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| Lone Vampiress
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Friday, July 1, 2005
Hidely Ho! [hate that lol]
Well I went swimming today for 2 hours and those white ducks come up to the dock, but my dog barked at them and they went away. She even barked at the sea-dews and boats lol shes a sweet protector!! anyways...
yeah I went crazy with quizes again. I found this new site to take I went a little wild with it..but anywho i am sure there's a quiz for everyone here..hahaha!
 A complex personality, you appeal only to two kinds of people - those who accept everything at face value and, most importantly, those who deeply understand the greater things you believe in. Skeptics are hard to win over, but those who like you will respect you forever. What Kind Of Anime/Manga Are You?
 A woman trapped in a girl's body (or a girl trapped in a woman's mind?), you are bursting with inspiration, dreams and abilities! You hold the simple belief that nothing can stand in your way, giving you the courage to move forward and pursue your desires. However, because your view of the world is so simple, you often overlook life's necessary little details. Don't get too swept away by your dreams that you forget to look at what's right in front of you. Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
 Which Evangelion Child Are You?
Have You Ever Been Mellow? Dreamy, artistic and imaginitive! You find youself constantly wanting to create. You're good with your hands and have a way with the written word. Your ideal partner would know how to appreciate both you and your art. What's your DDR theme?
yes i am done with the quizes..for now..heh..oh oh wait heres another 'en from sky's site..heh ^-^

What Personality Do You Have?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
there now i am done with the quizes foooor sure!
heh..I just signed up on this site, where you can read manga for free, and they send you a free magazine all about manga no charges at ALL, and uhm, yeah its awesome! its at>
now to the story
Haunting Memories Returned**
Kura ran and ran until she couldnt anymore. Everytime she had the urge to cry, she had to get away from everyone. She couldnt let anyone see her cry, she didnt like people feeling sorry for her, or comforting her. She just wanted to cry, all alone. She proped her back up against a tree and sled down to the earthy ground tears rolling down her cheeks. There Kura began to sob, and weep. The images of her parents blood everywhere, their heads rolling away from their bodies. The mans face, his twisted smile flashed through her head. Kura cried hysterically, frightened and sad at the same time.
Kiro heard Kuras cries and ran faster to where he heard her. Finally finding her he hid in the bushes watching her intently.
"Why!! WHY DID YOU TAKE MY PARENTS AWAY FROM ME!!" She cried loudly.
Kiro watched as the strange mortal Kura cried her eyes out over her parents. He felt sympathy for her, he never has felt sympathy for anyone before.
"Kura?"Kiro said.
Kura looked up quickly and wiped her tears away as if nothing was wrong she said. "Yeah what is it" and sniffled.
"Why are you hiding and crying?"
"I'm not crying!" Kura denied furiously.
"But..You were"
Kura looked down. "Just leave me alone."
"I cant do that Kura. Not when your in pain." Kiro took a step closer to her.
"Do..not...touch me!!" Kura screamed and a pink light shot out towards Kiro. Kiro jumped and dodged it, and the pink light sliced through 3 trees making big holes.
"Holy shit you almost blew me into pieces!" Kiro said.
Kura blinked amazed. "Wow.."
Kiro frowned. "Do you not care that you almost killed me!!"
Kura looked up at him with a serious face and said. "Uhm..No not really." And started walking back towards camp.
Kiro sighed and caught up with her.
"So your parents are.."Kiro being noisy asked.
"They are dead, no i do not want to talk about nor will i ever with someone like you now shut up and leave me alone, thank you, good bye!"Kura said and ran off towards camp.
Kiro stared at her as she ran. 'Slow mortal' he thought and jumped into the air, immediatly landing at camp.
"Yoko!!" Kiro yelled.
"Yeah what ya want?"Yoko said.
"You shall show me respect your ugly pink guy creature! What are you gay or something." Kiro laughed.
Yoko trembled with anger. "HOW...DARE...YOU..INSULT..ME!!!" Yoko grew into an enmorous pink monster and roared.
Kiro seemed to shrink and said. "Yoko dont threaten me or I will kill you."
Yoko went back to normal. "What ever just stop taunting me"
Kura finally arrived at camp out of breath. She saw Kiro and froze still then fell over. She quickly got back up and yelled. "How did you get here so fast!! You were behind me!!"
Kiro looked at her and simply answered. "I jumped."
Kuro threw her hands up in the air "I give up"
Yoko looked at her and smiled. "He is rather annoying isnt he!"
"Yes Yoko he is!" Kura replied.
Kiros ears stood up and he sniffed the air.
"What does the doggy need to go pee-pee!?"Kura taunted him.
He simply frowned and looked around at the woods.
"We are not safe here. There is something very evil out there." Kiro said with much seriousness. Kiros samuri sword with japanesse letters that said [the one who loved no one] began to glow. Kiro pulled at his sword and got ready to fight what was comming.
"Run or Hide, just get away and hurry!" Kiro said.
Kura and Yoko went into the bushes to watch the battle scene take palce.
2 b continued
hope yawl are enjoying the story, and hope yawl have fun with the quizes. Take Care!!
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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Well I will write more of the story, around 12am tonight.. I stay up usually till 5am, so yeah..I made a button ^__^ its a little to big though, so i have to resize it hahaha..

I dont know if any of all celebrate 4th of July [Independence Day] But its the 4th or July weekend comming up!! YAY FIREWORKS, BON FIRE, FIREWORKS OVER SMITH LAKE, COOK OUT, PARRRRTY!!!! I cant wait lol. Nahtan has been calling me a lot lately..but I am 2 scared to answer the phone..For almost 2wks I havent..and..yawl wannak know why? I ll tell you why..ahem first I am frightened that he'll tell me he loves me likes always, second I DONT WANT TO DATE HIM AGAIN AND END UP GETTING HURT, OR HURTING HIM. Third, I love him like a friend and nothing more so I wish he would realize that!! Ahem anyways..My artwork sux a$$..excuse muh french :(..but it does lol..anyways I think I will write a poem now..
Here I am laying on the floor.
Where I have been tossed many times before.
Uncared for, and hated by all.
I lay there and start to bawl.
I think back to a time where you said you loved and cared for me.
But as I lay here on this cold dark floor I began to see.
See that I was all apart of your little mind game.
You played me like a toy soldier, until I became lame.
Then you tossed me away, like a broken toy.
OH YEAH!!Someone asked me the other day, why is your s/n Lone Vampiress. One I love vampires, two because I am alone, in a crowded room I feel alone, i am always, forever utterly alone. Some people doesnt like to be alone, but me on the other hand, it would be better for me to be alone, so i cant get hurt..or hurt anyone..ahahaha..anywho!
Yup it sux, but I just wrote right from my mind 5 secs. ago lol. Just like my story, I dont think about it before I write it..I just write it. lol. yeah anyways. Yawl take care now yawl hear!
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Hello everyone its already 12am..woooo weee..its late..but anywho I need to finish the chapter 'mysterious world' of my story. Oh yeah I submitted like..uhm..4 drawings..They are all novice and simi good. So I hope yawl will go vote on them when ever otaku puts 'em up..[puppy eyes] o_o anyways..ahem here is some quizzes for ya!! Enjoy 'em!
 You have an angry soul! Angry Souls arent always angry, but they cannot easily forgive and hold grudges. You probably often get in fights with your friends and family, and its difficult for you to understand. When someone makes a mistake, you dont let go easily and hold on to those memories. Your very stubborn and your rage is known to everyone. Though you never actually mean it, you can say mean things in a fight and go over board. Many people are sometimes intimidated by your anger. But you have many redeeming qualities and those are that you are quite intelligent and smart. You would make a good businesswoman or lawyer because you know how to prove your point. You cherish the ones around you, and appreciate life, even though you can complain or throw a tantrum now and then. The good things is, you keep your emotions very outspoken, and are normally a very happy person because all your rage is let on the outside. Anger is simply a state, but you, yourself as a person, are great.
Got this from my buddeh, Sky-Phoenix Queen ^-^ thankies sky!
oh and sky about the game you wanted to know. It isnt cheesy at all!! If you like RPGS, then youll adore this game. It is completely awesome, you get married have a kid, the kid grows up you choose its carrer path, you get to do all sorts of things. I love the games where you can make your own life like the sims or sim city stuff like that..simulated games are good. anyways back to the game thingy..I really do suggest this game its really fun and never boring! It takes a long time to beat also, thats why i love it heh.
Yes anyways..ahem to the story?
"Mysterious World Continued"
'how the hell did that happen' kura said in her mind. 'how did the jewel know i was in danger...this is so strang!' Kura keeped walking to the edge of the woods and saw a clearing. She looked around and saw no danger so she continued towards the clearing still thhinking about how the jewel protected her.
Kiro followed the strange mortal, still curios about the jewel. ' can a mere mortal posses so much power' kiro thought.
A pink winged creature came flying towards Kura. Kura yelled and ran for her life.
Kiro was immediatly alerted to Kuras screams for help and dashed off and leaped into the air to attack the pink creature.
"Stop dont hurt me I mean no harm!!" The pink creature yelled.
But it was to late, Kiro pounced on to the creatures back and had him to the ground.
"I dont mean harm, get off of me!"
Kura heard the creature, and marched over to Kiro. "Get off the poor thing you brut!" Kura said angerly.
"He tried to attack you!"Kiro said still ontop of the strang creature.
"I...Said...GET OFF!!" With a great force Kura kicked Kiro off of the creature.
"You poor thing are you okay?" Kura got down on her knees and looked at the pink flying creature.
The creature shook the dirt from its head and looked up. "Yes I am perfectly fin...YOUR THE PROTECTOR OF THE JEWEL!!!!!" The creature that was standing up fell over. "How can a mere girl of 18 years, that is mortal, posses such great power!! This is insane I tell you, those elders dont know how to choose "Chosen Ones" Grr.." The creature continued mumbling over and over about how the elders must of made an mistake.
"What do you mean chosen one? protector of the jewel? where am i? who are you? Whats going on?" Kura said really fast.
The creature looked at her. "You dont know!! You was chosen by the great and powerful elders to protect the jewel of great power, that means that you must protect the jewel with your life no matter what, you are on the world called Osatu, I am the keeper of the pink jewel Yoko..or was until you came along, and you must keep that jewel with you at all times and it will protect you. Do you even know how to use its powers?"
Kura got dizzy and faintly said. "N-no" and fell over.
"Oh great look what you did you stupid pink guy creature you!"Kiro said angerly. Picking up Kura and taking her to his camp in the woods. Yoko Followed him there.
When Kura awoke Kiro was standing over her looking at her. Kura screamed."Get out of my face you big huge arrogant pig!" Kura immeditly rose to her feet. "Where is that Yoko!" Kura asked angerly.
Kiro gulped and pointed outside. "Thanks!" She said bitterly.
"AHHHHHHHHH!! LET ME GO!! LET ME G..Darron?? You have spoken with Darron!? Are you crazy!? He is the most evil, powerfulest demon creature alive, and is the keeper of the black jewel!"
"The black mean there is a nother one!!??"
"Yes the black jewel has evil powers, the pink one has good. That is why you must learn to use the pink jewel so you can fight this great evil power, and save us from being destroyed."
"Hah, no way I could care less if you all are killed or not!!"
"Your world will be destroyed too, and everyone in it."
"The only people I ever cared about is already dead anyways" Tears shone in Kuras eyes. She threw Yoko down and ran from the camp site.
Kiro stood in the doorway of the tent and watched the whole scene take place.
"What did I say?" Yoko asked.
"I dont know, but she is tormented by a great lost Yoko." Kiro said worried."I will go find her, you stay here and watch the camp Yoko."
"Yes sir." Yoko mockingly saluted Kiro.
2 b continued..yes I know very long..sorry ^__^! |
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Back at my Grandmas ... ^___^

Hello to all!! I am back at my grandmas for a while.. I am addicted to the game Harvest Moon, and I was deprived from it all weekend :(. Anyways, I suppose Ill write more of the story later on today, then comment, then submit another artwork of mine. Her name is Azera, and she is half cat and half human. yup anywho!! I must get back to the game, I will write more later I promise. I think Ill go comment now though.
Take Care everyone!!
XoVampiressoX ^,,^ |
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Monday, June 27, 2005
LaLaLa...*dissappears* [POOF]
Here is a quiz and a comic strip for yawl. I know the comic is a little..gross. But at the same time its kinda funny. The quiz is awesome I got it from uh.. I forgot but someone elses otaku site. Well anyways, I cant stay long I just came on to comment on everyone that I didnt earlier, and I submitted two drawings. One I drew okay the other..ehm..well its gonna be called Shaggy Witch cause I didnt do that one to not at all..-__-..Anywayss!!... Well I gotta go! Lata peeplez! And Take Care!!
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GOOD MORNING!!! Well my mom and dad left my sister my brother his wive and me here all alone. sooo My sister called my grandma and shes comming to get us three girls. YUP YUP YUP. So since I am going to her house I prolly wont post because I will be playing a video game so I decided to go ahead and post a little of the story ^___^.
Mysterious World
Kura laid there on the bedroom floor, suddenly a warp hole incircled her and she was laying on grass.
She awoke and sit up and rubbed her eyes.
"What happened?" She said aloud. And then opened her eyes. She looked around at the unfamilar site. Trees was all around her, and grass, and flowers. A lot of plant life.
"Am I in the woods?" Then she remembered there isnt any woods at New York. Kura paniced and felt something in her hand. She looked down and it was the pink jewel necklace. Then she remembered what the creature Darron had said about the jewels being dangerous. Kura began to throw the jewel but there was something holding her back. Instead she put the necklace around her neck and stood up. She brushed all the dirt and stuff off of her and looked around.
"Well, I'm not going to get anywhere just standing around here!" Kura walked through some trees. She walked for what it seemed like hours upon hours until she heard metal against metal. She stopped and got down on her knees and peered through the bushes. She saw two strange men fighting with swords. One had long blue hair the other short silver hair. The blue haired one at dog ears, and the silver haired one had cat ears. She was amazed at what she saw that she stood up and walked out of the bushes and yelled. "Hey can you tell me where I am. I am lost, and dont know my way back home!"
Both of the funny men stopped. "We have no time for this. Cant you see we are in a battle. Now be gone with you insolent human!" The blue haired man said.
"Fine. I dont need your help anyways, since you probably dont know what this place is called either. I suppose your just a stupid man dog thing!" Kura puffed angerly.
The blue haired dog man stomped up to her. "You dare ridicule me!" He yelled.
"UHM...let me think about it...YES I DO!" Kura hollared back.
"Do you know who I am!"
"No cant say that I do. Nor do I care!" Kura said meanly.
"I'am the great Kiro, feared by all!"
Kura laughed hysterically. "Well, I dont fear you, and never will. So your not feared by all."
Kiro became very angry, and he raised his sword up. "I'll show you to laugh at me!"
Kura flinched but stood still. Kiros sword came down at an fast speed towards her. Kura necklace glowed and the sword hit a pink forcefield admitted by it.
"H-how did you do that?" Kiro asked a bit shaken.
"It's non of your buisness how I did that, now I'am going to go find a nice person to tell me where ever the hell I am!" Kura stomped off.
"We will continue the exercise later Juio."
"Yes sire!"
Kiro followed the new commer through the woods till she found herself at a clearing. Kiro knew it was danger so he continued to follow her.
2 B Continued ^__^
Well I gotta stop writting know my grandma will be here soon, and I need to go comment! So take care yawl! |
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Sunday, June 26, 2005

I dono if those pics will work or not..but anywho. Today My sister, dad, brother, sister-in-law, and me went to the water valley flea market. I bough this cute little oriental jewerly box, which fits perfectly with my room. My room is in oriental. heh..-___-. I cant wait till we get direct tv, I have been so sad with out my cartoon network [adult swim] anima. heh..Also we went swimming today. Tomorrow my sister will be going back to my grandmas =(. Anywho!! Back to the story..ahem..oh and if yawl have any questions about the story, or feel lost pm me ^__^ i will explain!..yes..anywho..
First Day of School
She walked over to her bags and changed clothes. Of course wearing all black, with her spiked necklaces and gothicish makeup on.
Kimi looked at her and sighed.
"Sorry to be the one to tell you this Kura, but you have to wear a uniform."
"What!? But I dont own any uniforms." Kura protested.
"My daughter has some in her closet dear." Kimi smiled.
"Oh god..Please tell me the uniforms isnt pink!?" Kura said before thinking.
"No..of course not." Kimi said a little hurt.
Kura felt bad for saying that. Not knowing where her daughter was. For all she knew Kimis daughter might be dead. She knew how it felt to lose a loved one.
"I'am sorry Kimi, I'm just used to dark colors. In the Mental Hospital the only thing we could wear was white or black. So I'am just not used to pink, thats all. Its really a .. lovely.. color." Kura smiled.
Kimi perked up a little after that. "Oh its okay dear no worries, but you better hurry or youll be late for school!"
"Yes of course." Kura ran upstairs and went to her room.
She rushed over to the closet and opened the door. The uniform was actually a decent color. It was black and blue. The shirt was half sleeves, solid black with blue lines down the sides, but the skirt...oh was short. She was disgusted by it. She took her clothes off, and jerked the uniform on. She ran down stairs and rushed out side hollering behind her. "Bye Kimi see you later!"
She rushed over to her motorcycle and hoped on putting her helment on. She cranked the motorcycle up and sped down towards school she flew into the parking lot and parked the motorcycle and jumped off. She began to run towards school, but forgot she had her helment on still so she ran back to the motorcycle took it off and ran back towards the school.
She ran up the huge steps, and ran down the hallway towards the conselours office.
"Miss!! Miss!! Stop running in the halls!!" Some lady screamed behind her.
She came to a sudden stop and looked behind her.
"Sorry, I'm knew." Kura said.
"Oh you must be Kura, I am Ms.Truss, the councilor."
"Oh, please to meet you Ms. Truss."Kura said politely.
"Let me take you to your first class and introduce you." Ms.Truss said.
Kura looked at the womens features. She was a plump motherly type of woman. Her hair was up in a tight bun, and she was wearing a skirt down to her ankles. Kura wished her skirt was that long.
"Ms.Truss, must our skirts be this short, its rather..uncomfortable."Kura said with a sigh.
Ms.Truss laughed. "Dont worry, I am sure no one will notice. All of the girls skirts is that short. I mean it could be shorter it could be 7inches past the knee, but its only 4 inches. I am sorry if the uniforms are uncomfortable."
"Its okay, I will manage I suppose." Kura smiled.
"Well here is your first class. Its with Mr.Rodgers, there is only 10 other students that take this class. They are all 18 like you, and they didnt pass this class in 10th grade. But all your other classes you will have around 40-70 students."
"40 to 70 students!!"Kura exclaimed.
"Dont worry, you'll do fine." Ms. Truss said with a smile.
Ms.Truss and Kura entered the class room. Kura gulped a little bashful.
"Class this is our transfer student,Kura Ching, from Hong Kong. She speaks perfect english befor any of you ask. Any questions?" Ms.Truss said.
No one raised there hands. Kura finally relaxed and breathed.
"You can sit right there in the back, Ms. Ching." Mr. Rodgers said.
She walked to the very back of the class and sat down. Looking at Mr.Rodgers. He was a very old man, by the looks of him. He had a grey mustache, and big huge glasses. And he was bald.
"Incase no one told you, I teach art. I expect A's in my class and nothing lower than a B+. You will need paper, pencil, colored pencils, markers, glue, siccors, oil paints, paint brushes, blank canvas's, a camera, and art pencils for my class. You must have these untensils in 3 days. If you fail to show up with out them then you will get 2 0's. Is that understood Ms. Ching."
"Yeah."Kura said hating the man already.
"Ms.Ching, you probably wasnt taught manners by your parents, but its a yes sir or no sir in my class room."
"I guess your right..Mr. Rodgers. I wasnt taught manners by my parents..seeing how they died." Kura said furiously.
"Well, now..thats not my problem."Mr.Rodgers said coldly.
Kura just rolled her eyes and keeped her mouth shut.
"Anyways back to the lesson." Mr.Rodgers said in a happy tone.
Kura paid him no attention. She looked around the class room. It wasnt well lit, and very small, barely fitting the 10 desks. There was only one window and the shades were down. There was 7 guys and only 2 other girls. Kura inspected the guys out one by one. 'ugly...eww hideous!...gross..eats his own boogars EWW...foogly little boogar....and...yet again nasty.' Kura sighed. She looked over at the girls, sitting beside each other. Obviously friends by the way the whispered and giggled. They were about Kuras size, one with short blonde hair the other with medium red hair. The red hairedo ne wore glasses. Their skirts WAS as short as hers. 'I wonder if they feel as uncomfortable as I do' Kura thought and sighed and turned away.
The bell rang to change classes. She jumped up from her desk and rushed out of the door to bet the crowd.
"Kura!! Hey Kura!!" Someone yelled behind her.
Kura frowned and turned around to see those two girls.
"Hey, My name is lindsey, and this is Ray." The blonde haired one said with a smile.
"We have the same classes as you do, and we figured you might need a little guidence to your next class." The red haired one named Ray said.
"Uhm..sure I suppose." Kura said and followed Ray and Lindsey.
"You can just call me Lin!" Lindsey said.
"Okay" Kura said.
Kura finished 5 other periods, and it was finally lunch time.
"You can sit with us at the lunch table Kura." Ray said with a smile.
"Okay, that would be great." Kura said returning the smile.
They got their lunches and all sat down at the table eating.
"So, do you drive yourself to school Kura."Ray asked.
"Yeah, I drive a motorcycle." Kura said.
"Oh you mean that black one!" Lin said.
"Yeah thats the one." Kura said with a smile. "Why..?"
"No one here drives motorcycles, they all have cars basically. So I saw the odd thing out there. It is totally awesome!!" Lin said.
"Uhm..Thanks" Kura said.
"Well the good thing about having lunch at the end of the day is that you can leave right after you eat!" Ray said.
"Oh thank goodness..I am literally tired. It has been a strange day." Kura said.
"Yeah most first days are." Ray said.
"Well I guess I am going to go you guys. Nice meeting you, and see you monday." Kura said getting up to leave.
"Hey wait heres my phone number!"Lin said.
"And mine!" Ray said.
"Call use sometime over the weekend and we can get together over a smoothie and go shopping or something." Lin said.
"That sounds fun!" Ray said.
"I will you guys. Bye see you later." Kura said with a smile and left.
Kura hoped on her motorcycle and left the hideous school behind filled with its freaks and weirdos. She arrived at Kimis and got off her bike.
She walked through the door and yelled. "KIMI IM BACK!!"
"Hey dear, welcome home!"Kimi said with a smile.
Kura thought 'home..' and sighed.
"I am going to go take a nap it has been a long day." Kura said with a yawn.
"Okay dear." Kimi said and walked off.
Kura walked upstairs and entered her bed room. She sat on her bed and sighed. There in the confines of her room, where no one could see she cried. "I miss you mom..and dad.." She said between sobs.
Something started to glow in her room. She wiped her eyes, and looked around to figure out what was glowing. She find where it was comming from. It was in the moutain of stuff animals. She flung animals everywhere, and there amongst the stuff animals was a pink jewel glowing.
Kura heard a faint whisper 'O..choosen one....the other world is in is in need of your the other world...its in grave danger...'
Kura frowned a little frightened and lost by what the voice had said. She picked the jewel up and looked into it.
Kura fainted on the floor, by an overwhelming power entering her.
2 be continued..
Yeap I have wrote a lot today.. Sorry if it seems boring! But when she goes into the other world it will get MUCH MUCH better hehehehee ^___^. Well anyways please comment! I am going to go now and watch a movie ^-^ heehee. Take care yawl! |
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
hm..funny comic strip..
Comments (4) |
..ahem..You can fall from the sky, you can fall from a tree, but the best place to fall is in love with me..hah just joking ^o^
Well not many people come to my site to read my story, but I am going to still write it anyways I guess...*sighs* -_-.
Well anyways heres a picture of Sakura-Chan,and Lei from the series and movie Card Captors. Either next week or the week after that I will change my theme[[Most Likely, Ah! My goddess]]. The music on my page is also from card captors, found at its a site totally dedicated to Card Captors ^-^!
Mysterious Dream
As Kura laid that asleep, the only time she is innocent, a sacred jewel began to glow. It glew like a midnight full moon. Kura's peaceful dreams, turned into something mysterious.
She awoke to the feel of hard earth underneath her. She opened her eyes, and there was all sorts of strange plants surrounding her.
She rubbed her head and got up to her feet.
"Hello, anyone there?" She asked. Feeling someones eyes upon her.
She heard a rustle in the bushes and the most strangest creature appeared. It has long black wings, its body looked to be of a wolf, its eyes was aqua blue, its teeth sharp as knives, and its fur was fluffy.
She tensed up a little frightened.
"Don't be scared, I am not here to harm you, just to warn you of the jewel."
"Y-you can s-speak!?" Kura stuttered.
"Well of course!" The creature exclaimed. "My name is Darron, and I'am here to warn you of the jewel. Do not touch it. There is two of them. A black one and a pink one. The black one is full of evil, the pin full of light. They are dangerous, and have powers unknown, and to powerful for any mere human to control. So do not..I repeart..DO NOT wear them. Unless you want to die."
"What are you talking about!?" Kura asked frustrated, not knowing what the creature named Darron was talking of.
"You will soon find out young one. For if you are the one the jewel will call your name. Only then must you touch it. Now I must go. Until we meet again..that is..if we meet again."
The creature took flight and was gone.
Kura stared off until she couldn't see Darron no more.
Kura closed her eyes, and awoke in kimis daughters room.
"How strange.."Kura said and looked at her clock. "Oh shit! Its almost time for school." She really didn't wont to go, she missed 2 years of school since she was in the hospital. She knew she would be ridiculed by the other 10th graders, because she was 18 in 10th grade. She sighed and got out of bed.
I have a headache, so I am going to stop now. I hope yawl are enjoying my story. And I almost have a 100 hits!! I have 96 right now ^__^ [is happy]. My mom and sister is making home made ice cream..YAY!!! Well, I am going to go comment on pplz sites. Take care! |
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Friday, June 24, 2005
Back home..wooo..Being frustrated and stressed out by little bitches and ass holes...excuse my cussing oO
Anyways back to the those who just came by read my post below so you can catch up on the story im writing..
~A New home~
Kura walked up to the huge victorian house. She thought it strange that such a beautiful house be located in such a big city as New York, but paid it little attention. She walked up the steps and rang the door bell. It chimed throughout the whole house, she stood there waiting, and heard a woman yell.
"Comming, just one minute"
She heard footsteps approaching the door. Kura stood up straight and fixed her hair.
"Well hello there my dear, you must be Kura!!" The woman hugged Kura. Kura tensed up not liking to be touched. "My name is Kimi. Let me show you to your room hon."
Kura only nodded, and followed the kind woman up the stairs.
"This use to be my dauthers room. She was really into pink, so I hope you dont mind." Kimi said with a smile.
"I'm sure its fine Ms. Kimi." Kura said, but inside groaning, because she hated pink, she only liked dark colors. As anyone could tell by her clothes. She only wore black and dark red.
"Well here it is dearie." Kimi said opening the bed room door.
Kura look around the room. It was actually rather big, with its own bath room, a canopy bed, a love seat and coffee table, a book shelf, entertaintment center, and a walk in closet, and 2 chester drawers. But oh god at all the pink!
"Its very lovely Ms. Kimi, thank you for having me." Kura said and curstey.
Kimi frowned."Kura you can call me Kimi, I am your friend, your aunt. I am not a queen, there is no sense in bowing before me. Just be yourself. Past gas, burp, what ever just like I was"
Kura glared at Kimi and Kimi knew she said the wrong thing.
"I am so so.."
"Please could you just leave, I need my rest." Kura said, trying to sound as sweet as possible.
"Yes of course dear. My room is just 3 doors down if you need me. Supper will be ready at 8pm. And..if you need anything at all just ring the bell and a maid will be with you if I cant help."
Kura nodded and Kimi left. Kura put her bags down beside the entertainment center and laid on the canopy bed, slowely drifting off to sleep.
Please comment and tell me if you like it, and maybe suggest what should happen next? Thanks!! |
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