Lone Vampiress
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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I am sleeeeepy :(!

I am so very sleepy *yawns*!
Well yesterday was the first day of school after a long break. It was VERY tiring. I almost died. *not really* WELL nothing much happened except one of my friends gave me a demo CD of him and his friends band. They sound pretty good. I will put up a link to their Music Myspace so yawl can listen to their songs. It takes awhile to download. And today I will most likely be posting me singing on my Music Myspace. I will give yawl the link and yawl can tell me what yawl think. Which I think I could be better. *practice makes perfect ^-^!*
Senior prom is March 10th =(. I wish it was later. I dont have much time to pay off a dress. I hope I do though.
Well I hope you all have a great day:)!
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Monday, November 27, 2006
School :( nooooooo!!!!! :'( *cries* THANKS GOD I AM A SENIOR!!..just got college..heehe

Look at the picture today, isnt it sooo cute :)!? already! How depressing :(. Oh well at least I had a very enjoyable week, especialy since I got to see my sister :D! me happy.
Well I know they are going to cram us these few weeks with tests and all that. -__-' uhmmphh..this sucks! But we are out from Dec.19th to Jan.3rd!!! So thats great :). I cant wait hehehe.
This comic, by the way, is rated PG-13. So only view it if you will NOT get offended.
Q:Whats your Winter Break Plans? *if you dont get a break what is your plans for your christmas break* (if you dont get a christmas break..then your just crazy!)
A:Some more shopping, lots of wrapping, being with my family and boy friend. And having a great time over-all!
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Saturday, November 25, 2006
Saturday...break is almost over :'(!

Well I had a great time shopping on "black friday" I have almost everyones gifts. There was so many sales and I went to so many stores..*i am a shopper* poor boyfriend, sister, and mom, could hardly keep up. But it was great!
I woke up at 1:20pm..I haven't slept so long in a very long time. It feels..bittersweet. I feel like crap, then again I dont. Its weird I suppose.
I watched Hildago last night. That is such a wonderful movie. So sweet...ahh..I love horses!
Well break is over in 2 days..*begins to cry*..nooo. Oh well Winter break is just a few weeks away. YAY!!
And my 18th birthday is in 21 days. CANT WAIT!
Sorry so long.
Q-How many days till your birthday? and how old will ya be?
A-21 days and 18 years old!
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Friday, November 24, 2006
Gobble gobble goo and gobble gobble giggle HAPPY THANKSGIVING YALL!

Every year I love to hear the Thanksgiving song by Adam Sandler. Do any of you know what I am talking about? OMG it is HILARIOUS!
Joke of the year: Thank God the Indians didnt kill a cat for Thanksgiving or we all will be eating pu$$y instead of turkey! *i know its nasty and dirty, but its funny too!*
I had a good year this year. I baked a Strawberry cake and Strawberry cupcakes and Red Vevelt cake and 2 strawberry cheesecakes. *I went strawberry crazy* And went to my G-mas and ate. I dont eat turkey, so I ate potato salad and cole-slaw. And some sweets of course.
How was yall's thanksgiving?
Well I made a music myspace. I will post the URL when I am done with it. I am going to record me singing and post it. It wont have music to it for a LONG time though. So I hope you all will check it out and let me know what yall think!
Other than 2am in the morning I am leaving to go AFTER THANKSGIVING SALE SHOPPING!! YAY!! hehehe :)
Sorry So Long!!!
Q:Fav. food on Thanksgiving? *if you dont celebrate T-giving whats your fav food?*
....*looks around*.....POOFY!!! o.O! |
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Monday, November 20, 2006
Today is Monday Tomorrow is the last day and we are off for Thanksgiving!

Well today is monday and I am hyper. Tomorrow is the last day we have to go this week. And then..THANKSGIVING AND AFTER THANKSGIVING SALES!! When Anime and Manga drop down to buyable prices. YAY!! Well the doctor can not see me until January 1st. But he prescribed me water pills under my moms name to help me loose weight. I took one saturday night and I peed like every 10minutes literally.And I started to fell the side-affects: Headache, dizziness, blurry vision, and faintness. It was bad, but I will suffer to loose weight!!
Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!!
Q:Favorite Holiday?
A:Christmas and Valentines day!
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Friday, November 17, 2006
sooooo sleepy!
My Mommas Kurfew
Well my mom went with her sisters out to a birthday dinner for her deaf sister Shirlean. She left about 5pm, or some where around there. Well I waited for her and waited for her. Until finally at almost 12am she appears. And I say "Now old lady you missed your kurfew, YOUR GROUNDED." and she looks at me like I am all kinds of stupid and rolls her eyes. Then I say "Dont roll your eyes at me old lady" And finally she tells me to shut up and sluggishly stalks off to bed. Hahaha to me it was hilarious!
Well I am about to head off to the doctors. But I have to go by school and drop off some homework for my teacher and my contest entries for this thingy for Arley Womens Club. I get 60points in english class for it. YAY!!
Hope you all have a wonderful day and weekend!
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Thursday, November 16, 2006
Today Is Thursday! ONE MORE DAY!
Yay I am so happy! Tomorrow is Friday and that means I dont have to go to school cause I am going to see the doctor about my weight and seizures. WOOO HOOO! Also I am going to Mississippi, to watch Bo's Sis in a Beauty Pageant. I cant wait!! Cause they have a HUGE mall. hehehe. Other than that I dont have much planned, except for doing something on Saturday for Bo and Mines anniversary :D hehe almost a year.
bye |
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Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Wednesday..yay almost friday!

Well yesterday I couldn't post because Marlena and I was taking pictures at the blood drive at school. The pictures are now on the school's page. So thats awesome. My weekend plans are jammed pack. Next month on the 17th Bo and I will be together for a solid year :). I find that amazing and simply wonderful!
Well not much to say other than today is rainy and stormy and I am hoping to get out earlier for really bad weather. hehe.
Q: Whose your favorite Author/s?
A:Kate Constable, Anne Rice, J.K. Rowling, and Stephen Meyer.
Currently I am reading The Waterless Sea, the second of Singer of all Songs.
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Monday, November 13, 2006
Dreadful Mondays

You know what I realized. Non of my friends are true friends. The only true friend that I did have is in Louisanna. I realized I do not like any of the friends I have. And frankly I can not wait to graduate and never see them again. The only person I care about is my boyfriend. And he is always there unlike my friends.
Well today is beginning to be boring. Dont know if it'll get better. But I am hoping that it does. I can not wait to after thanksgiving. The best day to go shopping!
Q: Do you care if you have friends or not?
A: No I really dont care. I dont really have friends thats worth anything anyways.
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
Thursday..3 Day Weekend..YAY!

Well last night I had a attack of some kind. I dont really know what it was...My eyes rolled in the back of my tongue kinda came out and my back clenched up and it felt as though my lungs was getting any air. I had to gasp for breath. It hurt my though my back got shocked..but I didnt get shocked..So it was really weird. It only lasted for 10 seconds at the most, but it seemed so much longer. Bo was scared half to death. He thought I had a small Seizure. I dont know but everyone wants me to go to the doctor and I am scared. I dont even remember much of yesterday either. I was so scared all I did was cry..until I fell asleep. Thats one thing that I was really scared about and still am..dieing in my sleep.
Well I am going to have a great weekend, and I hope all of you do as well. Maybe I wont die..hopefully. *sighs*
Q: Have you ever read Twilight and New Moon by Stephenie Meyer?
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