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• flying high on scarlet wings
Member Since
• 2005-11-09
• Bacon Shinobi
Real Name
• Tohru-chan
• being a freared and revered shinobi!
Anime Fan Since
• forver!!
Favorite Anime
• Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Naruto, Ruroni Kenshin, Evangelion, Ranma 1/2, Maison Ikkoku, Blade of the Immortal, Nausicaa, Yu Yu Hakusho, Fushigi Yugi, Trigun, Mai the Psycic Girl, Sky Blade, Lum * Urusei Yatsura, Rayearth, Escaflowne...
• um.. i dunno, i have lots
• drawing, eating (i'm a glutton!), dancing in my kitchen (the best place!), reading, writing, singing, listening to music, etc etc
• all of my hobbies! oh yeah, im unnaturally flexible too
Monday, November 21, 2005
nothing really
yup, im kinda bored. nothing really is goin on, cuz its vcation. grant it, i'm happy about it, im just doin the usual: writing/reading fanfics, listening to music etc.
ive noticed lately, JUST how long it takes me to make a cd. first i pick a buncha songs, put 'em on a playlist, then arrange them so they sound good together, then i listen to the whole thing, rearrange/delete from the list/add new songs/rearrange/listen etc etc.
its nutz. it just keep GOING! XD but at least they sound good.
ok, that was a bit random, i'll admit, but im bored. like this morning, i was reading Pretties (the sequel to Uglies, theyre both really really really good!) and im soooooo clode to being done! albeit i have over a hundred pages to go, (yes i call this almost finished) im SO CLOSE!!!!! i REAAAALLY wanted to finish it, but i fell asleep T-T
n i woke up again when my mom came to yell "get the hell up" at meh. so now i'm awake, bored, and too lazy to get out of my nice warm chair to go get my book. ah well.
on another note, my retainers are bugging the CRAP outta meh!
grrrr... they feeeelll soooo weeeeeiiird!!!!! BAD wierd. ><
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