Birthday 1991-10-07 Location Twilight Town Member Since 2005-09-15 Occupation Ruler of the Universe (*sigh* It's a full-time job but hey wut else am I gonna do? lol) Real Name Mori-chan, Molly, Kannon, Enni, Kaze, Ichi, Ichiban, Ichigo, CrazyAsianGirl
Anime Fan Since I've been an anime fan since I was about six. My uncle was watching Ranma 1/2 and I fell in love with anime ever since! Favorite Anime Naruto, Mermaid Saga, Fruits Basket, Chrono Crusade, Howl's Moving Castle, Jigoku Shoujo, Death Note Goals Go to Japan someday, get rich (hey who doesn't?) XD Hobbies Playing My Piano, Drawing, reading, listening to a whole range of diff. music, hanging out w/friends, studying, just having fun. ^^ watching J-dramas and K-dramas. ^^ Talents PLaying the Piano, drawing, cheering ppl up (which sometimes leads to them getting freaked out by me...but eh @ least I got 'em happy! ^^), evil laughs... LokiRagnarok
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
lol Anyhow....
Yea I'm going to the fashion district again tomarrow. I got my sandals for my costume so far. I still need to get the cloth though cause when me and my uncle went everything was closed. LOL Anyhow yea can u guyz give me a suggestion on what theme u guyz might want my site to be next? Yesh I'm thinking about changing it again. oh and lOL I'm so happy cause I get to redecorate my room. sometime next week I'm gonna be getting my new bed! yeeppeee!!!! LOL ^-^ Hope summer's treaing u guyz rite. ^-^ Comments (0) |
lol Anyhow....
Yea I'm going to the fashion district again tomarrow. I got my sandals for my costume so far. I still need to get the cloth though cause when me and my uncle went everything was closed. LOL Anyhow yea can u guyz give me a suggestion on what theme u guyz might want my site to be next? Yesh I'm thinking about changing it again. oh and lOL I'm so happy cause I get to redecorate my room. sometime next week I'm gonna be getting my new bed! yeeppeee!!!! LOL ^-^ Hope summer's treaing u guyz rite. ^-^ Comments (1) |
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Sorry friends. T-t
Yea sorry guyz, but I'm not going to be online as much as before. Cause wellz at first I thought it was a virus in my computer AGAIN but it isn't so NOW I'm gonna have to find out wut the freak is making my computer so slow. AND I BARELY HAVE ANY FILES IN IT!!!! URgh! Wellz anywayz Gomenasai. T-t Anyhow I'm so happy today cause I'm getting the materials for my costume. ^-^ YAYAAYAYAAYAYAYYYYY!!!!! ^-^ LOL yea! AFter getting the material I might be going to Lil Tokyo! yesh! hahahahhahahahha!!!! Sensei Loki-sama is PLEASED!!! LOL
Oh and yesterday I went to Disneyland and Disneyland California Adventure! OMG! It was so fun! I turned into a 4 year old again! LOL I saw so many HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT CUTE CUTE CUTE HOT HOT HOT guys!!!! *squeals* And OMG Peter Pan was Soooooooo HOT *squeals* He was so nice too....but he had a lil too much was freaky!!!! O-o LOL ^-^ Anyhow yea I had fun. ^-^ I wanted to throw an apple and my shoe at Snow White. LOL My firends sorta had to hold me down. LOL but OMG I HATE SNOW WHITE!!!! LOL All the other princess I'm fine with. LOL Man in Kingdom Hearts the ONLY princess that I would not want to resuce is SNOW WHITE! URGH! LOL which reminds me at the end of the day like around 9:30 PM me and my friends where running around the whole California Adventure park trying to find a way out of the park! LOL OMG! I felt like Sora!!!! It was sooo kool! Anyhow G2G now.
And Sorry again that I'm not gonna be on that much. LOL So that's why when ever I'm gonna be on I'll leave EXTRA LONG posts. ^-^ ....until further notice. ^-^ Comments (2) |
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
BANZAI!!!! Only two more days of skool left before vaction and the anime-expo! yesh! Yokatta. ^-^ Yea today I have the classes I REALLY don't like Math and Science. urgh. -_- lets just get this over with ppl! LOL I've gotten all motavated to study and stuff cause I was watching Dragon Zakura. LOL I LOVE DRAGON ZAKURA! JUST LIKE I LOVE TEPPEI KOIKE! AND GOKUSEN 2!!!! YEA! LOL ^-^ Anyhow I'm so happy cause my mom promised me that I could remodel my room and i'm gonna make it look more asain! LOL XD ^-^ Then over the summer I'm gonna be excersing SOOOOO much and I'm gonna have to learn Japanese and Cambodian at the same time. I mean sure I know how to speak Cambodian but I can't read or write it. LOL I'm a loser I know. ^-^ Any how yea and I gotta make the costume and everything for the anime-expo. LOL ^-^ Banzai! First month of Vaction is gonna be sooo fun! ^-^ LOL wellz I gotta go to skool now so lol yea. Oh by the way Hai I'm posting this at like 6:40 AM over in California so yea. LOL ^-^ Comments (2) |
Friday, June 9, 2006
Can't stop thinking about...
I can't stop thinking about the anime expo and the costume I'm gonna make. Srry pplz but I decided to go in a green kimono. yea I'll take pictures when I'm there so I'll upload them on my myspace. LOL ^-^ But ur gonna have to ask me for that when the time comes. LOL Don't worry I'll tell u guyz when it comes. ^-^ And the other thing that I can't stop thinking about is FINALS! Noooooo!!!! I'm wutever about every other subject EXCEPT for math! T-t I have a "C" rite now. And It's making me so mad I'm so afraid I might fail it! T-t That's why this weekend I gotta STUDY STUDY STUDY!!! And I know my friend Miki's gonna comment on this so yea..this is for u Miki, "It's fine, I'll be okay." ^-^ LOL Anwayz yea. I'm gonna have to call my uncle up and talk to him if I can get my materials 2-marrow or not. Cause he is the one after all who's gonna pay for all the material and stuff for my costume. ^-^ LOl wellz yea G2G now. Chow pplz! I LUB U ALL!!! ^-^ Comments (2) |
Thursday, June 8, 2006
My neck sorta hurtz rite now,,,
LOL listening to Realize by Melody. IT'S THE KICK ASSYEST SONG EVER! LOL ^-^ LOL it matches my personality TO THE POINT! LOL ^-^ I'm so happy. LOL ^-^ I think this Saturaday I might be able to go get my supplies for the anime-expo. Not sure I gotta ask my uncle about that. Since he's the one paying for my material and all. ^-^ I wub by uncle! He's da bestest uncle ever! He's so smart and kool! ^-^ I look up to him like the kool big brother I NEVER had. ^-^ Every time I spend time with him, he's alwayz making me laugh so much that my face hurts! ^-^ ahem....that's BESIDE the point that he spoils me....I think all my uncles spoil me. LOL My uncles came over again today and they started talking/leturing me about how " All the guys in this world are Jacka$$es, and the only good men in this world are your uncles!" LMFAO! ^-^ They crack me up everytime they give me this lecture. LOL I'M SO HAPPY! 2-marrow is Friday and skool's gonna be out in like about 5 more days! ^-^ YOKATA! BANZAI! YYYAAAAYYY!! This makes me feel like singing! *starts to sing Realize by Melody* ^-^
"I can mayowazu ni susumou
negai ni chikadzukeru yo
I see the light
wake up, stand up
mou ichido asu e try
Look at my chiisai kono te de
Hold on tight tsukamaeta my precious
nakushisou na visions in me
miushinaitakunai jibun no way
Do you know that I want it all
kokoro no oku de kagayakitsudzukeru
sono yume wo wasurenaide
I can mayowazu ni susumou
negai ni chikadzukeru yo
itsu no hi ni ka afureru hikari no hana wo sakaseyou
I see the light
wake up, stand up
mou ichido asu e try
Here I am hitomi tojitara
hitori ja nai koto ni kidzuita
kawaite ita kokoro ga ureshii namida ni somaru once again
I promise ima kara
kono mune no naka de ugokihajimeta
kono kodou kanjinagara
* I will omoikiri tsuranuku
kono mama hashiritai kara
itsu no hi ni ka yumemita basho de
a-ha-ha to waratte iru desho
wake up, stand up
nando demo get up and try
carry on...
I realize
I realize
that we can get there
I can mayowazu ni susumou
negai ni chikadzukeru yo
itsu no hi ni ka afureru hikari no hana wo sakaseyou
LA LA LA LA LA LA LA BANZAI!!!! LOL ^-^ Wellz better get to sleep ^-^ Comments (0) |
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
I'm happy but mad at the same time.... ~-~
Okies I'm happy cause like I get to go to the anime expo and my uncle's friend is like paying for our entrance and everything. LOL ^-^ And we get to go like for one or two days but that's good enough for me! ^-^ LOl But the problem is that I can't decide wither to go as Lenne from Final Fantasy X-2 or wear a Kimono. CAn u guys help me out on that? LOl And ummm yea the reason why I'm mad is cause my mom's all yelling at me saying "YOUR STUPID! HOW COME U WANNA DRESS UP LIKE SOME FREAKEN DOLL? WHY THE HELL ARE U BOTHERING OTHER PPL TO HELP U MAKE A FEAKNE STUPID COSTUME?!?!?" And she would not SHUT UP! Urgh! *sigh* LOL But I"m gonna do it anywayz. LOL ^-^ Oh and the reason why she said why the hell am I bothering other ppl, is because I told her my friend Miki would help me w/making my costume. I think my friend Aki would help me also. ^-^ LOl yea so that's basically my life. LOL FULL Of PROBLEMS LOL Tadashii? LOL Anwayz hope every one has had a nice day and hope u guyz have a nice 2-marrow, and Ja mata! ^-^ Comments (2) |
Monday, June 5, 2006
Sooo yea
Soooo yea lol howz everyone doing? LOL haven't done anything special except for ONE THING! I LOVE TEPPEI KOIKE!!!!!! >-< EVEN MIKILANE THINKS HE'S CUTE! *squeals* AISHITARU!!!!!!! TEPPEI-KUN!!! LOL and yea skool's ALMOST over. LOl So happy bout that. I'm kinda worried thou cause me and Mikilane aren't really done with the project for skool yet. And she sorta had to do some of it at home and I feel really useless cause of that. I feel like I'm giving her TOO MUCH stuff to do. I'm also afraid that I'm stressing her out. T-t and I'm supposed to be Project manager. LOL Some project manager I am huh? heh heh. *sigh* Anyhowz yea. LOL EVer snice I got over that one guy that I like @ my skool Life's been SO MUCH FUNER!!! Life's just kool rite now....until FINALS! NOOOOO!!!! T-t and I think I have a math test tomarrow. LOL oh wellz. LOL ^-^ Hope everyone has a nice week and remember LOKIRAGNAROK LOVES TEPPEI KOKIE!!!! Comments (1) |
Sunday, June 4, 2006
Yea just felt like...
Yea Just felt like putting these up for my and ur mere entertainment. It's the commericals for Final Fantasy X the japanese version with Takki in it! Yes it's pretty OLD. But I like it alot. LOl Just felt like putting it up for comparison. Now for the question....*drum roll* WHICH DO U THINK IS BETTA?
LOL OKies i KNow this is funny...
LOL Okies I KNOw this is funny that I posted 3 posts in the same night, one right after each other but yea. LOl I found this on You-Tube and I thought it was SOOOOO Kute! >-< LOL But it's REALLY old thou. It's one of the commericals for Final Fantasy X with Tacky in it! ^-^ I really like it thou. LOL It's in Japanese. But still it's nice. So enjoy! ^-^