/2 and Inuyasha).. anyhow it was them that got me all started into anime and manga!!!!! XD OMg this is gonna be so fun! LOL I'm gonna go in this yellow kimono. LOL My uncle and his friend are PERHAPS buying some Happy coats (sorta like those thingy drumers wear the short jacket thingy) and this is wut he told me. LOL
"Hey! We could be your body gaurds!!!"
LOL XD he cracks me up. LOL Anyhow here are just some pictures so you bask in Tackey's all sexy, fine, wonderful, cute, glory. ^-^ Oh and some other stuff. LOL ^-^

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Friday, June 23, 2006
LOL Hi again!
LOL Hi again! LOL I'm proud to annouce what I FINALLY decided to go to as to the anime-expo. LOL wellz actually more like what i will wear. LOL I finally decided to go in a Yukata! LOL ^-^ Maybe next yea I'll go as lenne or somebody else. LOL ^-^ Anyhow yea. Life's kool rite now. I got my room re-modeled. LOL ^-^ It's so much more roomier and it looks sorta Japanese-ish now....sorta. LOL ^-^ I'm in my room rite now sweating like a hog! urgh! it's so hot! I have the window open and everything! LOL ^-^ Summer's been sorta good so far. umm....let's see I think I lost 2 pounds so far. LOL I know it's not much but I'm pretty happy about it. small steps first. LOL ^-^ I think I lost those pounds from moving around stuff. This is kinda embrassing but funny. LOL The stuff in my room filled up the living room and my sister's room, when we where reagrranging the stuff around. LOL But u know I do share my room with my but not anymore. LOL wellz that's about it for now. LOL ^-^. Okies then chill ppl! ^-^
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